3D interiors in Blender

I like the way the ready room is coming together. I think you found the right balance in its design. IMO, I think having the rails placement in the center of the room is a great fit for this design. I agree it’s a great tool to help individuals move between the two levels. Can’t wait to see the finished renders my friend!
The coffee table somehow makes me think of the holography table (or tabletop device) Riker had in his quarters in "Haven"(TNG1). That may be another idea for 'decoration'.
I slowly kept working on this during the past week whenever time allowed. I wasn't too big a fan of the curve the handrail followed, and I didn't want to just reuse the Voyager coffee table here, so I swapped the design for an oval shaped one (and with a glass top, I think it looks better), and redid the handrail and steps to follow along that shape. I also tweaked the wall behind the desk a bit; added back the blue lights at the bottom of the dark columns; added LCARS for the replicator and desktop monitor; and did another pass on the shape of the support behind the couch.

The biggest stuff that's missing now is decor. The Corps of Engineers books have the Appalachia under the command of Captain Ahmed al-Rashid, so while I don't necessary consider that written in stone as far as my version of the ship goes, it gave me the idea to incorporate some arabic elements into the decor. I also want to make it colorful as right now the room is overly grey and somewhat boring IMO.



I also want to make it colorful as right now the room is overly grey and somewhat boring IMO.

You do you, but that's such a warm gray and so softly, warmly lit that I can't imagine getting anything done there other than napping. Heck, gimme a pillow and that spot of floor under the replicator looks incredibly inviting for the purpose.
Why not a frosted decal/emblem on that partition wall...either UFP, Starfleet or a program/department the Captain spent time in?
Bit of color? Some art maybe? Alot of grey on grey, otherwise, looking excellent!

Edit: Oh! you said that already.. hehe

Bit of red? Red and grey go well together.
Glad all that RGB stuff wasn't around when this era of Trek was made.. imagine the multicoloured carnage.. ;)

"Captain, the Romulans are attacking!"

"Quick! Switch shields to breathing mode!"

@DSG2k: The grey is actually a very desaturated blue, so I wouldn't call it warm hahaha

@Lt. Washburn and @cardinal biggles: I do plan on adding a secondary color to the carpet, just as on the briefing room, however I wanted to finish the sofa shapes first just in case I decide to trace its outline on the carpet pattern.

@Finn: Interesting idea, I'll play around with it, but I feel it might be too eye catching.

@valkyrie013: Certainly, more reds and greens, there's enough blues already. :)

@Santaman: Oh god, imagine the Borg with RGB everywhere instead of floppy drives...

Started adding some of that decor, and decided now that I have the income to do so (and that I've seen that pretty much everyone else does it, it isn't as frowned upon as I once thought), I'd rather buy some assets as they're of a higher quality than I could do on the time I've got. For the longest of time I resisted this due to feeling like I have to make everything myself, but for decor like this which I'll probably only use once, I think it's a better approach. I might do so with plants as well, just to add some more variety to the ones I've already got.


Hadn't had time to work on this for a while... Today I've added some more decor and shuffled things around a bit.

Even on props I bought (5 in total) I ended up modifying all the materials, so that the colors work well together and the room isn't so grey anymore; I think it ended up with a nice pallet. Other than maybe adding a pattern on the floor I think I'm done with this room; what are your thoughts? Am I missing something?

