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  1. Frontis

    List Only! Last Star Trek Episode You Watched

    I finished my first time Lower Decks watch with... The Inner Fight Old Friends, New Planets Looking forward to season 5 now...
  2. fireproof78

    What are your controversial Star Trek opinions?

    Doesn't change his actions against Kirk. This isn't a question of nuance but of consequence for recent behavior. Admiration should not factor in to it.
  3. Dukhat

    Spoilers The Strange New Worlds Starship Thread™

    That would be cool. But probably unlikely. Unless they’re planning on using the FJ designs in some capacity, I’m not sure why they would do that.
  4. K

    Property rights and commerce in Trek, some musings

    My head explanation for real estate is that the poor and middle class live in decent but modest apartments. There are no homeless camps in future San Francisco, but that doesn't mean everyone has a mansion by the Presidio. But there is also a real estate market for bigger or special homes...
  5. David cgc

    Spoilers The Strange New Worlds Starship Thread™

    I suppose they could always show a movie-era refit of the Federation... Or, you know, make a deal for the rights.
  6. Orac

    Context is for Kings Line-by-Line

    Psycho: Relax. The pilot's taking care of it.
  7. Frontis

    Riker's rank change in Best of Both Worlds Question

    The beginning of DS9 was a good basis for development and story telling.
  8. Frontis

    What are your controversial Star Trek opinions?

    Well the end of Space Seed was the basis for The Wrath Of Khan. I don't think they planed it at this time but it was good for the movie. Maybe Kirk's instinct in Space Seed told him how bad and dangerous Khan can be and that's why he acted like that.
  9. HotRod

    Spoilers The Strange New Worlds Starship Thread™ old kids holodeck program set in the 23rd century. The series saw a resurgence in popularity in the late 2390's, hence it's presence in bar.:p *I genuinely hate the design and until I actually see one floating in space, I'll refuse to accept its inclusion in canon. **I'm also genuinely...
  10. cooleddie74

    What is the most offensive thing you can say to a Trek fan?

    "The best Star Trek is the one where Bambi's mother dies."
  11. The Wormhole

    What is the most offensive thing you can say to a Trek fan?

    I like the Star Trek where Darth Vader saves Middle Earth from the Daleks.
  12. Velocity

    Feline Follies

    Or Bill the Cat from Bloom County.....ACK!
  13. Commander Antagony

    VOY Story - Five Words at a Time

    Also, he should have improved
  14. Disco

    Game Star Trek A to Z

    A is for the Antares Maelstrom. B is for Boreth. C is for Chalna. D is for Dahar Masters. E is for Eddington. F is for Flotter. G is for Gamma Hydra IV. H is for Hoshi Sato. I is for Intrepid. J is for Jim, your name... is Jim. K is for space station K-7. L is for Lal M is for Melora.
  15. Set Harth

    Spoilers The Controversial Star Wars Opinion Thread

    Imagine even thinking it needed to be justified.
  16. Disco

    VOY Story - Five Words at a Time

    as obedient but toilet trained.
  17. Gary Mitchell

    Feline Follies

  18. Disco

    The amazing Trek movie-era six-word story

    right through this fan with a
  19. Owain Taggart

    Why is toxic fandom destroying everything?

    If I do, I end up keeping it only to teasers just to get the general idea. Though I'll say that's also led to some interesting experiences, not knowing at all what to expect. For instance friends and I went to see the World's Greatest Showman. We actually had no idea until we got there and the...