Charting the Novel-verse


Back in Dec. '08, I started a thread called "What you have to read before Articles of the Federation and Destiny" which was an attempt to list out all of the books that are consistent with the Pocket Books Trek universe. This list is longer than that list...

By consistent, I mean by sharing characters, events or situations. I know that there are some inconsistencies of events and characters in the list, Ogawa's child's gender and the fate of her husband from Genesis Wave to Titan, for example. Such is life in a shared universe. Absolute consistency is impossible in a constantly evolving shared universe, so I go more for the intent of consistency, than the actual success of it.:p

In cases like these, I assume that while we may see an event such as the Genesis disaster in one separate "Myriad Universe" where Ogawa's life turned out one way, a near identical event happened in the "standard" universe as well, where Ogawa's life turned just a little differently.

For the five series based on the televised Trek, I sought out a "core continuity", books that were released with novel-to-novel consistency in mind. Largely this would be where that series serialized story-telling began. From there, I included other books that cross-referenced into that series by way of characters, events, places and situations.

For the lit-only series, I included that series run of books, and noted where it crossed over into the larger lit-line.

I was going to mine through the various author's annotations for every bit of continuity gold I could find, but this project has taken up a lot more time than I thought it would, and I have to sleep sometime.;) Instead, I provided links to author annotations.

This list is not meant to be definitive or comprehensive. Many of the books herein just don't quite fit in the Trek universe anymore, and if you don't want a book here in your "personal continuity", then so be it.

I also know that there are connections that I missed, forgot about or just plain never knew about. I hope that anyone discovers or knows about a book that should be on here, that they post it here in this thread, and that this list can be updated annually or so.

I would like to thank the people who responded in the original thread with info that I incorporated here.

Steve Mollmann

Update 4/21/11:
I would like to thank the following people who posted in this thread and in the The Continuity Of Days Gone By thread who contributed to the first update.

Greg Cox

Also, I have quotes from the original thread from Sci and Mr. Mollmann peppered throughout.

And a special "thank you" to the TrekLit forums helpful moderators:


Onward. By series...
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TOS "core continuity" is a little harder to define as there has never been a serialized approach taken to the series. Below are books or series that were released with direct links to the larger book continuity.

New Earth

The New Earth concept was created Diane Carey and John Ordover and crossed into the Gateways event that spanned the Trek lit line.
  • Wagon Train to the Stars (Diane Carey)
  • Belle Terre (Dean Wesley Smith with Diane Carey)
  • Rough Trails (L.A. Graf)
  • The Flaming Arrow (Kathy Oltion and Jerry Oltion)
  • Thin Air (Kristine Kathryn Rusch and Dean Wesley Smith)
  • Challenger (Diane Carey)
  • Gateways: Chainmail and the novella "Exodus" from Gateways book seven: What Lay Beyond (Diane Carey)

Greg Cox

Five books by Greg Cox that tie themselves together through the use of Gary Seven, Khan, and Shaun Christopher. They are all tied to the larger novelverse through the use of the flag for Khan established in the novel Section 31: Abyss, a part of the post-finale DS9 series. (Although the depiction of the Tal Shiar in Assignment Eternity differs somewhat from the depiction in the "Vulcan's Noun" series.)
  • Assignment Eternity
  • The Eugenics Wars: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonian Singh, Volume 1
  • The Eugenics Wars: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonian Singh, Volume 2
  • To Reign in Hell: The Exile of Khan Noonian Singh
  • The Rings of Time
Cox referenced "The Aliens Are Coming" by Dayton Ward from Strange New Worlds III and the backstory for Ralph Offenhouse established in TNG: Debtor's Planet in The Eugenics Wars. Cox took the name of Gary Seven's benefactors, "The Aegis", from DC Comics 2nd TOS series written by Howard Weinstein.

Errand of... by Kevin Ryan

These are included as they incorporate the Palais de la Concorde, the seat of Federation government created for the larger novelverse, and events from this series were alluded to in the Vanguard book Open Secrets. However, according to author Kevin Ryan, the character Karel of the House of Gorkon was supposed to be the Gorkon of Star Trek VI (although he is never explicitly identified as such), which is inconsistent with the character's appearance in Vanguard. YMMV.

Errand of Vengeance
  • The Edge of the Sword
  • Killing Blow
  • River of Blood
Errand of Fury
  • Seeds of Rage
  • Demands of Honor
  • Sacrifices of War
"Vulcan's Noun" (by Josepha Sherman and Susan Shwartz)

This series takes Spock from the end of the TOS movie era into the TNG movie era. The final book in the series included an appearance by Christine Vale, a character created in the SCE series, then used in the TNG A Time to... series, before finding home in the Titan series. Also seen (or mentioned?) is Federation President Min Zife, originally seen in the A Time to... books A Time to Kill and A Time to Heal by David Mack.

Also referred to, with modifications necessitated by later canon, were characters and situations established in "Rihannsu-verse" books (See below).

Events from Vulcan's Heart were mentioned in The Lost Era novel The Art of the Impossible, Articles of the Federation, and Titan: Taking Wing.
  • Vulcan's Forge
  • Vulcan's Heart
Vulcan's Soul
  • Exodus
  • Exiles
  • Epiphany
Section 31: Cloak by S. D. Perry was a part of the Section 31 mini that crossed over into the post-finale DS9 books. Cloak established the anti-31 cabal of Starfleet officers that Elias Vaughn of the DS9 novels is a member.

Gateways book one: One Small Step and the novella "One Giant Leap" from Gateways book seven: What Lay Beyond by Susan Wright were a part of the Gateways event that spanned the lit line.

Ex Machina by Christopher L. Bennett used the Andorian naming convention established in the post-finale DS9 books and made a brief mention of events from the novel Section 31: Cloak. Ex Machina also refers to Sulu's backstory as established in The Kobayashi Maru by Julia Ecklar and elements of the Star Trek: The Motion Picture novelization by Gene Roddenberry (although the novelization itself differs from later established canon). It also establishes Willard Decker's multi-species crew experiment later referred to in the Titan series and is consistent with The Captain's Daughter and "Night Whispers" from Enterprise Logs.

Forged In Fire (By Martin and Mangels) and Sulu's role in it was foreshadowed in the Lost Era's Serpents Among The Ruins by David R. George III.

A Choice of Catastrophes (forthcoming) by Steve Mollmann and Michael Shuster

Cast No Shadows by James Swallow features Elias Vaughn from the post-finale DS9 lit.

Forgotten History by Christopher L. Bennett is consistent with his Star Trek: Department of Temporal Investigations: Watching the Clock novel.

Constellations anthology-- The story "Devices and Desires" was referenced in TNG: Before Dishonor.
  • Introduction by David Gerrold
  • "First, Do No Harm" by Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore
  • "The Landing Party" by Robert Greenberger
  • "Official Record" by Howard Weinstein
  • "Fracture" by Jeff Bond
  • "Chaotic Response" by Stuart Moore
  • "As Others See Us" by Christopher L. Bennett
  • "See No Evil" by Jill Sherwin
  • "The Leader" by Dave Galanter
  • "Ambition" by William Leisner
  • "Devices and Desires" by Kevin Lauderdale
  • "Where Everybody Knows Your Name" by Jeffrey Lang
  • "Make-Believe" by Allyn Gibson
Mere Anarchy compilation
  • Things Fall Apart by Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore
  • The Centre Cannot Hold by Mike W. Barr
  • Shadows of the Indignant by Dave Galanter
  • The Darkness Drops Again by Christopher L. Bennett
  • The Blood-Dimmed Tide by Howard Weinstein
  • It's Hour Come 'Round by Margaret Wander Bonnano
Christopher L. Bennett's annotations for Ex Machina...
...Mere Anarchy: The Darkness Drops Again...
...and "As Others See Us" from Constellations.

Captain Pike

The following books about Captain Christopher Pike are all largely consistent with each other, and have tenuous ties to the novelverse
  • Vulcan's Glory by D.C. Fontana
  • The Rift by Peter David (which also includes the original security team of Meyers and Boyajin, who appeared in PAD's TOS comics and were mentioned in Strike Zone. )
  • Legacy by Michael Jan Friedman
Burning Dreams by Margaret Wander Bonanno, while not inconsistent with the above books, still followed it's own path. It was consistent with the relationship established between Spock and Saavik in Vulcan's Heart, and included the character of Moves-With-Burning-Grace from the Marvel Early Voyages comic and the SCE series. Also mentioned was the Palais de la Concorde, the Federation seat of power established for the lit.

Enterprise: The First Adventure by Vonda McIntyre is referenced in multiple novels, particularly in the "Rihannsu-verse"

The Final Reflection by John M. Ford-- the book within the book was named as a favorite of Worf's in the DS9 short story "Broken Oaths" by Keith R. A. DeCandido in the DS9 anthology Prophecy and Change. Articles of the Federation established the the Klingon game of klin'zha, established in TFR, is still a popular game in the Empire. The Kinshaya, recent member of the Typhon Pact, were established in TFR. Klingon Imperial Intelligence as developed was established in TFR. The IKS Gorkon series established that Klingons still enjoy watching holo-vids of "Battle Cruiser Vengenance", as established in TFR. The Withiki from TFR were mentioned in the SCE tale The Future Begins.

Strangers From the Sky by Margaret Wander Bonanno makes reference to The Final Reflection.

The Pandora Principle by Carolyn Crowes established the background for Saavik that was later used for the character in other works, including Unspoken Truth by Margaret Wander Bonanno.

Twilight's End by Jerry Oltion was referenced in SCE's Ishtar Rising.

Unspoken Truth by Margaret Wander Bonanno utilized the background established for Saavik in The Pandora Principle.

