

To whit:

"My fellow citizens of the Federation...I'm pleased to tell you today that I have signed legeslation...that will outlaw the Typhon Pact forever. We begin bombing in five minutes...."


To whit:

"My fellow citizens of the Federation...I'm pleased to tell you today that I have signed legeslation...that will outlaw the Typhon Pact forever. We begin bombing in five minutes...."


I'm fairly confident that President Bacco would never joke about killing people like that.
Assuming, of course, she knows the mike is on....;)

But you're right. She's a lot less flippant than the Gipper was. (Well...she used to be as flippant, as KRAD's Time For Tolstoy indicates. But time and the Borg quieted her down a bit, I suppose....)
Assuming, of course, she knows the mike is on....;)

But you're right. She's a lot less flippant than the Gipper was. (Well...she used to be as flippant, as KRAD's Time For Tolstoy indicates. But time and the Borg quieted her down a bit, I suppose....)

Nah, she's still pretty flippant. She's just not as tasteless as President Reagan.
Or, for that matter, as tasteless as a radio/TV personality who made an intentional on-air joke about 13-year-old Chelsea Clinton being a dog.
Or, let's see...a certain gaggle of TV/Radio personalities who make constant use of the term "teabaggers" in reference to peaceful protesters...hmm?

(Two can play at this game...or is it three? And I wonder how long this will go until the mods scream, "ENOUGH!!!")
I had always associated tea bagging with:

Teabagging is a slang term for the act of a man placing his scrotum in the mouth or on or around the face (including the top of the head) of another person, often in a repeated in-and-out motion as in irrumatio. The practice resembles dipping a tea bag into a cup of tea.

Teabagging is an activity used within the context of BDSM and male dominance, with a dominant man teabagging his submissive partner as one variation of facesitting and/or as a means of inflicting erotic humiliation. Teabagging is not always carried out with a solely "sexual" connotation.

Not some silly political practice performed by some Americans.
ok guys, this thread has gone so far off the original topic, you'll need a slipstream drive to get back, luckily the Aventine has one. Wonderful technology, the slipstream drive.
I was watching the DS9 episode Chrysalis last night, and there was some cool foreshadowing. Bashir was walking on the promenade with Serena after a get-together with his friends, and she was summarizing their relationships and personalities very astutely. About Ezri Dax she said (and if anyone wants to correct this for exactness, go right ahead), that she was very confused at this time because of all the different voices in her head, but once she came to know herself, she was going to become someone very significant. Like I say, I don't have the words right, but I am really glad that the editors and writers at Pocket decided to make good on this prediction!
I was watching the DS9 episode Chrysalis last night, and there was some cool foreshadowing. Bashir was walking on the promenade with Serena after a get-together with his friends, and she was summarizing their relationships and personalities very astutely. About Ezri Dax she said (and if anyone wants to correct this for exactness, go right ahead), that she was very confused at this time because of all the different voices in her head, but once she came to know herself, she was going to become someone very significant. Like I say, I don't have the words right, but I am really glad that the editors and writers at Pocket decided to make good on this prediction!

Exact quote: "The day she realizes she's more than just the sum of her parts...she's really gonna be something."

In the relaunch, she was trying out being just the sum of her parts. She basically gave in to past lives.

But by the time of Destiny, Ezri's back in control. She channels the symbiont's memories and experience to serve her, not control her.

(BTW...the correct term is "tea party protesters". "Teabaggers" is a crude corruption of the term, as Dimesdan pointed out.)
(BTW...the correct term is "tea party protesters". "Teabaggers" is a crude corruption of the term, as Dimesdan pointed out.)

A corruption of the term that Tea Party protestors came up with themselves before realizing its sexual connotations, to be precise.