Chapel Character Teaser

She's a researcher (or perhaps even a grad student with a job offer) before jointing Starfleet. They NEVER say she joined to look for Korby.

The idea of joining Starfleet as a nurse to look for Korby just doesn't make sense. A nurse would have no influence over ship deployments or landing party launches, or even landing party composition. If she were looking for Korby, it would make more sense for her to have hired a private ship, or for her to be working with Federation politicians to influence Starfleet ship deployments rather than just working in one starship's sickbay.
The idea of joining Starfleet as a nurse to look for Korby just doesn't make sense. A nurse would have no influence over ship deployments or landing party launches, or even landing party composition. If she were looking for Korby, it would make more sense for her to have hired a private ship, or for her to be working with Federation politicians to influence Starfleet ship deployments rather than just working in one starship's sickbay.

You’re absolutely right. It would be like losing a dog, and rather than looking around your neighborhood, going out from your home to find them, you get a job driving a taxi, in hopes you luck out and cross paths with your dog at some point while driving some fare around.
The idea of joining Starfleet as a nurse to look for Korby just doesn't make sense. A nurse would have no influence over ship deployments or landing party launches, or even landing party composition. If she were looking for Korby, it would make more sense for her to have hired a private ship, or for her to be working with Federation politicians to influence Starfleet ship deployments rather than just working in one starship's sickbay.
Disagree because Starfleet isn't military. She made her intentions plain and they agreed because her expertise was of value to them.
I thought I would mention that @Maurice has opined over the years that "Wagon Train to the Stars" didn't mean "settlers traveling to the frontier in space" per se, but rather it expressed the intention that the series could tell stories involving random characters who were encountered along the way or who were aboard the train/ship all along, never seen before, never to be seen again. In his words:
This is pretty much it.

I've watched some episodes of Wagon Train lately. Early Trek is very much like it.

Charlie X isn't about the Enterprise crew. Neither are The Man Trap, Mudd's Women, etc. They're the stories of Charlie, the Craters and Eve, respectively.

Interestingly, only one has a happy ending. Welcome to the perils of the frontier.
It is during TOS, Kirk called it so.
It's not pure military in the same context as now. It has a military function but also, more heavily a scientific and exploration function. People aren't drafted into Starfleet and seem free to leave at any time.
People aren't drafted into Starfleet and seem free to leave at any time.
Not every IRL military has drafts and some allow people to leave at any time.

In the TOS era Starfleet was more militaristic than in TNG.

But this isn't the thread for this. I apologize.
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also anybody notice also she's has commander stripes on her uniform when they showed her in the Jeffries tube? How can a nurse be that high up in Starfleet but not have her M.D.?

Saw the pilot for Partners (2012) a few days ago...

David Krumholtz "Why did you tell your mother that you're dating a Jewish Doctor?"
Micheal Urie "Because I am."
David Krumholtz "No you're not! Your boyfriend is a male nurse and a menonnite!"
Micheal Urie "Pish posh! He's so good at his job, they're likely to promote him to Jewish Doctor any day now."


Rank dictates how many people you are expected to boss around.

The Admiral in charge of all Nurses, is probably still a nurse.

The Admiral in charge of all nurses can order almost any doctor in the fleet to do a thousand pushups.
She seems just a little feisty to be the wallflower that was Christine Chapel. Although maybe she got a little less assertive with age.
She seems just a little feisty to be the wallflower that was Christine Chapel. Although maybe she got a little less assertive with age.

Well I'm wondering what is a nurse in the 23rd century?

Between self cleaning and automation and digital monitoring, that is 70 percent of their job from the 20th century.
I can't believe this is supposed to be the same character that we see in TOS. Alternate Universe or reboot then fine but if this is supposed to be in the same continuity as TOS then what the heck happened to her between shows?

Her fiancé turned himself into a robot, for one thing...

Worse than:
TNG's - Sub Rosa
DS9's - Move Along Home
ENT's - Terra Nova
? ;)

Better those than Homeward, Profit & Lace or Dear Doctor...
Except those that did...
Which, while the series was being made and running on network was virtually no one.

There may have been a use of the word "paramilitary" in a production memo at some point, which went unnoticed of course by the actual audience. Roddenberry did reference military procedures and practices IRL quite a bit in describing the show.

"We're not military" was a retcon.
Starfleet was a military service during TOS. No one questioned that.
I think anyone arguing that Starfleet wasn't heavily based on the US navy would be onto a loser. However, it is equally clear that the largest part of its purpose is not military. A big chunk of its crew is scientific.
I think anyone arguing that Starfleet wasn't heavily based on the US navy would be onto a loser. However, it is equally clear that the largest part of its purpose is not military. A big chunk of its crew is scientific.
The two are not mutually exclusive. Far from it. Kirk refers to himself as a soldier.