The Captain's Daughter by Peter David established the backstories for Demora Sulu and John Harriman that were later used in the Lost Era novel Serpents Among the Ruins. The Captain's Daughter is consistent with PAD's short story "Shakedown" from the anthology Enterprise Logs.

In The Name of Honor by Dayton Ward established Chancellor Kesh, who served as Klingon Chancellor before Gorkon. One of the Chancellor-class vessels of the IKS Gorkon series was named after Kesh. However, like the Errand of... series, the depiction of Gorkon herein is not consistent with what has been established in the Vanguard series.

The Brave and the Bold book one, "The First Artifact" is part of the same story that includes segments set in both the DS9 and Gorkon continuities.

The Last Round-up by Christie Golden established the Huanni, a race later used by Golden in her post-finale Voyager books.

SCE-- The Future Begins
While The Future Begins By Steve Mollmann and Michael Schuster is a tale of the SCE, it focuses on Scotty, trying to tell his life story while including many of his novel appearances. For a full accounting of this book's crossovers, see the SCE page.

TOS novels and short stories referenced in The Future Begins (with thanks to Steve Mollmann):

  • Engines of Destiny by Gene DeWeese
  • The Kobayashi Maru by Julia Ecklar
  • Traitor Winds by L.A. Graf
  • Home is the Hunter by Dana Kramer-Rolls
  • Dyson Sphere by Charles Pellegrino and George Zebrowski
  • Crisis on Centaurus by Brad Ferguson
Short Stories
  • "Dorians Diary" by G. Wood in Strange New Worlds III
  • "Ancient History" by Robert J. Mendenhall in Strange New Worlds IV
  • "Bum Radish: Five Spins on a Turquoise Reindeer" by T. G. Theodore in Strange New Worlds IV
  • "Full Circle" by Scott Pearson in Strange New Worlds VII
  • "Out of Time" (DC's 1994 TNG special)
  • "Old Debts" (DC's 1995 TNG special)
The Rihannsu-verse

The history of the Romulans used in the Vulcan's Soul trilogy, was largely based (with significant modification to accomodate later established canon) on the history created by Diane Duane in her book The Romulan Way. Duane wrote a whole series of books utilizing her "Lower Decks" crewmen who appeared in other books by other authors of the era, creating a loose continuity of their own.
Several aspects of the "Rihannsu-verse" clash with later canon, including the depiction of Remus, the Romulan political structure and aspects of the Federation government.

Diane Duane (with Peter Morwood)
All of Duane's TOS books included at least one of her distinctive Enterprise crew members including Harb Tanzer, Naraht the Horta, Janice Kersarus or Lia Burke.
  • The Wounded Sky
  • My Enemy, My Ally
  • The Romulan Way (with Peter Morwood, Duane's husband)
  • Swordhunt
  • Honor Blade
  • The Empty Chair
  • Spock's World
  • Doctor's Orders
  • Rules of Engagement (by Peter Morwood)
Diane Carey- Fortunes of War
Events from Diane Carey's books following Enterprise crewman Piper and an attempted coup by Vice-Admiral Rittenhouse and it's aftermath were later brought up in The Lost Years ("The Rittenhouse scandal") as the reason for Kirk's promotion to Admiral.
  • Dreadnought!
  • Battlestations!
J. M. Dillard and The Lost Years
J. M. Dillard wrote several novels with her own "Lower Decks" cast, and then wrote the first book of the Lost Years series. She incorporated elements from Spock's World and The Romulan Way into the tale, along with plot elements from Dreadnought! and her own characters. The following are written by Dillard except where noted otherwise.
  • Mindshadow
  • Demons
  • Bloodthirst
  • The Lost Years
  • Traitor Winds (by L. A. Graf)
  • A Flag Full of Stars (by Brad Ferguson)
  • Recovery
A.C. Crispen-- The Yesterday Saga
The second of A. C. Crispen's books about Zar, Spock's son with Zarabeth from All Our Yesterdays, featured a number of references to other books, including cameos from Diane Duane's Naraht the Horta and J.M. Dillard's Ingrit Tompson.
Yesterday Saga
  • Yesterday's Son
  • Time For Yesterday
Referenced in Time for Yesterday
  • The Entropy Effect by Vonda McIntyre
  • Enterprise: The First Adventure by Vonda McIntyre
  • Crisis On Centaurus by Brad Ferguson
  • Deep Domain By Howard Weinstein
  • The Vulcan Academy Murders by Jean Lorrah
  • The IDIC Epidemic, also by Jean Lorrah is connected as it is a direct sequel to The Vulcan Academy Murders. (Both books are also referred to in the Vanguard novel Precipice.)
The "Nexus trilogy"...

Ingrit Tompson from J.M. Dillard's books appears in "The Final Nexus".
  • The Abode of Life by Lee Corey
  • Chain of Attack by Gene DeWeese
  • The Final Nexus by Gene DeWese
Diane Carey's "George Kirk" duology
  • Final Frontier (used the "Rihannsu" model for the Romulans)
  • Best Destiny
"Though Hell Should Bar the Way" by Greg Cox from Enterprise Logs is consistent with these works.

Other books with "Rihannsu-verse" Connections:
  • Uhura's Song by Janet Kagan (utilizes McIntyre crewman "Snarl")
  • Shadow Lord by Lawrence Yep (references McIntyre's Sulu backstory)
  • How Much for Just the Planet? by John M. Ford (Utililized the Klinzhai model for Klingons established in The Final Reflection)
  • Dwellers in the Crucible by Margaret Wander Bonano(Utilizes Rihannsu and Klinzhai models for Romulans and Klingons)
  • Strangers from the Sky by Margaret Wander Bonano (mentioned in Spock's World)
  • Dreams of the Raven by Carmen Carter (Klinzhai model for Klingons)
  • Music of the Spheres-- by Margaret Wander Bonano (Unpublished but readily available novel by our own Garamet that utilized the Rihannsu model for Romulans. Contact her and she'll e-mail you a copy.)
It's worth noting that, even though it is no longer accurate to canon, many of the authors in the "Rihannsu" era would use the Star Trek Spaceflight Chronology written by Stan Goldstein, Fred Goldstein and Rick Sternback as a reference point in dating their books.
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TNG -- Core continuity
The A Time to... series was the beginning of the serialized approach to TNG story-telling. I start TNG's "core continuity" there...

The A Time to... series featured Lieutenant Christine Vale, who was created as Enterprise security chief in SCE: Belly of the Beast, and used consistently thereafter. A Time to Be Born/Die used the Androssi, a race also created for the SCE series. A Time to Love/Hate used the Riker/Troi backstory established in Imzadi.

  • A Time to Be Born by John Vornholt
  • A Time to Die by John Vornholt
  • A Time to Sow by Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore
  • A Time to Harvest by Dayton ward and Kevin Dilmore
  • A Time to Love by Robert Greenberger
  • A Time to Hate by Robert Greenberger
  • A Time to Kill by David Mack
  • A Time to Heal by David Mack
  • A Time for War, a Time for Peace by Keith R.A. DeCandido
Star Trek: Nemesis (motion picture)

  • Death in Winter by Michael Jan Friedman
  • Resistance by J.M. Dillard
  • Q & A by Keith R.A. DeCandido
  • Before Dishonor by Peter David
  • Greater Than The Sum By Christopher L. Bennett
Death in Winter followed up on several Stargazer characters. Q&A crossed over into the New Frontier, Titan and IKS Gorkon continuities as well as referencing every book featuring Q to date. Before Dishonor referenced the short story "Devices and Desires" by Kevin Lauderdale and also served as a sequel to Vendetta.

Destiny by David Mack

  • Gods of Night
  • Lost Souls
  • Mere Mortals
  • Losing The Peace By William Leisner
  • Typhon Pact: Paths of Disharmony by Dayton Ward
  • Indistinguishable From Magic By David A. McIntee
  • Typhon Pact: The Struggle Within by Christopher L. Bennett (e-book exclusive)
  • Typhon Pact: Brinksmanship by Una McCormack
  • Cold Equations by David Mack
    **The Persistance of Memory
    **Silent Weapons
    **The Body Electric
  • The Stuff of Dreams by James Swallow

Articles of the Federation by Keith R.A. DeCandido--
Included here as it continues the story of President Nanietta Bacco and her administration started in TNG's A Time for War, A Time for Peace.

Ship of the Line by Diane Carey established elements of Scotty's background that were later utilized in the SCE book, The Future Begins.

Section 31: Rogue by Michael A. Martin and Andy Mangels was part of the Section 31 mini that tied into the post-finale DS9 books and introduced the character of Ranul Keru, who would eventually make his way briefly into the DS9 fiction before finding a home in the Titan series.

Gateways book three: Doors Into Chaos and the novella "The Other Side" by Robert Greenberger from Gateways book Seven: What Lay Beyond crossed directly into the post-finale DS9 and New Frontier series while crossing over with the entire lit-line at the time.

Immortal Coil by Jeffrey Lang had a brief nod to the character of Ranul Keru, created for the Section 31 novel, Rogue, who later became a part of the crew of Titan. The Cold Equations trilogy by David Mack is a direct sequel to Immortal Coil.

The Battle of Betazed guest stars Elias Vaughn of the post-finale DS9 series. Certain events from this book are directly picked up in VOY: Old Wounds.

Diplomatic Implausibility by KRAD established the crew of the IKS Gorkon, who would later be the stars of their own short-lived series. It also foreshadowed events yet to come in the post-finale DS9 series.

The Brave and the Bold book two, The Final Artifact" also by KRAD, is a part of a story that connects to both the DS9 and Gorkon continuities.

