Avery Brooks to return as Sisko?

Brooks objected to the original way that his final scene with Kasidy played out. The scene had been written as a final farewell, making it clear that Sisko had died. It had even been shot. However, Brooks did not like the optic of leaving his unborn child without a father. After Brooks raised his concern, Behr rewrote the ending, one in which Sisko says he would come back at an indeterminate time. The scene was reshot. Years later, on Chase Masterson's podcast, Behr said that the ending allowed Sisko to be effectively dead while his existence was literally ambiguous. Nonetheless, Brooks was satisfied.
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The news of Brooks' return might not be true, but it put me into a good mood. With Covid-19 about I need some good news.

If he does return, I will be more excited than some people are about Picard & Janeway returning.

I will point out that Marc Bernardin is working on Star Trek now and has a picture of Sisko on his office door. Who knows?

I don't see Avery coming back for a Sisko show, but I think he might be convinced to return for Picard. Picard deals with issues of diversity and increasing acceptance (Romulan refugees, synths) that Avery would be attracted to. Sisko should get away from all that Prophet stuff and just be helping the marginalized and discriminated in his return appearances.
If he returned that would be so great. I think he won't though. I think he feels satisfied with his work and doesn't feel the need to return to the role.
Star Trek: Sisko would be a dream come true. I would also happily settle for one episode of Sisko on Star Trek: Picard.
Star Trek: Sisko would be a dream come true. I would also happily settle for one episode of Sisko on Star Trek: Picard.

Maybe, but I'm afraid he would spend the whole episode playing second fiddle to Picard.
I want a show beginning when Kassidy takes a ship into the wormhole, shortly after WWLB. We see her enter the white space and then cut to an exterior of space. The words "Twenty-five years later..." appear.

Suddenly, the wormhole opens, her ship comes out, and in a cut to the bridge, we see Ben, Kassidy, and their young adult daughter. Boom.
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Honestly, I'd just skip showing Sisko return and already show him having re-established himself. I don't think we need to rehash 20 years ago.
A man's gotta eat and pay bills.

He does that being a professor in residence and being a theater actor (and if he isn't doing either, he's [hopefully] had all the money he made on DS9 socked away in good investments and 401K plans [aka, fuck you money.]) He probably doesn't need to be on a Star Trek show any more.
As I wrote in another thread: More important than Sisko's or anyone's return would be a resumption of the Dominion. This was (alongside Section 31, of course) the new big player, DS9 established concerning the power structures in this part of the universe. It would be a shame, if the new trek producers would ignore that player in all of their live action series. Of course, this is nothing, that e. g. 'Strange new world' could address or DSC could have adressed in its first two seasons, but especially PSC should (at the very least) put some hints about whatever happened to the Dominion.