Bryan Fuller quits Amazing Stories

Allegedly Neil was happy with the changes for American Gods, and was not why Fuller/Green were fired.

Bryan Fuller needs someone business-minded who can reign him in, because he's definitely able to produce some great things.
As far as I know, Hannibal was a fairly low budget show (which is why NBC kept it for so long.), but Fuller seems to want to do much more with a huge budget.
To be fair, the tweet doesn't say he was happy with the changes per se - more that he wasn't unhappy with them. (IE Neil's done adaptations for film/TV so I'm sure he is both pragmatic about it and understands the business.)
To be fair, the tweet doesn't say he was happy with the changes per se - more that he wasn't unhappy with them. (IE Neil's done adaptations for film/TV so I'm sure he is both pragmatic about it and understands the business.)
There's also the question of if he's being honest, or if he's being diplomatic.
Wow, it's definitely looking pretty bad for Fuller at this point. He must just throw a fit and leave anytime the studios won't let him do whatever he wants.
After all his cancelled shows, maybe he has a "Leave 'em before they drop you" mentality? You can't fire me, because I quit!

Except he was fired from Star Trek: Discovery. His split attention between DSC and American Gods delayed production so much that CBS ultimately had to let him go so they could get on with actually making the show. And I gather that he was fired from American Gods too, though reports are unclear. So I'm guessing that his "amicable" departure from Amazing Stories wasn't entirely his choice either.
I took a quick look on to see which production companies have worked with Fuller in his show-runner role. It's interesting that he never worked with the same production company on more than one show (with the exception of a company that does horror effects). This guy obviously does not play well with others.
I took a quick look on to see which production companies have worked with Fuller in his show-runner role. It's interesting that he never worked with the same production company on more than one show (with the exception of a company that does horror effects). This guy obviously does not play well with others.

He played well with Martha De Laurentiis while making Hannibal. As a matter of fact, Fuller and De Laurentiis are currently trying to find financial backing overseas for a Hannibal revival movie. All of these aborted Fuller projects just make me appreciate Hannibal even more. We got three glorious seasons and (despite not reaching his full six-year plan) a beginning, a middle and an end.

Still want to live in the alternate universe where he showran Star Trek: Discovery, American Gods and Amazing Stories simultaneously and to completion, though. I hear Trump died of auto-erotic asphyxiation back in 2009 over there.
Maybe it's time for a "Bryan Fuller quits..."-subforum.

It would make a good Onion article.

Bryan Fuller Quits 10 More Shows
Co-Workers Stunned

In a remarkable announcement, Bryan Fuller has quit 10 more shows, including such hits as The Big Bang Theory and Game of Thrones. Co-workers were stunned. Most were unaware that Fuller had even been hired onto those shows in the first place. Game of Thrones star Peter Dinklage was quoted as saying "I have no idea who this guy is..." The Big Bang Theory's Jim Parsons said "Bryan Fuller? I think he visited the set once...Wait, no...That was some other guy." Deadline Hollywood finally caught up with a studio executive with knowledge of Bryan Fuller's contracts. Speaking to us anonymously, the studio executive down-played the news. "Yeah, we hired him. Why? Nobody really expected that he would stick around long enough to collect a paycheck. We were bored and wanted to start an office pool to see how long he would last. I think Steve in Accounting won."
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Except he was fired from Star Trek: Discovery.

Of course, based on the sentiment here you'd never have reached that conclusion. Fans want to believe it's just one big happy fleet and bought the Hollywood double-speak right from the start.
This time it wasn't just Fuller. His Amazing Stories co-showrunner Hart Hanson also quit the project. According to Deadline "...neither felt Apple or Amblin shared their mutual vision for the series."
The article I read yesterday said he wanted to go for something darker, along the lines of Dark Mirror, but Apple or whoever wanted something lighter and more family friendly. So apparently they wanted Pushing Daisies Fuller, but he wanted to give them Hannibal Fuller.
Don't forget the five times he was involved with a new Battlestar Galactica feature film project and all 5 times it died. The first time (9/11) was admittedly not his fault, but still... After seeing all these other dead projects on his account, it's become just another statistic. Hopefully people have finally gotten the picture that his involvement was toxic and he's probably better off working at Burger King.
Don't forget the five times he was involved with a new Battlestar Galactica feature film project and all 5 times it died. The first time (9/11) was admittedly not his fault, but still... After seeing all these other dead projects on his account, it's become just another statistic. Hopefully people have finally gotten the picture that his involvement was toxic and he's probably better off working at Burger King.
Um, are you confusing Bryan Fuller with Bryan Singer?
Um, are you confusing Bryan Fuller with Bryan Singer?

Oh crap.

Why yes. Yes I am. I was in another thread talking about the multiple failed BSG revival attempts and that came up and got stuck in my brain.
Well that's fucking embarrassing...

Please disregard.