The Buried Age by Christopher L. Bennett uses Q in a way that works with Q & A, and the Mabrae, a race established in TBA is later seen again in Christopher's Greater Than The Sum.

Debtor's Planet by W.R. Thompson. Backstory for Ralph Offenhouse utilized in The Eugenics Wars: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonian Singh.

Mere Anarchy collection
  • A Sea of Troubles by J. Steven York and Christina F. York
  • The Oppressor's Wrong by Phaedra M. Weldon
  • The Insolence of Office by William Leisner
  • That Sleep of Death by Terri Osbourne
  • A Weary Life by Robert Greenberger
  • Enterprises of Great Pitch and Moment by Keith R.A. DeCandido
The Sky's The Limit anthology

  • "Meet with Triumph and Disaster" by Michael Schuster & Steve Mollmann
  • "Acts of Compassion" by Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore
  • "Redshift" by Richard C. White
  • "Among the Clouds" by Scott Pearson
  • "Thinking of You" by Greg Cox
  • "Turncoats" by Susan Shwartz
  • "Ordinary Days" by James Swallow
  • "'Twould Ring the Bells of Heaven" by Amy Sisson
  • "Friends With the Sparrows" by Christopher L. Bennett
  • "Suicide Note" by Geoff Trowbridge
  • "Four Lights" by Keith R. A. DeCandido
  • "'Til Death" by Bob Ingersoll & Thom Zahler
  • "On the Spot" by David A. McIntee
  • "Trust Yourself When All Men Doubt You" by Michael Schuster & Steve Mollmann
Peter David
Peter David has managed to set threads of continuity throughout just about Star Trek book he has ever written. His TNG works include...
Strike Zone

  • PAD's first Trek novel ever laid a lot of ground and introduced a lot of plot elements that he would later revisit. The Selelvians would later become major players in New Frontier and the Kreel have most recently been mentioned as having been conquered by the Kinshaya, a race originally mentioned in John Ford's The Final Reflection and most recently, political players in the recently formed Typhon Pact as related in A Singular Destiny. This book also featured the first appearance the second generation security team of Meyers and Boyajin. This team would follow PAD into his DS9 book and into the New Frontier series.
  • The character of Kobry and the powerful Cognocenti were holdovers from PAD's original DC comics run on TOS at DC.
A Rock and a Hard Place

  • The character of Quentin Stone is mentioned by name by Katerina Mueller in the story "Performance Appraisal" in the New Frontier anthology No Limits.

  • This novel began the beginning of PAD's development of the character Elizabeth Shelby and her captain, Morgan Korsmo, that would become part of her New Frontier backstory. The character of Korsmo was mentioned in the first New Frontier book as the previous Captain of the Starship Excalibur, and Korsmo appeared in that capacity in the story "Making a Difference" in No Limits.
  • Several plot elements from Vendetta would later be picked up on in PAD's most recent TNG novel, Before Dishonor.
Imzadi and Imzadi 2: Triangle

  • The Riker/Troi backstory established in Imzadi would later be used in A Time to Love and A Time to Hate.
  • Imzadi 2 featured a cameo from Elizabeth Shelby in her role of first officer of the Excalibur under Korsmo.
PAD's Q novels were all mentioned in Q & A. A Riker from an alternate future would view scenes from Q-in-Law in the Guardian of Forever in Imzadi.
  • Q-in-Law
  • Q-Squared
  • I,Q (written with John DeLancie),
His Young Adult trilogy featuring Worf at Starfleet Academy introduced four characters that would all later become prominent players in the New Frontier series.

  • Worf's First Adventure
  • Line of Fire
  • Survival
Michael Jan Friedman
Three of MJF's TNG books are consistent with his Stargazer series in the depiction of the crew. MJF also used Stargazer character Gilaad Ben Zoma in one issue of his DC comics run.
  • Reunion
  • Requiem (with Kevin Ryan)
  • The Valiant
Crossover established elements of Scotty's background that were later used in the SCE story The Future Begins by Mollmann and Shuster.

Double Helix
A six part TNG mini-series conceived by MJF and editor John Ordover that crossed over into both his own Stargazer continuity and PAD's New Frontier series. The individual books were written by various authors.

  • Infection (John Gregory Betancourt)
  • Vectors (Dean Wesley Smith and Kristine Kathryn Rusch)
  • Red Sector (Diane Carey)
  • Quarantine (John Vornholt)
  • Double or Nothing (Peter David)
  • The First Virtue (MJF and Christie Golden)
Q-Continuum (by Greg Cox)
The events from this series were later mentioned in Q & A, and is consistant with New Frontier in regards to Selar's transfer to Excalibur and New Frontier (While being inconsistant with SCE and Sonya Gomez.)
  • Q-Space
  • Q-Zone
  • Q-Strike
Genesis Wave (by John Vornholt)
The catastrophic events and the diplomatic efforts of Alexander Rohzenko from this series were mentioned in Articles of the Federation. Alyssa Ogawa's family history as depicted here is inconsistent with her history in the Titan series.

  • Genesis Wave book one
  • Genesis Wave book two
  • Genesis Wave book three
  • Genesis Force
Gemworld (John Vornholt)
The backstory for Melora Pazlar and events from this novel were utilized in the Titan novel Taking Wing.

  • Gemworld book one
  • Gemworld book two
Maximum Warp (by Dave Galantar and Greg Broduer)
This duolgy featured a cameo from Tiris Jast, a character created for the post-finale DS9 novels.

  • Dark Zone
  • Forever Dark
Sequels to TOS books

  • Possession by J.M. Dillard and Kathleen O'Malley is a sequel to Dillard's TOS book Demons.
  • Intellivore by Diane Duane utilizes plot elements established by Duane in The Romulan Way.

Christopher L. Bennett's annotations for The Buried Age...
...and Greater Than the Sum.
William Leisner's annotations for Losing the Peace
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The post-Finale Deep Space Nine literature has the most intricate and complex continuity of all the Trek novel lines. To accommodate this, the core-novels will be listed as either part of the "Primary Core Continuity" or the "Secondary Core Continuity." The "Primary core continuity" is the "main" DS9 story, and the "secondary core continuity" are books and stories that aren't a part of the main story, but were released with deliberate connections to it.

Primary Core Continuity
  • Avatar book one by S.D. Perry
  • Avatar book two by S.D. Perry
  • Section 31: Rogue by Jeffrey Weddle and Jeffrey Lang
  • Gateways book four: Demons of Air and Darkness and the novella "Horn and Ivory" in Gateways book seven: What Lay Beyond by Keith R.A. DeCandido
Mission Gamma
  • Twilight by David R. George III
  • This Gray Spirit by Heather Jarman
  • Cathedral by Michael A. Martin and Andy Mangels
  • Lesser Evil by Robert Simpson
  • Rising Son by S.D. Perry
  • Unity by S.D. Perry
Worlds of Deep Space Nine
Volume One--
  • Cardassia by Una McCormack
  • Andor by Heather Jarman
Volume Two--
  • Trill by Michael A. Martin and Andy Mangels
  • Bajor by J. Noah Kim
Volume Three--
  • Ferenginar by Keith R. A. DeCandido
  • The Dominion by David R. George III
  • Warpath by David Mack
  • Fearful Symmetry by Olivia Woods
  • The Soul Key by Olivia Woods
  • Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts of Empire by David R. George III
  • Typhon Pact: Zero Sum Game by David Mack
  • Typhon Pact: Plagues of Night by David R. George III
  • Typhon Pact: Raise the Dawn by David R. George III
  • The Fall: (Final title unannounced) by David R. George III

Secondary Core Continuity
  • DS9: A Stitch in Time by Andrew J. Robinson (Referenced in Avatar. Established the post-holocaust Cardassian civilization and the Orallian Way)
  • The Left Hand of Destiny book one by J.G. Hertzler and Jeffrey Lang
  • The Left Hand of Destiny book two by J.G. Hertzler and Jeffrey Lang
  • Hollow Men by Una McCormack
  • The Never-Ending Sacrifice by Una McCormack
  • Typhon Pact: Paths of Disharmony by Dayton Ward
  • "Saturn's Children" (MU) from Obsidian Alliance by Sarah Shaw
Terok Nor
  • Day of the Vipers by James Swallow
  • Night of the Wolves by S.D. Perry and Britta Dennison
  • Dawn of the Eagles by S.D. Perry and Britta Dennison
The Lives of Dax -- While completely consistent with the post-finale fiction, the Audrid and Joran tales are of particular interest to the DS9 series as a whole. It should also noted that the character T'Pau in the Lela tale can not possibly be the T'Pau from TOS and ENT due to inconsistencies with her age.
  • Ezri: "Second star to the right...", by Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens
  • Lela: "First Steps", by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
  • Tobin: "Dead Man's Hand", by Jeffrey Lang
  • Emony: "Old Souls", by Michael Jan Friedman
  • Audrid: "Sins of the Mother", by S.D. Perry
  • Torias: "Infinity", by Susan Wright
  • Joran: "Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor", by S.D. Perry and Robert Simpson
  • Curzon: "The Music Between the Notes" by Steven Barnes
  • Jadzia: "Reflections", by L.A. Graf
  • Ezri: "... and straight on 'til morning", by Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens
Prophecy and Change

