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"Bad Episodes" you think are good?

I think I’m weird, because I like or find enjoyment in almost all the classically “bad” episodes mentioned so far: “Masks” (always nice to see Spiner goof off), “Precious Cargo” (just good, simple fun and nice chemistry between Connor and Padma), “Vox Sola” (love the atmosphere), “The Royale” (again, wonderful atmosphere in this one), “By Any Other Name” (nice ensemble episode), “Move Along Home” and “Threshold” (both classic cases of “so bad it’s good” episodes) … Heck, I don’t even really mind “Shades of Gray” (don’t hit me).

I would add “Sub Rosa” (lovely atmosphere and just so memeable), “Frame of Mind” (feels almost like a classic Twilight Zone episode), “The Way to Eden” (sorry not sorry, but I love the tunes) and “Rise” (love the Tuvox/Neelix dynamic and always thought this was unjustly panned).

Off the top of my head, the ones I think are genuinely bad and not very enjoyable to rewatch are “Code of Honor”, “Liaisons” (which is just boring as hell), Voyager’s “Retrospect” (just disgusting to witness how no-one believes the victim), “Tattoo” (offensively stupid in what it makes up about Native Americans) and “The Omega Glory” (again, just super boring to me).

What’s interesting is that I have a hard time doing the same for the newer shows. And it’s not like there weren’t any stinkers, it’s just that I haven’t memorized the titles yet to really pick them out just looking at episode lists. :lol:
Frame of Mind is apparently pretty beloved, ranking in the top 40 episodes on IMDb and getting fantastic scores from online reviewers.
"The Way to Eden" is an episode I unironically love. There's maybe a bit too much going on (develop one or two elements a bit more and it could be something great), but I enjoy the music, I like the eerie, sad ending, and I love to see its different take on Spock's outsider status.
Off the top of my head?

"Spock's Brain" (TOS)
"The Way to Eden" (TOS)

"Code of Honor" (TNG)
"The Outrageous Okona" (TNG)
"The Royale" (TNG)
"Samaritan Snare" (TNG)
"Up the Long Ladder" (TNG)
"Manhunt" (TNG)
"Shades of Gray" (TNG)
"The Loss" (TNG)
"Devil's Due" (TNG)
"Qpid" (TNG)
"Aquiel" (TNG)
"Masks" (TNG)

^ Half the TNG episodes on my list are from Season 2.

I don't want to get ahead of my DS9 Re-Watch, but one episode where I disagreed with other posters here was "Invasive Procedures". I liked that one. It seems like a sizable enough group of people here didn't. Otherwise, I'm not really disagreeing with Niners about much of anything, so far.

I don't really know where I disagree with the majority about VOY, but I'll find out soon enough. Hint-hint about what's coming up on the horizon...

I could list the entirety of DSC, but I won't take the easy route. Instead, I'll just say the episodes where I disagree with people the most are:

"Point of Light" (DSC)
"The Red Angel" (DSC)
"Perpetual Infinity" (DSC)
"The Galactic Barrier" (DSC)
"Rosetta" (DSC)
"Species Ten-C" (DSC)

I will take the easy way out with PIC and say: Season 2. :p
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I have to assume you mean, episodes that we like unironically. Because most of the famously bad episodes like "Spock's Brain" and "Threshold" are unintentional comedy gold.

I'm hard pressed to think of a panned episode that I think is truly "good." But there are a few with elements that I unironically enjoy.

"Masks" I enjoy, purely for the visuals of a rainforest and Mesoamerican ruins floating in space, and mixing into the starship. The "plot" and everything else is.....forgettable.

"The Fight" from "Voyager" is a hot mess, but I think it provides far better backstory for Chakotay than the corny and racist "Tattoo." Chakotay being calm and rational because he grew up with a mentally ill relative and gets his anger out boxing works much better than the "magical Native American!" tripe. The main flaw of "The Fight" was having an episode revolving around his boxing, which was never not going to seem stupid. The boxing should've just been there, but not as the episode's focus.

While I'm largely indifferent to "Let He Who is Wothout Sin," I'm perplexed by how many DS9 fans are so angry about it. Are they mad because it's just boring? Or because Bashir's swimsuit was embarrassing? If nothing else it gave us an explanation for Kurzon Dax's death that was both hilarious and completely in character.
Given how many episodes I have defended, I feel like this thread was made for me. :lol:

I'll do three...

