CBS/Paramount sues to stop Axanar 2 - Electric Boogaloo-Fanboys gone WILD-too many hyphens

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Seemingly final filming day has been scheduled for next month:
There's a school of thought that suggests he's going to finish it off next month after coming under more scrutiny and pressure than he has done for some time, and that may well be the case.

But I'm fairly sure the issues around not paying CBS for breaking the terms of the previous judgment are going to come to a head in February so I think it's more likely when that hits it'll be used as the latest reason to postpone. "Gee we were just about to finish it but then those baddies stepped in and messed it up. Whatcha gonna do?"

Exactly as he's done several times before.
There's a school of thought that suggests he's going to finish it off next month after coming under more scrutiny and pressure than he has done for some time, and that may well be the case.

But I'm fairly sure the issues around not paying CBS for breaking the terms of the previous judgment are going to come to a head in February so I think it's more likely when that hits it'll be used as the latest reason to postpone. "Gee we were just about to finish it but then those baddies stepped in and messed it up. Whatcha gonna do?"

Exactly as he's done several times before.
I don't doubt that there will be more delays, but February is a bit specific. Is there something I missed?
I don't doubt that there will be more delays, but February is a bit specific. Is there something I missed?
Paramount Warner merger talks should be good for a years delay. It's not his fault!
I'm like thank you Shari, that was a money maker.
But I'm fairly sure the issues around not paying CBS for breaking the terms of the previous judgment are going to come to a head in February so I think it's more likely when that hits it'll be used as the latest reason to postpone. "Gee we were just about to finish it but then those baddies stepped in and messed it up. Whatcha gonna do?"
Well, you can only work this way with the victim complex in full swing.
Even if he did actually release Axanar, you know he won't let go. More episodes, more Patreon money from his sycophants, leech off of Star Trek forever!:(
That's the goal. Swindled people based on their values and love of Star Trek, while claiming oppression by the copyright owners.
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Paramount Warner merger talks should be good for a years delay. It's not his fault!
I'm like thank you Shari, that was a money maker.

I don't think the merger talks will cause Paramount's lawyers to delay enforcing their copyright. If anything, merger talks will make them more likely to enforce copyright and shut down unofficial productions, since Paramount would want to maximize its value to the company it's looking to merge with and will therefore want to shut down anything with the potential to dilute the value of its intellectual property.
I don't think the merger talks will cause Paramount's lawyers to delay enforcing their copyright. If anything, merger talks will make them more likely to enforce copyright and shut down unofficial productions, since Paramount would want to maximize its value to the company it's looking to merge with and will therefore want to shut down anything with the potential to dilute the value of its intellectual property.
All of that is true but I was holding Warner stock at a loss and one word from Shari and bingo a small profit.
As far as guidelines it means nothing but still our favorite promoter might think, "Never let a good excuse go to waste."
Somebody is finally holding Alec to the fire for his vexatious litigation...the video is telling.
IMO - The dumpster fire was apparant BEFORE Mr. Jenkins joined the debacle. No sympathy (or money) from me. Jenkins was more than willing when he thought he'd get a piece of the funding action; but Peters doesn't share much the spoils of his continued grift with anyone; and when he does its usually to convince his 'faithful' to keep the cash 'donations' going.

I hope Paramount pursues that $300,000 penalty for Peters' obvious and continued violation of the original settlement terms.

As for Jenkins, he's getting what he deserves as well.
IMO - The dumpster fire was apparant BEFORE Mr. Jenkins joined the debacle. No sympathy (or money) from me. Jenkins was more than willing when he thought he'd get a piece of the funding action; but Peters doesn't share much the spoils of his continued grift with anyone; and when he does its usually to convince his 'faithful' to keep the cash 'donations' going.

I hope Paramount pursues that $300,000 penalty for Peters' obvious and continued violation of the original settlement terms.

As for Jenkins, he's getting what he deserves as well.
I totally agree...Peters is an easy Google. The link is only for watching the comical video- donate at your own risk.
It's not the strongest of cases, is it? "Peters is a bad guy for taking money sent from fans so what I'd like is for fans to send me money"
It's much more than that. It's forcing a bully to face actual consequences. He owes $90k for an Enterprise model sale, he owes Paramount $300k... and he'll never pay it. He'll just move his assets to his girlfriend, declare fake bankruptcy again to get out of it and start again. And brain damaged Trekkies will still go "tRUe prIME UniVERse" and send him more money. Which he will use not on fan films, but more frivolous lawsuits because he's a manbaby and lawsuits are his little mantrums.
It's much more than that. It's forcing a bully to face actual consequences. He owes $90k for an Enterprise model sale, he owes Paramount $300k... and he'll never pay it. He'll just move his assets to his girlfriend, declare fake bankruptcy again to get out of it and start again. And brain damaged Trekkies will still go "tRUe prIME UniVERse" and send him more money. Which he will use not on fan films, but more frivolous lawsuits because he's a manbaby and lawsuits are his little mantrums.
Yes to all of that but before Jenkins fell out with him he was contributing to all of the above. I sort of feel bad for him on a human level but at the time he got involved even a cursory internet search would’ve thrown up enough evidence to give him pause for thought. Maybe he did that search and thought he knew better but, either way, you pay for mistakes in life. Or you used to, now it appears you get others to pay.