  • Introduction, by Terry J. Erdmann and Paula M. Block
  • "Revisited, Part One", by Anonymous
  • "Ha'mara", by Kevin G. Summers
  • "The Orb of Opportunity", by Michael A. Martin & Andy Mangels
  • "Broken Oaths", by Keith R.A. DeCandido
  • "... Loved I Not Honor More", by Christopher L. Bennett
  • "Three Sides to Every Story", by Terri Osborne
  • "The Devil You Know", by Heather Jarman
  • "Foundlings", by Jeffrey Lang
  • "Chiaroscuro", by Geoffrey Thorne
  • "Face Value", by Una McCormack
  • "The Calling", by Andrew J. Robinson
  • "Revisited, Part Two", by Anonymous
Christopher L. Bennett's annotations for "...Loved I Not Honor More"

Tales of the Dominion War (various) ed. by Keith R.A. DeCandido

Tales from the Captain's Table "The Officer's Table" by Heather Jarman
Obsidian Alliances MU: "Saturn's Children" by Sarah Shaw
  • N-Vector by K.W. Jeter
  • Divided We Fall by David Mack and John Ordover
  • Connected
  • Pre-"relaunch" DS9 novels whose events have been acknowledged in one of the "core continuities" and stories from other series that connect to the DS9 continuity.
  • TNG: Double Helix: Vectors by Dean Wesley Smith and Kathryn Kristine Rusch (Character referenced in Terok Nor: Dawn of the Eagles)
  • SCE: Cold Fusion by Keith R. A. DeCandido (Features Nog, takes place in between Avatar and Section 31: Rogue)
  • The Gateways series crossed over through the entire Trek lit line.
  • DS9: The 34th Rule by David R. George III (Referenced in Mission Gamma:Twilight)
  • The Brave and the Bold book two by Keith R.A. DeCandido (Features Kira and a cameo by Vaughn)
  • SCE: Malefictorm by Terri Osborne (Kira, Ro, Quark, Treir)
  • SCE: Lost Time by Ilsa J. Bick (Kira, Vaughn, Ro)
  • SCE: Wounds book one by Ilsa J. Bick (Bashir)
  • SCE: Wounds book two by Ilsa J. Bick (Bashir)
  • The Destiny trilogy by David Mack
  • A Singular Destiny by Keith R. A. DeCandido
  • "Reservoir Ferengi" from Seven Deadly Sins by David A. McIntee
  • Indistinguishable From Magic by David A. McIntee
  • "A Terrible Beauty" (MU) from Shards and Shadows by Jim Johnson
  • "Freedom Angst" (MU) from Seven Deadly Sins by Britta Burdett Dennison
  • "Seeds of Dissent" (MyU) from Infinity's Prism by James Swallow
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As with the DS9 books, I'll start the "core continuities" for Voyager and Enterprise with the beginning of the post-finale adventures and serialized storytelling, and factor in connections below.
Core Continuity

Christie Golden wrote the first four post-finale novels. She crossed Old Wounds into TNG: The Battle of Betazed.
  • Homecoming
  • The Farther shore
Spirit Walk
  • Old Wounds
  • Enemy of My Enemy
The series was then continued by author Kirsten Beyer. Full Circle contains scenes with Tuvok on the Titan and crosses over with the Destiny trilogy. Full Circle also references the short story "Isabo's Shirt" by Beyer from the anthology Distant Shores.
  • Full Circle
  • Unworthy
  • Children of the Storm
  • The Eternal Tide
  • Unnamed Beyer book


Christie Golden

Christie Golden wrote several Voyager novels before her post-finale works. They were all internally consistent with one another and included the character Lyssa Campbell, a character that Golden brought into the post-finale "core" books. She also wrote the Voyager entry for the Gateways crossover that spanned the lit line.
  • The Murdered Sun
  • Marooned
  • Seven of Nine
  • Gateways book five: No Man's Land and the novella "In The Queue" from Gateways book seven: What Lay Beyond
Dark Matters
  • Cloak and Dagger
  • Ghost Dance
  • Shadow of Heaven
String Theory
A trilogy of novels taking place during the series run that was referenced in Q&A by Keith R. A. DeCandido.
  • Cohesion by Jeffrey Lang
  • Fusion by Kirsten Beyer
  • Evolution by Heather Jarman
  • TNG: Double Helix book four Quarantine by John Vornholt is essentially a Voyager tale. The Double Helix storyline crossed over directly with the New Frontier series and Stargazer continuities.
  • Section 31: Shadow by Dean Wesley Smith and Kathryn Kristine Rusch was part of the Section 31 mini that spanned the lit-line.
  • The Badlands duology by Susan Wright features a Voyager tale set in the novel continuity.
  • The Brave and the Bold book two features a Voyager tale. the BatB ties directly into the post-finale DS9 books and the IKS Gorkon series.
  • Tales From the Captains Table featured the Captain Chakotay short story "Seduced" by Christie Golden.
  • A Time for War, A Time for Peace by Keith R.A. DeCandido established the "holographic Kahless" made possible by classified emitter technology obtained by Voyager. Full Circle established that the tech was supplied to Kahless by Belanna Torres.
  • TNG: Before Dishonor, by Peter David, guest starred Janeway and Seven of Nine and had major repercussions in the Voyager series.
  • The Destiny trilogy by David Mack featured appearances by several from Voyager characters and directly crossed-over with Full Circle.
  • A Singular Destiny Keith R.A. DeCandido planted a plot seed that was picked up in Full Circle and Unworthy.
Distant Shores anthology
  • "Da Capo al Fine, Part I", by Heather Jarman
  • "Command Code", by Robert Greenberger
  • "Winds of Change", by Kim Sheard
  • "Talent Night", by Jeffrey Lang
  • "Letting Go", by Keith R.A. DeCandido
  • Closure", by James Swallow
  • "The Secret Heart of Zolaluz", by Robert T. Jeschonek
  • "Isabo's Shirt", by Kirsten Beyer
  • "Brief Candle", by Christopher L. Bennett
  • "Eighteen Minutes", by Terri Osborne
  • "Or the Tiger", by Geoffrey Thorne
  • "Bottomless", by Ilsa J. Bick
  • "Da Capo al Fine, Part II", by Heather Jarman
Mirror Universe: Obsidian Alliances featured the mirror-Voyager novel The Mirror-Scaled Serpent by Keith R.A. DeCandido that fits into the same mirror-continuity that has crossed into both the DS9 lit and the New Frontier series.

Myriad Universes: Infinity's Prism featured the novel Places of Exile by Christopher L. Bennett that included an alternate universe version of lit-only character Lyssa Campbell. Christopher's annotations for Places of Exile can be found here...


Post-Finale fiction
  • The Good That Men Do by Michael A. Martin and Andy Mangels
  • Kobayashi Maru by Michael A. Martin and Andy Mangels
  • The Romulan War: Beneath the Raptor's Wings by Michael A. Martin
  • The Romulan War: To Brave the Storm
  • Rise of the Federation: A Choice of Futures by Christopher L. Bennett

Dave Stern

Author Dave Stern wrote four Enterprise novels set during the series. In each of his books, he included the character of night-shift XO, Donna O'Neill. The character of O'Neill was later imported into the post-finale fiction.
  • What Price Honor?
  • Daedalus
  • Daedalus' Children
  • Rosetta
Last Full Measure by Michael A. Martin and Andy Mangels set up the post-finale books.
The Brave and the Bold book one by Keith R.A. DeCandido, a duology that crossed into the DS9 fiction, features a prologue with Archer and crew.
Tales From the Captains Table featured the short story "Have Beagle, Will Travel: The Legend of Porthos" by Louise M. Swann that featured Archer and Porthos.
Myriad Universes: Shards and Shadows includes the alternate universe Enterprise tale "Noabunga" by Dave Stern.
Enterprise notes from Sci...
The post-finale ENT novels also feature United Earth Interior Minister Haroun al-Rashid and Andorian Ambassador Avaranthi sh'Rothress, both of whom were first established in Articles of the Federation as early Federation Presidents from the 22nd Century. As with Titan: Taking Wing, the ENT Relaunch also uses the long form of Romulan names and the Rihannsu language established in Duane's novels (as well as the Andorian genders and naming conventions established in the DS9 lit. --tt) .

TGTMD and KM's establishing Nathan Samuels as United Earth Prime Minister places the ENT Relaunch in continuity with Tales of the Dominion War's "Eleven Hours Out" and with the Myriad Universes novel A Less Perfect Union. COE's mention of a United Earth President implies that United Earth has a republican parliamentary government, perhaps similar to, say, Ireland's or Italy's or Israel's.
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New Frontier by Peter David
The New Frontier series, created by Peter David and John Ordover was the first book-only Trek series. It has crossed over into the Captains Table, Double Helix, Gateways and Mirror Universe series and has been referenced in most all aspects of the late 24-century lit.

