3D interiors in Blender

@cardinal biggles: :D

Last update for a few days as I'll shift my attention to a 2D commission soon. I've reworked the whole helm console, now looking a lot more TNG (only the top part remains of the Ent-C style console). The central area will have some iso chips added in.

I've remodeled the Ent-C ceiling piece, but decided to keep the frontal area of the bridge intact (did I mention that this was a 'quick-win project'?). However, I've experimented a bit and added a few more consoles on the sides. Those are still unfinished, but I'll add some big screens in front of them, with maybe some isolinear chips at the sides.

Other than that and of course the LCARS changes, this bridge would be pretty much finished by that point. I'd like to change the chairs to the ones used at the back of the Enterprise-D battle bridge at season 1 (the same ones used on the USS Bozeman bridge) but I can't seem to find any good references for them. Anyone able to help out with those?



Farpoint was a bust. Couldn't see anything of the chair before Troi plants herself in it.

There's this in Arsenal of Freedom


And then this one


But they're not great shots of the chairs AT ALL. There's a fan made bridge diagram of the Bozeman that shows them and they look similar but who knows how well they match up.

They remind me of the guest chairs in McCoy's office in Star Trek II but I can't find good screenshots of them to compare.
@cardinal biggles: :D

Last update for a few days as I'll shift my attention to a 2D commission soon. I've reworked the whole helm console, now looking a lot more TNG (only the top part remains of the Ent-C style console). The central area will have some iso chips added in.

I've remodeled the Ent-C ceiling piece, but decided to keep the frontal area of the bridge intact (did I mention that this was a 'quick-win project'?). However, I've experimented a bit and added a few more consoles on the sides. Those are still unfinished, but I'll add some big screens in front of them, with maybe some isolinear chips at the sides.

Other than that and of course the LCARS changes, this bridge would be pretty much finished by that point. I'd like to change the chairs to the ones used at the back of the Enterprise-D battle bridge at season 1 (the same ones used on the USS Bozeman bridge) but I can't seem to find any good references for them. Anyone able to help out with those?



LOVE that helm console!

The only thing that bothers me, although I like the hint of TOS there, is the separate rails. I kinda wish they could be connected. Seems, as much as the crews always seem to be thrown about, that it could be a pinch hazard.
I think the separate rails are fine, after all you see it all the time in the various redresses of the set version that this bridge is a redress of.
The separate rails could be a safety feature -- that way when Ricky Redshirt gets thrown from his console, the section of railing breaks away instead of clotheslining him.
Regarding the railings, yeah, I understand and agree that they would look better as one piece, but keeping with the real sets I'm gonna keep them separated. We saw some continuous railings on TNG but they were on curvier rails, most of the ones we saw were segmented.

I've added more details here and there, including more of those classic TNG black lines that do nothing
I've also replaced some of the LCARS on the aft consoles with isolinear chips, following the same pattern as they used on this set in 'Booby Trap'.

Regarding the doors, I went back to the red color (though I've made all the reds a bit darker) inspired by the Starfleet facility from 'Coming of Age', which being early TNG would be the same time period as this bridge. Just as those doors, these open up from one side only.

Well, I've modeled the chairs from the Battle Bridge as accurately as I could given the very few references I had from the Ready Room (thanks @ashefivekay and @Lt. Washburn!), they've replaced all the chairs and help make the bridge seem a little less cluttered IMO. I've also removed the LCARS columns from the back, I felt the bridge was getting too many LCARS and looked a little too busy.

Woah! The light panels are FAR more detailed than I'd thought they were!

Nice job, overall!
@Scribble Thanks! Haha, you mean the ceiling panels? I like to add those little grills in there to have some texture. :D

Just because it was quick to do, I modified the Galatea bridge to bring it up to standard with my current stuff. I've swapped the consoles and Captain's chair for the more accurate versions, I've tweaked the Okudagram coloring, changed the door size to be the same as on the sets, and changed all the materials for PBR stuff.

Given that the new pieces are smaller than the first versions I had, the bridge now looks very sparse, with a lot of unused space. I still like the layout a lot so I'm not gonna change it, but it's something I'll keep in mind when designing stuff for the future.




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Thanks @Praetor and @Bernard Guignard ! :)

@Matthew Raymond: Imagine having to find the one malfunctioning chip. ;)

@cardinal biggles: Yeah, it does now. :/ However I wanted to keep the original layout intact, I might lower the ceiling a bit at some point, but nothing further than that.

I finally took the time to finish the Enterprise-D bridge these past few days. This is the original look from Farpoint, before any modification was made. I did a ton of research into all modifications the bridge suffered, and all that went into a new article in Ex Astris Scientia that I worked on with Bernd. I hope to eventually model all the different versions of the bridge.

For this mesh, every single material was reworked in some way. I'm finally happy with how the LCARS look with their reflections (though I made the viewscreen non reflective to keep it consistent with the show), the carpets now have darker spots similar to those on the set, and the overall look is more consistent and looks more real than my previous renders.

I've rendered and uploaded a 360° panorama of the bridge, but I don't know how to embed it here, so go here to see it, along with several more renders.

After finishing this bridge, I'm already starting work on my next commission, so keep an eye out, I should be updating shortly.



I've already started work on my next commission: the Main Sickbay of the USS Galaxy for @Rusty0918.

Just like the bridge, the basic structure will be pretty much like the one of the Enterprise-D, but with several differences in the details.

This is all very very early, and the ceiling light is just temporary to get some lighting in there.

More work done on the biobeds area. The height of the set is now correct, and I've redone the columns to be more accurate. I've added the aqua metallic color from the bridge on the small insets, but that could change.
