CBS should bring back TNG like Fox did w/X-Files

After the tremendous ratings success of the X-Files revival, tptb at CBS would be absolutely foolish to not consider taking a similar approach with TNG.

TNG has as big if not bigger (perhaps much bigger) following than the X-Files. I don't think that TNG could carry a major motion picture at this point, but i do feel equally confident that if the series were to return in a limited run/mini series it would be a huge ratings winner and a nice shot in the arm to Star Trek moving forward...I know it's too late at this point, but what would have been a better way to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Star Trek?

You want to move Star Trek forward... by reviving a 30 year old show?

No offense, but I think you're a little unclear on the concept of "forward".
Fun Fact: The same amount of time has passed between the end of TOS to The Undiscovered Country and the end of TNG to 2016.

I wouldn't mind some sort of 50th Anniversary TV special/movie (kind of like Doctor Who's "The Day of the Doctor" special) giving a final farewell to the TNG cast. We're already getting a new series, so why not? Picard, Riker and Data never got their "second star to the right, and straight on 'til morning" moment that they deserved.
How would a producer explain to an audience Data gaining weight and appearing old? Maybe it would be better for the cast to have like a Dinner for 9 type segment, where the cast could talk about their legacy than an actual adventure?
Out of curiosity I would be interested in a movie or a mini series based on the USS Titan...

The only time that would even have had a realistic chance of happening was if instead of the crap we got with TATV, we actually saw Riker and Troi at their correct ages aboard the Titan for ENT's series finale, which then could have led into a new series. But UPN was pretty much done with Star Trek by that time, so unless that version of TATV had gotten phenomenal ratings, Star Trek: Titan would remain the sole province of the novelverse.
One could always call it: Star Trek The Older Generation.
Of course, if CBS is running it, they will likely not let Canadians watch it outside of the U.S.
Riker went away with the Titan 14 years ago, he should be back by now... his dinner's getting cold. :D
It's kinda hard to believe that at this point, Riker would be Captain of the Titan almost as long as he was first officer of Enterprise-D and Enterprise-E (15 years total), just before taking command of the Titan.
That being said, TNG is still probably more viable as a property than the adventures of an unknown crew on Enterprise-F/G/whatever, so it wouldn't surprise me if the Fullerverse ends up being a TNG reboot.
Gee, I recall some Star Trek fans saying nearly the same thing when Star Trek: The Next Generation was announced as 'in development' in 1986 -- Hmmmm. How did that all turn out?:D:lol::whistle:;)
Gee, I recall some Star Trek fans saying nearly the same thing when Star Trek: The Next Generation was announced as 'in development' in 1986 -- Hmmmm. How did that all turn out?:D:lol::whistle:;)
Heh, true. However, since that date there have been three additional variations on that theme with diminishing success, and one commercially well-received reboot of an older property, so the thinking might be a little different these days.
Gee, I recall some Star Trek fans saying nearly the same thing when Star Trek: The Next Generation was announced as 'in development' in 1986 -- Hmmmm. How did that all turn out?:D:lol::whistle:;)

Yes I was reading through this thread thinking that it was the perfect recreation, for the digital age, of the fan wailing that preceded the launch of TNG. Just how could Trek be Trek without Kirk and Spock? Who is going to watch some nobodies on a made up Enterprise? This 'new generation' is doomed to failure.
Well, there is still a chance for the TNG. But not for Live Action. They can still can act in animated version. As "Anime" can make the characters young forever.
If TNG has any future, it'll probably be in the Abramsverse once they're done with the nu-TOS crew. Even the TNG cast admitted that's more likely to happen than an actual reunion special.
I loved TNG and, a few years ago, I would have been one of the biggest cheerleaders of this idea. But, I think too much time has passed now. And, with a new series with a new premise coming in January, I think the TNG ship has sailed.
I could definitely see a remake a-la ST 2009 someday, though. In fact, I'd almost guarantee it happens someday.
I could definitely see a remake a-la ST 2009 someday, though. In fact, I'd almost guarantee it happens someday
A remake of a sequel set in the universe of a reboot? I think that's pretty unlikely myself. I think Picard & Co, purveyors of fine space opera, have had their final voyage.
No. TNG is done. Let is stand for what it is. Carry on Star Trek with something new.
Could work. But only if it is an animated series (Avatar style, not TAS). Actors lend their voices, they appear as young as they were in Nemesis, if not younger, dazzling animated SFX.
-I bet Netflix would definitely pony up for a TNG limited/mini-series if given the opportunity.

-CBS wouldn't want their new series competing with TNG- because TNG would get more press and ratings.

-Enough time has passed since "Nemesis" that a TNG reunion would be fresh and nostalgic. Especially with TNG where it belongs- on TV.

- Brent Spiners old face in yellow makeup?

-It would take a lot of work to save the cast from embarrassing themselves in their spacesuits at this date. Even Mark Hamill & Carrie Fisher had to do a lot of diet and exercise to get where they got in TFA. That's not a putdown by any means- just the natural way of life.

- The new series needs a chance to fly- and CBS must be very aware of not getting right back into "franchise fatigue" so quick after 10 years. So, a limited/mini-series for TNG would be great as a sendoff- but won't happen.
I think there is a lot more faith in TNG as a going concern in this thread thank there every would be in the decision making halls of CBS.

I can't realistically see TNG returning to TV in any form whatsoever. It's a sequel to a show that's since been rebooted. It would be like bringing back Lois and Clark, not going to happen.