Main series
  • House of Cards
  • Into the Void
  • The Two-Front War
  • End Game
  • Martyr
  • Fire on High
  • The Captain's Table #5: Once Burned
  • Double Helix #5: Double or Nothing
  • The Quiet Place
  • Dark Allies
  • Excalibur: Requiem
  • Excalibur: Renaissance
  • Excalibur: Restoration
  • Gateways #6: Cold Wars
  • Gateways #7: What Lay Beyond: "Death After Life"
  • Being Human
  • Gods Above
  • Stone and Anvil
  • After the Fall
  • Missing in Action
  • Treason
  • Blind Man's Bluff
Also by Peter David
  • Double Time (Wildstorm comic)
  • Tales of the Dominion War: "Stone Cold Truths"
  • Tales from the Captain's Table: "Pain Management"
  • Cutting Ties from Mirror Universe: Obsidian Alliances
  • Turnaround (IDW comic mini-series)
  • Homecoming from Mirror Universe: Shards and Shadows
TNG novels with New Frontier links

  • Vendetta --This novel began the begining of PAD's development of the character Elizabeth Shelby and her captain, Morgan Korsmo, that would become part of their New Frontier backstories. The chararacter of Korsmo was mentioned in the first New Frontier book as the previous Captain of the Starship Excalibur, and Korsmo appeared in that capacity in the story "Making a Difference" in No Limits.
  • Imazdi 2: Triangle features an appearance by Shelby on Excalibur under Korsmo.
  • Before Dishonor featured an appearance by Captain Calhoun and serves as a sequel to Vendetta.
TNG Young Adult novels
PAD's trilogy of Young Adult novels featuring Worf at Starfleet Academy introduced future Excalibur crew-members Soleta, Zak Kebron, Mark McHenry and Tania Tobias.
  • Worf's First Adventure
  • Line of Fire
  • Survival
No Limits
An anthology of New Frontier stories by various authors and edited by Peter David and Keith R. A. DeCandido. The only time the New Frontier characters have been written by someone other than Peter David in an official New Frontier release.
  • Introduction, by Peter David
  • "Loose Ends", by Dayton Ward
  • "All That Glisters...", by Loren L. Coleman
  • "Waiting for G'Doh, or, How I Learned to Stop Moving and Hate People", by David Mack
  • "Lefler's Logs", by Robert Greenberger
  • "Alice, on the Edge of Night", by Ilsa J. Bick
  • "Revelations", by Keith R.A. DeCandido
  • "Turning Point", by Josepha Sherman
  • "'Q'uandary", by Terri Osborne
  • "Oil and Water", by Robert T. Jeschonek
  • "Singularity", by Christina F. York
  • "The Road to Edos", by Kevin Dilmore
  • "A Lady of Xenex", by Peg Robinson
  • "Making a Difference", by Mary Scott-Wiecek
  • "Performance Appraisal", by Allyn Gibson
  • "Redemption", by Glenn Hauman & Lisa Sullivan
  • "Out of the Frying Pan", by Susan Shwartz
  • "Through the Looking Glass", by Susan Wright
  • "A Little Getaway", by Peter David
  • The Star Trek: New Frontier Timeline, compiled by Keith R.A. DeCandido
Connections with other series
  • New Frontier has had two Captain's Table stories, one novel and one short story.
  • TNG: The Q-Continuum trilogy was consistant with New Frontier continuity by acknowledging Dr. Selar's transfer to Excalibur.
  • Double Helix: Double or Nothing was a part of the Double Helix series that spanned the entire Trek-lit line. The main villain of the series was a Thallonian, a species developed for New Frontier, and The First Virtue had scene that featured Thallonians in Thallonian Space.
  • Gateways book six: Cold Wars and "Death After Life" from Gateways book seven: What Lay Beyond were a part of the Gateways crossover that spanned the Trek-lit line. Calhoun and Shelby also appeared briefly in the TNG and DS9 entries in the series. The Excalibur and crew appeared (sans Calhoun and Shelby) in the Gateways finale TNG: The Other Side by Robert Greenberger.
  • TNG: Diplomatic Implausibility featured cameos via communications with Worf from Soleta, Kebron and McHenry.
  • A Time to Kill made reference of the Danteri Empire.
  • SCE: The Future Begins tied in with the New Frontier: Excalibur trilogy.
  • DS9: Warpath featured a brief appearance by a Thallonian crewmember.
  • TNG: Q&A featured cameos from Elizabeth Shelby on Space Station Bravo and Katerina Mueller on the Trident.
  • The Destiny trilogy and A Singular Destiny featured reports of Mackenzie Calhoun's Excalibur preparing for a suicide attack on a Borg Cube before finding a way to defeat it.
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Stargazer by Michael Jan Friedman

The Stargazer series by Michael Jan Friedman followed Picard on the days of his first command. Friedman developed the crew for the TNG novel Reunion, and re-visted the characters several times before the the actual Stargazer series began. MJF's version of the death of Jack Crusher in Reunion has been used in several other books. He crossed the crew over into the TNG: Double Helix event which incorporated elements from all of the TV series as well as Peter David's New Frontier.
The Stargazer series:
  • Gauntlet
  • Progenitor
  • Three
  • Oblivion*
  • Enigma
  • Maker
*It should be noted that the appearance of the character Enabim Tain in Oblivion is inconsistant with the portrayal of the character in The Art of the Impossible and elsewhere.

TNG novels
  • Reunion
  • Requiem (with Kevin Ryan)
  • Double Helix: The First Virtue (with Christie Golden)
  • The Valiant
  • Death in Winter
  • Vulcan's Heart by Josepha Sherman and Suan Schwartz featured a Stargazer era Picard and used several of the established Stargazer crew.
  • The Buried Age by Christopher L. Bennett follows Picard from the Stargazer to the Enterprise and utilizes the Stargazer crew established by MJF.
  • Tales From the Dominion War featured the short story "What Dreams May Come" by Friedman, which caught up with SGZ character Gilaad Ben Zoma during the Dominion war.
  • Tales From The Captain's Table contained the SGZ era story "Darkness" by Friedman.
  • "The Human Factor" a short story by Russ Crossley in Strange New Worlds IV depicted the death of Jack Crusher as seen in Reunion.
  • Friedman included the character of Gilaad Ben Zoma in one issue of his DC Comics run.
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The Starfleet Corps of Engineers series (later shorted to Core of Engineers) was a monthly e-book series focusing on the troubleshooting engineers of the USS DaVinci developed by Keith R. A, DeCandido and John Ordover.
The series crossed over into the larger novel-verse in any number of ways including (but not limited to)...

  • Cold Fusion crossed directly into the post-finale DS9 works, taking place in between Avatar and Section 31: Rogue.
  • Here There be Monsters served as an epilogue to the Gateways series that spanned the lit-line.
  • Invincible introduced the Nalori, seen later in the Vanguard series.
  • The Foundations trilogy introduced the crew of the USS Lovell, who would go on to supporting roles in the Vanguard series.
  • War Stories featured the character of Janice Kersarus, from Diane Duane's "Rihannsu-verse" books.
  • Ishtar Rising referenced TOS: Twilight's End by Jerry Oltion.
  • Ring Around The Sky featured the legacy of The Furys established in the Invasion! mini.
  • Small World introduced the Koa, whom joined the Federation in Articles of the Federation.
  • Malefictorum, Lost Time, and Wounds book one and two connect with the DS9 fiction circa Worlds of DS9.
  • Things Past: Early Distant Warning served as a prologue to the Vanguard series.

Appearances and mentions in other series
  • Characters created for SCE that became regulars in other series include Enterprise security chief Christine Vale-- who became a regular in both TNG and Titan lit, Da Vinci security officer Rennan Koyna-- who joined the Enterprise crew in Greater Than the Sum, and Da Vinci engineer Nancy Conlon-- who joined the Voyager crew in Full Circle.
  • The crew of the USS Lovell appeared in the Vanguard books Summon the Thunder, Reap the Whirlwind and Open Secrets.
  • A young Lieutenant David Gold makes an appearance in Terok Nor: Night of the Wolves.
  • A Time to... series makes mention of the DaVinci, her crew, and villains the Androssi in several of the books.
  • The Destiny trilogy mentions the crew of the Da Vinci saving a planet from the Borg by making it disappear.
  • A Singular Destiny features appearances by Fabian Stevens and Dominica Corsi, as well giving general updates on several of the Da Vinci crew.
  • Indistinguishable From Magic featured appearances by Sonya Gomez, Tev and the DaVinci.
  • SCE short stories appeared in Tales from the Dominion War "(Field Expediency" by Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore) and Tales from the Captains Table ("An Easy Fast" by John Ordover).
Sci's SCE notes...
"COE ties into other novels in numerous ways, including tie-ins to NF and Vulcan's Noun's two seemingly contradictory depictions of Scotty's post-"Relics" life in The Future Begins, and references to the Romulan War-era United Earth President Lydia Littlejohn, the Palais de la Concorde and Zife Administration, and to the events of Prime Directive by Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens all in that same entry. Given Prime Directive's contradictory depiction of the Federation Council and Federation President, presumably only the main story of PD is kept (in the same way that you describe the detail of Alyssa's child changing between Genesis Wave and Titan.)"
Steve Mollmann's notes for The Future Begins...
"As far as references in tFB to things that aren't political minutia (but rather other minutia), the Scotty backstory for the book also draws from Michael Jan Friedman's Crossover, Gene DeWeese's Engines of Destiny, Julia Ecklar's The Kobayashi Maru, and Diane Carey's Ship of the Line. Several short stories also factor in, such as "Out of Time" (DC's 1994 TNG special), "Old Debts" (DC's 1995 TNG special), "Dorian's Diary" (SNWIII), "Ancient History" (SNWVI), "Bum Radish: Five Spins on a Turquoise Reindeer" (SNWVI), "Full Circle" (SNWVII), "Safe Harbors" (Tales of the Dominion War), and "Through the Looking Glass" (No Limits). Note however, that "Old Debts" has Scotty meeting Robin Lefler in 2371 (which is inconsistent with the NF: eXcalibur trilogy... and tFB itself!) and that "Full Circle" got a sequel in SNW09 that is inconsistent with tFB. It also references ideas originally put forth in Spectre, which is of course part of the "Shatnerverse" continuity. And "Out of Time" and "Ancient History" are mutually inconsistent.

tFB also has off-handed references to a number of other stories, usually in the form of alien species or planets. These include the Blood from the New Earth miniseries, the Azziz from "The Music Between the Notes" (in The Lives of Dax), Xaraka XII and galaxy Telpha-Z from the Gold Key comics, the Hamalki and the Deirr from Diane Duane's various novels, Mythra from Mission to Horatius, and the Withiki from the oft-referenced The Final Reflection. Among others. Other references include Dana Kramer-Rolls's Home is the Hunter, L.A. Graf's Traitor Winds, the Pellegrino/Zebrowski Dyson Sphere, Brad Ferguson's Crisis on Centaurus, the fanon technical manual Starfleet Prototype, and the Unlimited comic story "None but the Brave".

