Capricorn One (Spoilers)

Agent Richard07

I finally saw Capricorn One last night. You know, the 1978 movie about a mission to Mars being faked. Well, I enjoyed it. I expected it to be more about the mission itself rather than an investigation and a chase across the desert to find the escaped astronauts, but it was a pretty engaging movie none the less. My only major complaint is that I wish the movie had dealt with the public's reaction to a faked mission to Mars. At the very least, I wish we got to see more of what happened once Col. Brubaker showed up at his own funeral for all to see. By the way, what happened to the other two astronauts?

Have any of you seen this movie? What did you think of it? I hear they're doing a remake.
It's several years since I've seen this film, so I'm a bit hazy on the specifics. It's one that I'm hoping to add to my collection soon. After having said that, I think it's a cracking good film, and I enjoyed reading the adaptation (or the novel it was based on?) when I was younger. I think Capricorn One is a classic sf film, actually. I remember seeing it when I was younger and I think it was the first time that I was introduced to the idea of conspiracy and subtefuge. I don't know what I think of a remake. I'm usually not against remakes, but that doesn't mean I necessarily chose to watch them.
OJ killed them!


Actually, I caught the ending again the other night on TCM...Telly Savales was hilarious as the goddamn cropduster sonuvabitch! ;)

One of my favorite movie lines of all time: The comic relief astronaut says to his wife on a radio call "I told you NEVER TO CALL ME HERE!" :lol: Stuck with me these 30 years since. :)
Not seen it, but Jerry Goldsmith's score is fantastic and one of the best he ever did, and oen the best film scores ever done.

A reviewer once noted he was paying more attention to Goldsmith's score to see what he was doing because it was so unusual.
Long time since I have seen that movie. I remember enjoying it greatly.

Wasn't this movie that spawned the Moon Conspiracy Theorists?
^ I know they were captured, but what happened to them after that? I didn't see anything to indicate whether they were killed or taken somewhere else.
It's been a long time, but I'm pretty sure that they weren't allowed to live. After all, the story was that their spacecraft had a malfunction and all 3 astronauts died so the bad guys wouldn't want to give them an opportunity to escape again.
It's been a long time, but I'm pretty sure that they weren't allowed to live. After all, the story was that their spacecraft had a malfunction and all 3 astronauts died so the bad guys wouldn't want to give them an opportunity to escape again.

Nope...the other two astronauts got whacked!
It ends with James Brolin showing up at his own memorial service some 8 months after they "left" on their trip. Nice touch.
It was a good idea that was very well excuted. I liked the fact it was a dark take on the idea of space travel. Before I saw it I had very naive ideas about what places like NASA must be like. I had visions of sciencists of all nations working together to extend human knowledge, etc, etc. This film woke me up to the idea that they are just as political as they are sciencific organisations. It is at all times a fairly plausible movie. I had heard there was to be a remake and I hope it lives up to its predecessor and its not dumbed down or the ending changed. I can't see a movie which is basically about the American authorities murdering national heroes selling very well in the current climate.
I hate the fact that it's spawned the latest batch of moon conspiracy theorists, but on its own its a taught and effective thriller. Peter Hyams is an underrated director who is saddled with schlock more often than he should be working in that form.
I remember being stunningly disappointed in the film. It started out with an interesting conspiracy theory plot, and halfway thru turned into nothing but yet another average chase film.

Great Goldsmith score, though.
I remember seeing it with my Dad. He wasn't happy with it and was telling all the reasons why faking it wouldn't have been possible. He worked for JPL for over 20yrs.

OJ Simpson was in it. That man couldn't act his way out of a paper bag--which made him perfect for "The Naked Gun."
Nope...the other two astronauts got whacked!
I don't think they were killed. Follow -- (pretending this was a real event) -- as long as the third astronaut was loose, there was always the possibility of exposure, and getting caught in assassination would have been ...severe....

(...much worse than just the fake mission...)

Logically, they would have been smart enough to sequester the two until the third got caught, "whacking" all three at once some time later if it appeared the government would get away with the conspiracy. In other words, they woulda ctb (covered their backsides).

Of course, I haven't read the novels, so I could be wrong; but it only makes sense they would have waited until all three were recovered (and a couple months passed to see if anyone noticed), imho...

( be logical, Captain...)
15 year old thread?

Well that remake never happened anyway. Thankfully. As others said I hate this movie purely because apparently so many morons have seen it and gives them ideas in their idiotic tiny brains.