First up, "MOVE ALONG HOME". I've mentioned many times my various reasons why I think it is a GOOD episode, such as Quark's development.

Next, "THRESHOLD". Except for the final few minutes, thus is a solidly good episode. Great horror element and great character scenes for Tom. Plus, it introduced the new shuttle.

And finally, "Masks". I absolutely LOVE this one! The mood, atmosphere, and directing was great. Spiner was fantastic (even more impressive was how he had ZERO time to really prepare for it). We get to see Picard's archaeology hobby be key to saving the day. And it is ENTIRELY built on mythology, which I love. For me, one of my absolute favorites from Joe Menosky (who had mythology being central in a LOT of his episodes).

I've got others, but these are probably the three episodes I have defended the most over the years.

(Thank you, carcinoGeneticist, for starting this thread!)
"The Omega Glory". I keep forgetting that one's considered "bad". I think the American Flag at the end is ridiculous and taking the Parallel Earth concept too far, but I thought 95% of the episode was fine.

Is "The Gamesters of Triskelion" considered "bad" or "middle of the road"? I like that one too.
Gamesters is pretty low, but not all that hated. Bottom third.

Here are some possible 'worse than Turnabout Intruder' TOS stories, while I have the lists open:

Mudd's Women
The Alternative Factor
The Apple
The Omega Glory
Spock's Brain
And the Children Shall Lead
Plato's Stepchildren
The Mark of Gideon
That Which Survives
The Lights of Zetar
The Way to Eden
The Savage Curtain
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I always found "The Royale" delightful from top to bottom.

I like that one too! Didn't know it was viewed as bad, actually.

"The Royale" is my favorite TNG episode!
~ I watched "The Royale" last night because of you three. That's 44 minutes I'm never getting back!
Just kidding :lol: While I didn't think it was bad, I didn't think it was particularly good either. I did like Data winning at blackjack, though!

Another one is Genesis. I ignore the silly anti-laws of physics rapid creation and loss of mass among the infected crew members, and just go along for the adventure.
~ Oh, yes, I love "Genesis"! I think Gates McFadden did a really good job with the directing - it was atmospheric, tense, creepy, and Spider-Barclay was truly startling. It looked like the cast had fun channeling various animals, and Picard's onset of transformation where he was skittish and terrified was very amusing.

DS9 "Move Along Home"
~ This is definitely a Good Episode in my book, too.

TNG’s - “Rascals” is nice.
~ "Rascals" is hilarious - I love it!

LDS: A Mathematically Perfect Redemption was my favourite episode of season 3
~ This one seems to be a Marmite episode - people either love it or hate it. Like you, I love it. Peanut Hamper is just the worst!

Having just noticed @kkt post this one in the Last episode you watched thread, I'm adding DS9: "Prodigal Daughter". I've seen this episode get a lot of flack, I think more than a few people consider it a Bad Episode but I really like it. I like seeing Ezri's disfunctional family and some non-Starfleet life, and I love her family's house!
Having just noticed @kkt post this one in the Last episode you watched thread, I'm adding DS9: "Prodigal Daughter". I've seen this episode get a lot of flack, I think more than a few people consider it a Bad Episode but I really like it. I like seeing Ezri's disfunctional family and some non-Starfleet life, and I love her family's house!
Glad you enjoyed it too! I hear quite a few people go into clinical psychology because of having disfunctional families themselves and wanted to learn help others in the same situation and that would fit for the Tigans. It was enjoyable learning about life outside the Federation.
"Spock's Brain"

Yes, of course, there are very hokey parts in it. But it's got an interesting idea buried underneath it all, the idea of a society using a human brain as a computer to control their society. And it has some scenes I really, truly like. For example, I'm fond of the scene on the bridge where they are having a conference about where the alien ship could have gone. It's a rare opportunity to see Sulu, Chekov, and Uhura play a substantive role and the use of rear projection to make the viewscreen more interactive with the actors is a nice touch.
Threshold all the way. I've always loved that episode, going back to when it first aired when I was a kid. Indeed, I was surprised when going online as a teenager I'd see it listed amongst the worst of Star Trek. I actually caught it on TV about a month ago, it still holds up.

For honorable mentions I'll go with Spock's Brain and The Royale. Also, most of DS9's Ferengi comedies don't deserve the reputation they have for being awful.
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