Of course, referencing the Gold Key comics is infinitely problematic. Traitor Winds ties into the various other "Lost Years" stories: The Lost Years, A Flag Full of Stars, and Recovery. Kirk's home on Crisis on Centaurus is brought up again in Time for Yesterday.

The Eugenics Wars gives a description for the Khanate's flag that is borrowed from Section 31: Abyss. It also references the Dayton Ward short story "The Aliens are Coming!" in one of the early SNW volumes. Conversely, A Time to Sow referenced a Greg Cox short story, "Bedside Matters" in The Amazing Stories.

Christopher L. Bennett's annotations for Aftermath...

Steve Mollmann's annotations for The Future Begins...

Keith R.A. DeCandido's annotations for Many Splendors...

The SCE/CoE series...

Star Trek: The Starfleet Corps of Engineers
  • The Belly of the Beast by Dean Wesley Smith
  • Fatal Error by Keith R.A. DeCandido
  • Hard Crash by Christie Golden
  • Interphase, Book One by Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore
  • Interphase, Book Two by Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore
  • Cold Fusion by Keith R.A. DeCandido
  • Invincible, Part One of Two by David Mack & Keith R.A. DeCandido
  • Invincible, Part Two of Two by David Mack & Keith R.A. DeCandido
  • The Riddled Post by Aaron Rosenberg
  • Gateways Epilogue: Here There Be Monsters by Keith R.A. DeCandido
  • Ambush by Dave Galanter & Greg Brodeur
  • Some Assembly Required by Scott Ciencin & Dan Jolley
  • No Surrender by Jeff Mariotte
  • Caveat Emptor by Ian Edginton & Mike Collins
  • Past Life by Robert Greenberger
  • Oaths by Glenn Hauman
  • Foundations, Book One by Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore
  • Foundations, Book Two by Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore
  • Foundations, Book Three by Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore
  • Enigma Ship by J. Steven York & Christina F. York
  • War Stories, Book One by Keith R.A. DeCandido
  • War Stories, Book Two by Keith R.A. DeCandido
  • Wildfire, Book One by David Mack
  • Wildfire, Book Two by David Mack
  • Home Fires by Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore
  • Age of Unreason by Scott Ciencin
  • Balance of Nature by Heather Jarman
  • Breakdowns by Keith R.A. DeCandido
  • Aftermath by Christopher L. Bennett
  • Ishtar Rising, Book One by Michael A. Martin & Andy Mangels
  • Ishtar Rising, Book Two by Michael A. Martin & Andy Mangels
  • Buying Time by Robert Greenberger
  • Collective Hindsight, Book One by Aaron Rosenberg
  • Collective Hindsight, Book Two by Aaron Rosenberg
  • The Demon, Book 1 of 2 by Loren L. Coleman & Randall N. Bills
  • The Demon, Book 2 of 2 by Loren L. Coleman & Randall N. Bills
  • Ring Around the Sky by Allyn Gibson
  • Orphans by Kevin Killiany
  • Grand Designs by Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore
  • Failsafe by David Mack
  • Bitter Medicine by Dave Galanter
  • Sargasso Sector by Paul Kupperberg
  • Paradise Interrupted by John S. Drew
  • Where Time Stands Still by Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore
  • The Art of the Deal by Glenn Greenberg
  • Spin by J. Steven York & Christina F. York
  • Creative Couplings, Book 1 of 2 by Glenn Hauman & Aaron Rosenberg
  • Creative Couplings, Book 2 of 2 by Glenn Hauman & Aaron Rosenberg
  • Small World by David Mack
  • Malefictorum by Terri Osborne
  • Lost Time by Ilsa J. Bick
  • Identity Crisis by John J. Ordover
  • Fables of the Prime Directive by Cory Rushton
  • Security by Keith R.A. DeCandido
  • Wounds, Book 1 of 2 by Ilsa J. Bick
  • Wounds, Book 2 of 2 by Ilsa J. Bick
  • Out of the Cocoon by William Leisne
  • Honor by Kevin Killiany
  • Blackout by Phaedra M. Weldon
  • The Cleanup by Robert T. Jeschonek
  • Progress by Terri Osborne
  • The Future Begins by Steve Mollmann & Michael Schuster
  • Echoes of Coventry by Richard C. White
  • Distant Early Warning by Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore
  • 10 is Better Than 01 by Heather Jarman
  • Many Splendors by Keith R.A. DeCandido
Star Trek: Corps of Engineers
  • Turn the Page, by Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore
  • Troubleshooting, by Robert Greenberger
  • The Light, by Jeff D. Jacques
  • The Art of the Comeback, by Glenn Greenberg
  • Signs from Heaven, by Phaedra M. Weldon
  • Ghost, by Ilsa J. Bick
  • Remembrance of Things Past, Book 1, by Terri Osborne
  • Remembrance of Things Past, Book 2, by Terri Osborne
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Vanguard, Titan and IKS Gorkon


The Vanguard series was created by Marco Palmieri and David Mack and is set on Federation Starbase 47, aka Vanguard, in a politically unstable region of space ripe with scientific discovery set in the 23rd century. It features the Vulcan Intelligence Officer T'Prynn, who first appeared in DS9: Mission Gamma: Lesser Evil and later appeared in The Art of the Impossible. The Andorian characters utilize the same gender and naming conventions established in the DS9 fiction.
  • Harbinger by David Mack
  • Summon the Thunder by Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore
  • Reap the Whirlwind by David Mack
  • Open Secrets by Dayton Ward
  • Precipice by David Mack
Vanguard Declassified :
  • "Almost Tomorrow" by Dayton Ward
  • "Hard News" by Kevin Dilmore
  • 'The Ruins of Noble Men" by Marco Palmieri
  • "The Stars Look Down" by David Mack
What Judgements Come by Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore

Storming Heaven by David Mack
In Tempest Wake (Epilogue) by Dayton Ward

  • SCE: Early Distant Warning (by Ward and Dilmore) was set on Vanguard station and served as a prologue to the series.
  • MU: "Black Flag" from Mirror Universe: Shards and Shadows by James Swallow introduced the Vanguard crew of the Mirror Universe.
  • MU: The Sorrows of Empire (the full-length novel) featured mirror Vanguard characters as established in Black Flag.
  • The TOS: Errand of... series established the mood and events around the Federation surrounding the hostilities with the Klingons depicted in the Original Series episode "Errand of Mercy". Open Secrets was consistent with Errand of...
  • TOS: The Vulcan Academy Murders and The IDIC Epidemic established history for Dr. M'Benga that was utilized in Precipice.
  • The Shedai, established in Vanguard, were mentioned in The Buried Age.
  • In Destiny and A Singular Destiny it was revealed that the Tholians still hold a grudge against the Federation for the events of this era, referring to the "crimes of the Taurus Reach".
  • "Pride: The First Peer" from Seven Deadly Sins by Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore
  • Typhon Pact: Paths of Disharmony by Dayton Ward

David Mack's annotations for Harbinger...

The Titan series follows Enterprise crewmembers Captain William Riker, Deanna Troi, Christine Vale and Alyssa Ogawa* onto their new home on the USS Titan following the events of Star Trek: Nemesis. Titan took off from the A Time to... series and crosses into both the Destiny and Typhon Pact series.
*The backstory established for Ogawa here is inconsistent with the backstory established in The Genesis Wave series.

  • Taking Wing by Michael A. Martin and Andy Mangels
  • The Red King by Michael A. Martin and Andy Mangels
  • Orion's Hounds by Christopher L. Bennett
  • The Sword of Damocles by Geoff Thorne
Destiny by David Mack
  • Gods of Night
  • Lost Souls
  • Mere Mortals
  • Over a Torrent Sea by Christopher L. Bennett
  • Synthesis by James Swallow
  • Typhon Pact: Seize the Fire by Michael A. Martin
  • Fallen Gods by Michael A. Martin
  • "Empathy" by Christopher L. Bennett in Mirror Universe: Shards and Shadows

  • Melora Pazlar's backstory was established in the TNG: Gemworld duology.
  • "Improvisations on the Opal Sea: A Tale of Dubious Credibility" short story by Michael A. Martin and Andy Mangels from Tales From the Captain's Table.
  • The Red King serves as a sequel to the Lost Era novel The Sundered.
    The adventures of the Titan crew are mentioned through-out the post-Nemesis TNG books and Riker, Troi and Tuvok cameo in Q&A. The Titan and crew are mentioned in both Articles of the Federation and A Singular Destiny.
  • A scene with Tuvok and Troi on Titan is included in VOY: Full Circle.
  • Jaza Najem first appeared in WoDS9: Bajor.
  • Ranul Keru first appeared in Section 31: Abyss and WoDS9: Trill before coming to Titan.
  • Pava Ek'noor sh'Aqabaa first appeared in the Marvel Comics series Starfleet Academy.
Christopher L. Bennett's annotations for Orions Hounds...
...Over a Torrent Sea...
..and MU: Empathy.

