Contest: ENTER Avatar Contest: Metamorphosis before and after.


Premium Member
Solstice 2022 will be at 5:13 AM on Tuesday, June 21

^ almost the theme this time- :)

OK picture in the avatar entry the metamorphosis due to time changes for example before and after war, or before and after the caterpillar to butterfly the metamorphosis. big or small for the caterpillar to butterfly there would be 2 avatars submitted --- one of the caterpillar one of the butterfly. for this contest --- there are allowed two metamorphoses avatars so 4 avatars --- the voting will be for two avatars at a time as one. the before and the after --- It might be a two week entry time as this friday starts my summer vacation for about 8-9 days --- mmmm maybe more than 2 weeks --- I will not have my laptop or be at my desktop only just my phone and iPad and they do not allow the creation of a voting post -- I should be able to get 4 avatars before going (I hope)

Standard avatar rules apply: a maximum of 200 x 200 pixels, and 1 MB in size.
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Solstice 2022 will be at 5:13 AM on Tuesday, June 21

^ almost the theme this time- :)

OK picture in the avatar entry the metamorphosis due to time changes for example before and after war, or before and after the caterpillar to butterfly the metamorphosis. big or small for the caterpillar to butterfly there would be 2 avatars submitted --- one of the caterpillar one of the butterfly. for this contest --- there are allowed two metamorphoses avatars so 4 avatars --- the voting will be for two avatars at a time as one. the before and the after --- It might be a two week entry time as this friday starts my summer vacation for about 8-9 days --- mmmm maybe more than 2 weeks --- I will not have my laptop or be at my desktop only just my phone and iPad and they do not allow the creation of a voting post -- I should be able to get 4 avatars before going (I hope)

I am going to up the difficulty right here 0---0 and ask for only star trek related images of any kind, but must be star trek types --- so before and after warp core breach --- things like that :)

Standard avatar rules apply: a maximum of 200 x 200 pixels, and 1 MB in size, and all entries must be SFW. Trek media only!

Umm... this is Miscellaneous forum, which is generally for non-media stuff. A Star Trek -only contest might be better suited to the SciFi forum or any of Trek Show forums. Just sayin'. :shrug:
I don't usually go to the deep scifi forum sections. I guess I can just edit that out?? it is ok I was just watching star trek episodes and thinking like that--- OK I will go and edit the trek only thing --

edit --- there that was NP --- You are correct with the other forums being that focus and that is not the case here-
Brandenburg Gate before and after the Fall of the Berlin Wall




I'm going to ask for help here to post the vote thread?? Otherwise I might be able with about 30 minutes on my laptop say Monday. But that's not really a guarantee.. @Avro Arrow your my best hope to take over.. I think I'm away all summer vacation with my fiancee.. Only small Windows onto personal internet time.. See everyone September..
I'm going to ask for help here to post the vote thread?? Otherwise I might be able with about 30 minutes on my laptop say Monday. But that's not really a guarantee.. @Avro Arrow your my best hope to take over.. I think I'm away all summer vacation with my fiancee.. Only small Windows onto personal internet time.. See everyone September..

The fact that I'm anybody's best hope for anything is kinda questionable in itself, but OK. :)

Enjoy your vacation!

BEFORE: Watch this space for the poll link shortly.
AFTER: Poll is now up!
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