Anyone know how to engage/find other Star Trek fans?

This makes me feel sooo young which is weird because at the moment i feel so old when i keep getting told i’m basically an adult and am applying to uni in under a year :confused: so actually thanks for that
Agreed but also sometimes my silly is literally being a teenage girl making silly comments comments about characters (in a perceived shallow way when it’s just meant to be fun) i like and idk if there are places like that for star trek where there are for other shows (and if you know any places/forums for that please tell me)
Also kinda scared if i say opinions and they end up being controversial and adults end up arguing with me or something (Example, I thought the hating Wesley Crusher thing was a joke because he’s just a kid and he’s TRYING despite hide mistakes and he has crushing (pun definitely intended) expectations and is simultaneously patronised and then I found out a lot of people do actually hate him and they got mad at me which i don’t want)
Man, I wish 16 again. No worries about money, because my mom buys everything and the only chores I have to do is putting the dishes in the dishwasher and putting the dishes on the table again
Man, I wish 16 again. No worries about money, because my mom buys everything and the only chores I have to do is putting the dishes in the dishwasher and putting the dishes on the table again

So real, but also my countries school system sucks and i’ve taken an extra subject so i’m awake doing work from 5am half of the days and stay in my school library till closing at 6pm and have to do schoolwork like five hours a day on the weekend :weep: but that’s a me problem being 16 is awesome man especially for christmas
Hi Annie !

Welcome aboard, and I hope you stick around. Trek needs new fans and you should be encouraged. A lot of us are getting on a bit, as you can probably expect from fans of a franchise that began in the 1960's !

And yes, indeed, many of us are old and ugly ! :)

I can't really advise you how to meet other younger fans beyond chatting on here, but you could ask in your local comic shop if there are any fan groups in the area.

You could always start one !
Hi Annie !

Welcome aboard, and I hope you stick around. Trek needs new fans and you should be encouraged. A lot of us are getting on a bit, as you can probably expect from fans of a franchise that began in the 1960's !

And yes, indeed, many of us are old and ugly ! :)

I can't really advise you how to meet other younger fans beyond chatting on here, but you could ask in your local comic shop if there are any fan groups in the area.

You could always start one !

Thank you so much for the lovely welcome, i was slightly dubious of the website but I really like it !
I don’t mind that a lot of the fans are older than me it’s more i don’t wanna make anyone uncomfortable-
Thank you so much for the lovely welcome, i was slightly dubious of the website but I really like it !
I don’t mind that a lot of the fans are older than me it’s more i don’t wanna make anyone uncomfortable-
I think you'll find most of us have long ago accepted that we're not in the first flush of youth ! :hugegrin:

A couple of pointers -

1) The Treklit section could be interesting to you, and we're fortunate enough to get some of the authors involved in discussions there. They're nice and won't bite, but please take care not to give any story ideas in the discussions - due to potential legal problems if someone says "Hey, you should do a story about Data turning into a microwave oven !" and the author was actually planning to, they then can't in case you sue for stealing your idea.

2) Theres a place on here called The Neutral Zone which you can't access yet as you're a newbie. It's less strictly moderated and can get a bit more contentious. I tell you this as if you do eventually go there, you'll sometimes find a bunch of people arguing and being less polite. There is a thread there "The Place Where It's Always Brit O'Clock" where some of us in the UK gather to moan about politics, life and the weather. There's teachers, lecturers, police, clergy and all sorts posting there.We argue, but we're a kind of family.

Anyhow, welcome again - explore and get involved.

I think you'll find most of us have long ago accepted that we're not in the first flush of youth ! :hugegrin:

A couple of pointers -

1) The Treklit section could be interesting to you, and we're fortunate enough to get some of the authors involved in discussions there. They're nice and won't bite, but please take care not to give any story ideas in the discussions - due to potential legal problems if someone says "Hey, you should do a story about Data turning into a microwave oven !" and the author was actually planning to, they then can't in case you sue for stealing your idea.

2) Theres a place on here called The Neutral Zone which you can't access yet as you're a newbie. It's less strictly moderated and can get a bit more contentious. I tell you this as if you do eventually go there, you'll sometimes find a bunch of people arguing and being less polite. There is a thread there "The Place Where It's Always Brit O'Clock" where some of us in the UK gather to moan about politics, life and the weather. There's teachers, lecturers, police, clergy and all sorts posting there.We argue, but we're a kind of family.

Anyhow, welcome again - explore and get involved.

This is so helpful thank youuu! <3 I will definitely be checking out the Brit thread when I can and the Treklit one. :hugegrin:
I like that this thread has turned into people on this website being my mini guides
(apologies if the formatting on this post is bad i’ve never used this website and the layout is rather old)
Does anyone know how to find other Star Trek fans irl, i’m a young fan (mid to older Gen Z) and I have no one to geek out about Star Trek with. I’ve scoured social media (Insta, TikTok, Tumblr etc) and there’s barely anything (I don’t use Twitter and Reddit is good but quite antisocial). The only irl comic shops or anything of the like are 45 minutes away (i’m from the UK so Star Trek isn’t as popular here anyway). :/
Also quite annoyed because I feel like anyone that is a Star Trek or sci-fi/space opera fan in general wouldn’t talk to me about it because they assume I wouldn’t be into it. I told a guy in my physics class that I like Star Trek, and other nerdy ish fandoms and that I like going to comic-con and he was shocked saying he’d never expect it like i was too girly/basic or some shit etc etc and I wish I looked more like a fan (idk how that’s even possible but whatever) because maybe I’d be able to find another.
Long winded way of saying any way to find Star Trek fans irl or online please tell me because I am in NEED of geeking out over this show (preferably a lower age range because a lot of fans are older and while that’s great and I love discussions with older fans sometimes I also want to be silly and unserious in my geeking out over this franchise (specifically TOS and the movies))?
Oh also if anyone has any book recs please share (the audiobooks on spotify are not enough) or if you are willing to explain how to use the website

I hate to be the parent (have three children including a 16 year old son), be careful who you interact with and make sure if you decide to do something with someone you meet online, make sure someone you trust knows who and where you are meeting someone and make sure you meet publicly.

Welcome to the board, and have fun. It is a great group of people of varying ages and interests.
I hate to be the parent (have three children including a 16 year old son), be careful who you interact with and make sure if you decide to do something with someone you meet online, make sure someone you trust knows who and where you are meeting someone and make sure you meet publicly.

Welcome to the board, and have fun. It is a great group of people of varying ages and interests.

No don’t worry, I understand and despite me saying some personal stuff I am careful due to bad past experiences involving authorities and stuff, but I don’t think I would ever meet someone irl at this point in time (for the next couple years).
Thank you for the warning much appreciated