
Yeah I tried it, works and looks good. But it would require yet another update to the Nebula. I'm not sure how much I want or can change before some people will say: that's not a Nebula anymore. (Who am I to say that the Nebula could need a massive upgrade anyway.)

Fleetcaptain: About the Achilles, I'm going to ask that! (I hope not....:))
Yeah I tried it, works and looks good. But it would require yet another update to the Nebula. I'm not sure how much I want or can change before some people will say: that's not a Nebula anymore. (Who am I to say that the Nebula could need a massive upgrade anyway.)

Fleetcaptain: About the Achilles, I'm going to ask that! (I hope not....:))
It would be the slipstream-variant.
Yeah I tried it, works and looks good. But it would require yet another update to the Nebula. I'm not sure how much I want or can change before some people will say: that's not a Nebula anymore.

Well, the refit Enterprise was still called Constitution Class, apparently.
[anal starship fanboy mode]

yes, but the 1701 was Starship class, it's right there on the dedication plaque!

[/anal starship fanboy mode]
Tell that to the doors in Star Trek II that say "Enterprise class" on the simulator.

Tell that to Mr Scott's Guide to the Enterprise.

Still calling the TMP ship "Constitution class" is just the BS revisionist thinking of Mike Okuda and chums. :shifty:

(I actually don't mind what it's actually called, it's just lots of the retroactive "change for the sake of change" in the 90's annoyed Young Me a little)
Tell that to the doors in Star Trek II that say "Enterprise class" on the simulator.

Which was barely visible in the film. However, Scotty's blueprints which were clearly visible in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country were labeled "Constitution Class." And those were blueprints for the actual ship, not just a sign on a simulator. (Maybe it was the simulator for the Academy's class about the Enterprise? ;) )
^ Or for the class of trainees due to be assigned to the Enterprise. ;)

(Enterprise could also be the name of the ground-based "training ship" of which those particular trainees are members, much like the "training ships" - actually extensively equipped barracks/galley/classroom buildings - USS United States, USS Constitution, USS Enterprise, etc. the US Navy currently uses in recruit training.)