IKS Gorkon/Klingon Empire by Keith R.A. DeCandido

IKS Gorkon was a sadly short-lived series that followed the crew of the Klingon vessel IKS Gorkon and the Klingon Empire in a post Dominion War setting. Author Keith R. A. DeCandido created the crew for his TNG novel Diplomatic Implausibility and carried them over to his Brave and the Bold duology before the actual series started. Just to be different, here are the adventures of the Gorkon crew in chronological order...
  • "A Song Well Sung" from Tales of the Dominion War (by Robert Greenberger)
  • TNG: Diplomatic Implausibility
  • TNG: "The Final Artifact" from The Brave and the Bold book two.
  • A Good Day to Die
  • Honor Bound
  • Enemy Territory
  • "LoDnI'pu' vavpu' je" ("Brothers and Fathers") from Tales from the Captain's Table
  • Klingon Empire: A Burning House
  • MU: "Family Matters" from Mirror Universe: Shards and Shadows
  • DS9: The Left Hand of Destiny books one and two features Martok's son Drex and alludes to his transfer to the Gorkon.
  • Klag and the Gorkon make a brief appearance in DS9: Avatar book two.
  • Klag and the Gorkon appear in Gateways finale in Gateways book seven: What Lay Beyond, "The Other Side".
  • Klag and the Gorkon appear in Q&A.
  • Klag and the Gorkon appear in Destiny: Lost Souls during the Borg Offensive.
  • Klag was reported to have destroyed the Kinshaya homeworld in A Singular Destiny.
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Mini-Series, One-Offs, Anthologies, Comics and Miscellanea

Destiny by David Mack

The Destiny trilogy crossed directly into the TNG, Titan and VOY fiction while advancing several DS9 characters and referencing New Frontier, SCE, and Gorkon. 
  • Gods of Night
  • Lost Souls
  • Mere Mortals

Typhon Pact

An ongoing series showing the new state of the galaxy following the catastrophic events of the Destiny trilogy that ties directly into the Titan, DS9 and TNG continuities.
  • AVE/DS9: Zero Sum Game by David Mack
  • TTN: Seize The Fire by Michael A. Martin
  • DS9: Rough Beasts of Empire by David R. George III
  • TNG: Paths of Disharmony by Dayton Ward
  • TNG: The Struggle Within by Christopher L. Bennett (E-book exclusive)
  • DS9/TOS Plagues of Night by David R. George III
  • DS9/TNG/TOS Raise the Dawn by David R. George III
  • TNG/AVE Brinksmanship by Una McCormack
Articles of the Federation by Keith R.A. DeCandido

This tale of "a year in the life" of Federation President Nanietta Bacco spun out of the A Time to.. series. Elements of Bacco's backstory were established in the Wildstorm comic The Gorn Crisis. Bacco and her administration have shown up and been mentioned in many of the post-Nemesis novels of all series, and played prominent parts in the Destiny trilogy and A Singular Destiny.

Keith R. A. DeCandido's annotations...[/U]

A Singular Destiny by Keith R. A. DeCandido

Picking up the pieces from Destiny and laying the ground-work for the the Typhon Pact, this novel features DS9 characters Ezri Dax, Sam Bowers and Mikaela Leishman on their new ship, the Aventine.

Keith R. A. DeCandido's annotations...

Department of Temporal Investigations by Chriostopher L. Bennett. Two novels focusing on the Federation's temporal investigators in a post-"Destiny" galaxy.
  • Watching The Clock
  • Forgotten History
Watching the Clock features appearances the crew of the USS Titan and an appearance by President Nanietta Bacco of Articles of the Federation. Forgotten History features an appearance by Jasminder Choudhory from the TNG book series.

Enterprise Logs
Anthology that featured Captains of all of the vessels called Enterprise. "Though Hell Should Bar the Way" is consistent with Final Frontier and Best Destiny. "Night Whispers" was referenced in Ex Machina. "Shakedown" is consistent with The Captain Daughter. "The Captain and the King" took place at "The Captain's Table" bar from the mini-series and anthology of the same name.

  • Captain Israel Daniel Dickenson - "The Veil at Valcour", by Diane Carey
  • Captain Osborne B. Hardison - "World of Strangers", by Diane Carey
  • Captain Robert April - "Though Hell Should Bar the Way", by Greg Cox
  • Captain Christopher Pike - "Conflicting Natures", by Jerry Oltion
  • Captain James T. Kirk - "The Avenger", by Michael Jan Friedman
  • Captain Will Decker - "Night Whispers", by Diane Duane
  • Captain Spock - "Just Another Little Training Cruise", by A.C. Crispin
  • Captain John Harriman - "Shakedown", by Peter David
  • Captain Rachel Garrett - "Hour of Fire", by Robert Greenberger
  • Captain Jean-Luc Picard - "The Captain and the King", by John Vornholt

The Invasion! event was the first series to cross into the (then) four television series. The villains of this series were mentioned in the SCE tale Ring Around the Sky.
  • First Strike by Diane Carey
  • The Soldiers of Fear by Dean Wesley Smith and Kristine Kathryn Rusch
  • Time's Enemy by L.A. Graf
  • The Final Fury by Dafydd ab Hugh
The Captain's Table

The two Captain's Table events, the mini-series and the anthology, both tied into the larger lit-line. The "Captain's Table" bar itself was mentioned in Gateways: Doors Into Chaos. There was also an oblique reference to the "Captain's Table" bar in Double Helix: Double or Nothing, that reference is in turn referenced in "Improvisations on the Opal Sea: A Tale of Dubious Credibility".


  • War Dragons by L.A. Graf (Captains James T. Kirk and Hikaru Sulu)
  • Dujonian's Hoard by Michael Jan Friedman (Captain Jean-Luc Picard)
  • The Mist by Dean Wesley Smith and Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Captain Benjamin Sisko)
  • Fire Ship by Diane Carey (Captain Kathryn Janeway)
  • Once Burned by Peter David (Captain Mackenzie Calhoun)
  • Where Sea Meets Sky by Jerry Oltion (Captain Christopher Pike)
  • Introduction: How We Built the Bar, by Dean Wesley Smith
  • William Riker: "Improvisations on the Opal Sea: A Tale of Dubious Credibility", by Michael A. Martin and Andy Mangels
  • Jean-Luc Picard: "Darkness", by Michael Jan Friedman
  • Elizabeth Shelby: "Pain Management", by Peter David
  • Klag, son of M'Raq: "loDnI'pu'vajpu'je" by Keith R.A. DeCandido
  • Kira Nerys: "The Officers' Club", by Heather Jarman
  • Jonathan Archer: "Have Beagle, Will Travel: The Legend of Porthos", by Louisa M. Swann
  • Demora Sulu: "Iron and Sacrifice", by David R. George III
  • Chakotay: "Seduced", by Christie Golden
  • David Gold: "An Easy Fast", by John J. Ordover
Section 31

Rogue is a part of the post-finale DS9 fiction. Cloak was referenced in Ex Machina.

  • TOS: Cloak by S.D. Perry
  • TNG: Rogue by Michael A. Martin and Andy Mangels
  • DS9: Abyss by Jeffrey Weddle and Jeffrey Lang
  • VOY: Shadow by Dean Wesley Smith and Kristine Kathryn Rusch

The Gateways series spanned the Trek-lit line and crossed directly in to the DS9, New Frontier and New Earth fiction. The series also mentions the "Captain's Table" bar, includes an appearance from Klag of the Gorkon series, and has an epilogue in the SCE series.
  • One Small Step, by Susan Wright (TOS)
  • Chainmail, by Diane Carey (Star Trek: New Earth)
  • Doors Into Chaos, by Robert Greenberger (TNG)
  • Demons of Air and Darkness, by Keith R.A. DeCandido (DS9)
  • No Man's Land, by Christie Golden (VOY)
  • Cold Wars, by Peter David (NF)
What Lay Beyond : 
  • TOS: "One Giant Leap" by Wright
  • NE: "Exodus" by Carey
  • DS9: m"Horn and Ivory" by DeCandido
  • VOY: "In the Queue" by Golden
  • NF: "Death After Life" by David
  • TNG: "The Other Side" by Greenberger

The Lost Era

The Lost Era was originally a six-book mini-series set inbetween the presumed death of Kirk in Generations and the launch of the Enterprise-D. The Buried Age and the Terok Nor trilogy were later released as Lost Era tales.

The Sundered by Michael A. Martin and Andy Mangels 
  • The Sundered featured the character of Leonard James Akaar as he was developed for the DS9 fiction and had a sequel in the form of the Titan book The Red King.
Serpents Among The Ruins by David R. George III 
  • This book guest starred Elias Vaughn of the DS9 fiction and events from SAtR were foreshadowed in DS9: Mission Gamma: Twilight.
The Art of The Impossible by Keith R. A. DeCandido
  • This book also guest starred Elias Vaughn of the DS9 lit as well as T'Prynn of the Vanguard series as well as establishing Uhura as head of Starfleet intelligence.
According to KRAD's acknowledgments he referenced the following in TAotI: 
  • TOS: Enter the Wolves (Wildstorm comic) by A.C. Crispen and Howard Weinstein
  • TNG: Worf's First Adventure by Peter David
  • VOY: The Dark Matters trilogy by Christie Golden
  • The DS9: The Left Hand of Destiny duology by J.G. Hertler and Jeffrey Lang
  • DS9: A Stitch in Time by Andrew J. Robinson
  • TOS: Vulcan's Heart by Josepha Sherman and Susan Schwartz
  • DS9: Mission Gamma: Lesser Evil by Robert Simpson
Well of Souls by Ilsa J. Bick

