News Starfleet Academy Coming to P+

Discussion in 'Future of Trek' started by Tuskin38, Mar 30, 2023.

  1. Rowdy Roddy McDowall

    Rowdy Roddy McDowall Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 28, 2011
    Cornelius drive
    Not to mention ''the wee inspector'' in COPYCAT. Which features Sigourney Weaver. Who spoofs TREK hilariously in 2000.
    Six or less degrees of TREK in any direction.....
  2. Toril Toran

    Toril Toran Commander Red Shirt

    Sep 12, 2022
    Wasn’t Holly Hunter married to Jim Carrie a long time ago?

    I think she was on NCIS as well
  3. Dukhat

    Dukhat Admiral Admiral

    Dec 26, 2007
    Maryland, USA
    Jim Carrey.

    And you’re thinking of Lauren Holly, not Holly Hunter.
  4. Toril Toran

    Toril Toran Commander Red Shirt

    Sep 12, 2022
    Ohhh. Yes. I know her now. Sorry about the mixup
  5. nightwind1

    nightwind1 Commodore Commodore

    Dec 28, 2010
    Des Moines, IA
    The new stuff isn't changing anything.
  6. nightwind1

    nightwind1 Commodore Commodore

    Dec 28, 2010
    Des Moines, IA
    She was also pretty damn good in "Mr. Mayor", the recent Ted Danson comedy series.
  7. evilchumlee

    evilchumlee Fleet Captain Captain

    Dec 27, 2023
    That's odd, because I look at TOS, and I look at SNW and it certainly looks like quite a bit has changed.
  8. valkyrie013

    valkyrie013 Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 15, 2009
    I Do hope that they have a freshly minted Captian Rayner as part of the Academy series. Need someone to be a hard ass to the cadets. Bad cop to Tilly's good cop. Honestly out of everybody on Disco, I want Rayner to move over to The Academy series.
    JRob94 and Farscape One like this.
  9. Nerys Myk

    Nerys Myk A Spock and a smile Premium Member

    Nov 4, 2001
    AI Generated Madness
    Mostly VFX, costumes and sets, all of which have been given a modern twist. Which was inevitable. A couple characters had some depth added. But over all most of TOS fits in fine with SNW
  10. trekfan_1

    trekfan_1 Commander Red Shirt

    Jul 12, 2011
    I'm going to give it a chance. If it becomes a touch freely teen version of Grey's Anomony, then it will not be my cup of tea.

    If it's a mixture of TNG's " Coming of Age" and "The First Duty" and DS9s "Valient " with a streak of Lower Decks, ( tng ep and/or cartoon) than I can definitely watch this. Teen angst is fine. I just hope they tone down the love triangles and back stabby stuff. Some of that is ok but dont go overboard. . I also wouldn't mind seeing storylines from the adult mentors perspective. Will come in with an open mind.
    Last edited: May 28, 2024
  11. trekfan_1

    trekfan_1 Commander Red Shirt

    Jul 12, 2011
    Unless they pull a Captain Shaw and kill him off in the Discovery finale.
  12. evilchumlee

    evilchumlee Fleet Captain Captain

    Dec 27, 2023
    He's a not-Burnham character that's been given some background... he's toast.

    I'll respond to this one last one and then i'm going to go away on the topic. It's a never ending circle.

    But... you had previously said "they haven't changed anything", and then in the response to my next comment, you essentially said "Well, except for the stuff they changed."

    The logic doesn't follow that they didn't change anything, but they changed things. It would be more accurate to say you don't care about the changes that were made, not that there no changes. Because there were. I can provide visual evidence.
    cal888 likes this.
  13. HotRod

    HotRod Commodore Commodore

    Jan 19, 2011
    Reaper Occupied Earth
  14. Nerys Myk

    Nerys Myk A Spock and a smile Premium Member

    Nov 4, 2001
    AI Generated Madness
    The actor said they had plans for Rayner in Season Six. So unless the reshoots involved killing him off, probably not.
    I don't think I said that. My position is TOS and SNW work fine together. Upgrading the sets, VFX, costumes and other things are no different than casting Mount and Romjin as Pike and Number One. Necessary for the show,
  15. trekfan_1

    trekfan_1 Commander Red Shirt

    Jul 12, 2011
    Good to hear if that's the case . Killing Rayner for dramatic effect after building his character the way they did is way too cliche and obvious .
    StarTrek1701 likes this.
  16. Toril Toran

    Toril Toran Commander Red Shirt

    Sep 12, 2022
    Unless they plan to bring him back from a mirror universe…
  17. valkyrie013

    valkyrie013 Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 15, 2009
    If they kill him, Rayner will see the black mountain, and just show back up again.. no explanation..
  18. fireproof78

    fireproof78 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 11, 2014
    Journeying onwards
    Yes indeed. The show is about *checks notes* humans and their interactions in exploring strange new worlds. TOS, in particular, made a very great effort to avoid calling out the technology. The technology was there to serve the plot and go from A to B. The Enterprise was a nice ship, but it was still just a ship. The phaser did what was needed, as did the tricorders that could do psychological assessments and then not.

    The tech is not a character. SNW does an update. That's it. The stories matter, the characters matter, more than the set dressing. And before it comes back, "Hey, well they should just pull a Star Trek continues," this is also a for profit business meant to draw in the largest audience possible (straight from the TOS Writer's Bible). How is the 60s era design accuracy doing that?
  19. Nerys Myk

    Nerys Myk A Spock and a smile Premium Member

    Nov 4, 2001
    AI Generated Madness
    Exactly. OTOH, if they said "The Doomsday Machine" or even "And the Children Shall Lead" never happened, I'd be singing a different tune. :lol:
    HotRod, Farscape One and fireproof78 like this.
  20. cooleddie74

    cooleddie74 Arguably The Best Poster Named cooleddie Moderator

    Apr 25, 2001
    The Warped Sector of the Demented Quadrant
    And about the second episode a lot of us would be singing a very happy tune.