Agents of SHIELD. Season 1 Discussion Thread


Boldly going...
Premium Member
Figured since the series starts tonight we needed a new thread to discuss the show proper without 800-some posts in front of it. Start new and fresh.

Series Premiere tonight!
I've looked forward to this for a long time. I hope it's half as good as the hype has led us to believe. I have a feeling it will be.

1x01 "Pilot"

Agent Phil Coulson is back in action and in order to track an unknown enemy, he has assembled a select group of Agents from the worldwide law-enforcement organization known as S.H.I.E.L.D.
Ummm... that's not what Black Widow's hair looked like when she saved New York. Man, this show isn't being consistent with the established universe. It sucks! ;)
I'm guessing those action figures are about as close to seeing Cap, Thor, IM and Hulk in this series!

So they went with Fury faking the death, which follows the whole "it happened off screen/said by untrustworthy character" thing. I was hoping for the Life Model Decoy, but that works too. Cool enough, glad Coulson is here!