Deny Thy Father by Jeff Mariotte
Catalyst of Sorrows by Margaret Wander Bonanno


The Brave and the Bold tied into the DS9 and Gorkon continuities and referenced The Badlands.
  • The Badlands by Susan Wright
  • The Brave and the Bold by Keith R.A. DeCandido
Tales of the Dominion War 
  • Introduction, by Keith R.A. DeCandido
  • "What Dreams May Come," by Michael Jan Friedman
  • "Night of the Vulture," by Greg Cox
  • "The Ceremony of Innocence is Drowned," by Keith R.A. DeCandido
  • "Blood Sacrifice," by Josepha Sherman & Susan Shwartz
  • "Mirror Eyes," by Heather Jarman & Jeffrey Lang
  • "Twilight's Wrath," by David Mack
  • "Eleven Hours Out," by Dave Galanter
  • "Safe Harbors," by Howard Weinstein
  • "Field Expediency," by Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore
  • "A Song Well Sung," by Robert Greenberger
  • "Stone Cold Truths," by Peter David
  • "Requital," by Michael A. Martin & Andy Mangels
  • The Dominion War Timeline, compiled by Keith R.A. DeCandido

Seven Deadly Sins

An anthology placing the seven deadly sins into the context of Star Trek aliens. "The First Peer" in consistent with the Vanguard series, and "Reservoir Ferengi" is consistent with the post-finale DS9 lit, utilizing the name "Bena" for Rom and Leeta's child.
  • Pride: Romulans - "The First Peer", by Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore
  • Greed: Ferengi - "Reservoir Ferengi", by David A. McIntee
  • Envy: Cardassians - "The Slow Knife", by James Swallow
  • Wrath: Klingons - "The Unhappy Ones", by Keith R. A. DeCandido
  • Lust: Mirror Universe - "Freedom Angst", by Britta Dennison
  • Gluttony: Borg - "Revanent", by Marc D. Giller
  • Sloth: Pakled - "Work Is Hard", by Greg Cox

  • DC Comics first TOS series used Diane Duane's "Rihannsu-verse" characters, and the character Bernie/Kobry appeared in TNG: Strike Zone.
  • DC Comics second TOS series introduced the character Sara Tuchinsky, who appeared in TOS: The Rift (as "Tooch") and in Mere Anarchy:The Blood-Dimmed Tide.
  • DC Comics TNG comics had one issue with Gilaad Ben Zoma of the Stargazer series.
  • Marvel Comics Early Voyages introduced the character Moves-With-Burning-Grace who later appeared SCE: Where Time Stands Still and TOS: Burning Dreams.
  • Marvel Comics DS9 series introduced Etaana Kol, a Bajoran security officer who has been used several times in the DS9 lit.
  • Marvel Comics Starfleet Academy introduced the character of Pava Ek'noor sh'Aqabaa, who later became a member of the crew of Titan. SA's Omega Squad was mentioned by name in DS9: Mission Gamma: Cathedral.
  • Wildstorm comics DS9: N-Vector and TNG/DS9: Divided We Fall both crossed directly into the DS9 fiction.
  • Wildstorm comics NF: Double Time is apart of the New Frontier continuity.
  • Wildstorm comics The Gorn Crisis by Kevin J. Anderson and Rebecca Moesta establishes backstory for both Nannietta Bacco (Articles of the Federation et al.) and the Gorn for Destiny and The Typhon Pact.
  • Wildstorm comics Perchance to Dream by Keith R.A DeCandido established the Damiano, seen in A Time for War, A Time for Peace and in New Frontier: No Limits.
  • Wildstorm comics Enter the Wolves by A.C. Crispen and Howard Weinstein was referenced in The Art of the Impossible.
  • IDW comics Andorian Spotlight alluded to the Andorian genders established the DS9 lit.
  • IDW comics NF: Turnaround is a part of the New Frontier continuity.
  • IDW comics TNG: Myriad Universes: Star Trek: The Last Generation was a tie in with the Myriad Universes series.
  • The Spock vs. Q and Spock vs. Q: The Sequel audio plays were mentioned in New Frontier: Gods Above.
  • FASA's Star Trek RPG incorporated info from the novels, most notably John M. Ford's The Final Reflection. In turn, DC Comics used ships from FASA's Romulan ship recognition manual gaming sourcebook. TFR's Kinshaya were given significant development by FASA, however, that depiction differs from the eventual depiction in A Singular Destiny and The Typhon Pact.
  • The so-called "Shatner-verse" series of novels by William Shatner and Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens has utilized certain elements of the novel-verse (such as certain crew members on Enterprise and Titan), but is largely incompatible with novel-continuity as presented.
  • Although the Crucible trilogy exists in it's own time line, separate from the general novel-verse, there are several events that can be integrated into the novelverse without difficulty, including the story of President Ra-ghoratreii trying to recruit Spock as an ambassador and speaking at Kirk's funeral.
  • Steve Mollmann and Michael Schuster included elements from the "Shatner-verse" book Spectre and elements from the Gold Key comics series in their SCE book The Future Begins.
  • Star Trek Online: The Needs of the Many by Michael A. Martin includes elements of the novelverse, but the STO universe has too many contradictions to be a part of the main novel-verse.
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Mirror and Myriad Universes
Mirror and Myriad Universe are, by definition, separate from the novel-verse, but the current run of Mirror Universe tales has crossed directly into the DS9 and New Frontier series. Also, some of the Myriad Universe tales use characters and situations created for the novel-verse, and so...

Mirror Universe

The Sorrows of Empire (novel) by David Mack

Glass Empires
  • ENT: "Age of the Empress", by Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore; story by Mike Sussman
  • TOS: "The Sorrows of Empire" (novella), by David Mack
  • TNG: "The Worst of Both Worlds", by Greg Cox
Obsidian Alliances
  • VOY: The Mirror-Scaled Serpent by Keith R. A. DeCandido
  • NF: "Cutting Ties" by Peter David
  • DS9: "Saturn's Children" by Sarah Shaw
Shards and Shadows 
  • "Empathy", by Christopher L. Bennett
  • "The Greater Good", by Margaret Wander Bonanno
  • "Homecoming", by Peter David
  • "'Family Matters'", by Keith R.A. DeCandido
  • "The Traitor", by Michael Jan Friedman
  • "A Terrible Beauty", by Jim Johnson
  • "The Sacred Chalice", by Rudy Josephs
  • "For Want of a Nail", by David Mack
  • "Nobunaga"', by Dave Stern
  • '"The Black Flag", by James Swallow
  • "Ill Winds", by Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore
  • "Bitter Fruit", by Susan Wright
DS9: Warpath by David Mack
DS9: Fearful Symmetry by Olivia Woods
DS9: The Soul Key by Olivia Woods
NF: Turnaround by Peter David (IDW comic)
Rise Like Lions by David Mack (forthcoming)

Myriad Universes

Infinity's Prism
  • A Less Perfect Union by William Leisner
  • Places of Exile by Christopher L. Bennett
  • Seeds of Dissent by James Swallow
Echoes and Refractions
  • The Chimes at Midnight by Geoff Trowbridge
  • A Gutted World by Keith R.A. DeCandido
  • Brave New World by Chris Roberson
Shattered Light (forthcoming)
  • Unnamed TNG novel by David R. George III
  • Honor in the Night by Scott Pearson
  • The Tears of Eridanus by Steve Mollmann & Michael Schuster
TNG: Star Trek: The Last Generation by Andrew Steven Harris (IDW comic)
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Holy cow.

All I can add is that although DC Comics borrowed bits of Rihannsu terminology they used Nova-class Romulan ships from FASA's Romulan ship recognition manual gaming sourcebook (of course the FASA Romulan and Duane Rihannsu backstories are incompatible). I think the comics have used FASA Federation ships too but I can't remember specifics.

Again: Holy cow.
the Captain's Table is obliquely referred to in Double Helix: Double or Nothing and that reference is referenced in Riker's CT story in the anthology.
Indistinguishable from Magic will reference SCE in some form (if only a throwaway line or two), and starts maybe a couple of months after Dayton's Typhon Pact book ends, if you're looking for a chronology.
King Daniel: Thanks! I should have mentioned the FASA material in Misc anyway. Will do that.

captcalhoun: Also, thanks. I got that one in while I still could.

Lonemagpie: And again, thanks. Also in under the edit deadline.

I should bring up a small bit of presumption on my part-- I assumed that the forthcoming A Choice of Catastrophes and Star Trek: DTI would be novel-verse friendly. Given the previous works of the authors it seemed like a safe assumption. I actually meant to attempt to confirm via e-mail, but forgot.
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I should bring up a small bit of presumption on my part-- I assumed that the forthcoming A Choice of Catastrophes and Star Trek: DTI would be novel-verse friendly. Given the previous works of the authors it seemed like a safe assumption. I actually meant to attempt to confirm via e-mail, but forgot.

DTI will indeed be part of the main novel continuity.

How does the portrayal of Gorkon in In the Name of Honor conflict with Vanguard? I haven't read ItNoH in quite a while.

Maybe you should mention that VGR: Full Circle references "Isabo's Shirt." Also, there are some typographical problems in the VGR post, with series titles (such as Spirit Walk and Dark Matters) being listed in the same way as their individual installment titles and thus being confusing to the uninitiated.
This is magnificent! Now you need to put them in chronological order. (And read them in order!)

Only one thought right now: TNG: Possession is a direct sequel to one of Dillard's original series novels.

We are actually writing a fairly standalone book in A Choice of Catastrophes; there's been pretty minimal references to non-television adventures. (Heck, there's been minimal references to television adventures.) I don't think there are any inconsistencies with the wider novelverse, but consistency is not something we're striving for. (I wanted to reference Troublesome Minds, but then I remembered that our story is set first.)
Not to be nitpicky, but it's Vanguard that conflicts with In the Name of Honor.


In all seriousness, this is an awesome list. Nice work by everyone who contributed, and big kudos to Turtletrekker! :techman: