Whats a good episode of Enterprise?

Discussion in 'Star Trek: Enterprise' started by Sexy Human, Aug 30, 2012.

  1. NrobbieC

    NrobbieC Commander Red Shirt

    Aug 30, 2012
    Burton, UK
    I'd say my favourites of ENT are probably:

    Season 1
    Silent Enemy
    Vox Sola
    Two Days and Two Nights
    Shockwave I

    Season 2
    Shockwave II
    Carbon Creek
    Dead Stop
    A Night in Sickbay
    Future Tense
    The Expanse

    Season 3
    Carpenter Street
    Azati Prime (it gave us the J)

    Season 4
    Storm Front I/II
    Cold Station 12
    The Augments
    The Forge
    Babel One
    The Aenar
    In a Mirror Darkly I/II

    I do love a good laugh, a good drama and a good space battle ;)
  2. NrobbieC

    NrobbieC Commander Red Shirt

    Aug 30, 2012
    Burton, UK
    In a Mirror Darkly
  3. Nerys Myk

    Nerys Myk A Spock and a smile Premium Member

    Nov 4, 2001
    AI Generated Madness
    I think "Carbon Creek" stands with the best that Trek has to offer.
  4. ALF

    ALF Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Mar 12, 2005
    Program Melmac1 - Holodeck 3
    Did you enjoy it?
    Andorians are one thing I think Enterprise nailed. They were excellent in every episode, every scene they were in. Who doesn't love Shran? :mallory:

    There's a lot of ship/ship in the entire season 3 (although spread out) otherwise most of the season 4 arcs people have been posting are heavy on the fleet battles.
    Excellent engagements in season 2's Bounty and The Expanse.

    Hold off on In a Mirror Darkly. It would be strange to see that too early. Get to know the characters a bit, IMHO.
  5. NrobbieC

    NrobbieC Commander Red Shirt

    Aug 30, 2012
    Burton, UK
    Nobody other than Jeffrey Combs could've done Shran that well.
  6. I am Surak

    I am Surak Captain Captain

    Aug 8, 2010
    I second that!
  7. Nacluv

    Nacluv Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Aug 19, 2012
    I think Enterprise is one of the worst Star Trek series to ever have seen the light of the day. Can't decide whether I think it's better or worse than Voyager.

    There are however one reason I am considering seeing the whole series. And that is all the characters we see who were created in other shows. Such as Surak.

    Is any of the episodes featuring Tholians good?
  8. teacake

    teacake Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jan 20, 2007
    inside teacake
    I cannot fathom how anyone can describe the fourth season as the worst of anything. Some of the best Trek there is, great drama, great stories, fascinating from a Trek universe perspective if you've seen any other series.
  9. Nerys Myk

    Nerys Myk A Spock and a smile Premium Member

    Nov 4, 2001
    AI Generated Madness
    If you haven'y seen it, how can you know how bad it is?

    Both TNG and DS9 got off to rough starts.
  10. I am Surak

    I am Surak Captain Captain

    Aug 8, 2010
    I think that each of the trek TV shows have their own following because they are so different. Most TNG guys do not like TOS or ENT.
    For me TNG is like the battle of the debate club geeks. Bad actors, bad set design, bad costumes and boring episodes. Can't we all get along? Sorry I can't.
    Watching DS9 is like watching episodes of "friends" or any other sitcom. They even have their own diner for things to revolve about.
    VOY to me has nothing to do with Trek. It's like Space Bonanza or Space Wagon Trail.
    I really enjoyed it. Except for the Kazon episodes and the one with fat Kes.
    TOS was - especially for its time - outstanding entertainment. I think it was made for adolescent boys. Uhura's legs, the Gorn captain and the wonder of the universe.
    Now that I am a little older ENT is the natural followup even though it is a prequel it matches the excitement of Kirk and Spock.
    The great thing is that there is a trek for any and all of us.
  11. NrobbieC

    NrobbieC Commander Red Shirt

    Aug 30, 2012
    Burton, UK
    I'm a child of the 90s so the spin-offs are 'my Trek' so to speak. I can't stand TOS, but that's mostly because it's outdated and Shatner.
  12. I am Surak

    I am Surak Captain Captain

    Aug 8, 2010
    What's - wrong - with - Shatner!?
  13. teacake

    teacake Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jan 20, 2007
    inside teacake
    Shatner is my God.

    Oh and I love ALL Trek and have seen it all multiple times. TNG is my least favorite series. Preachy and bland. However TNG gave us as much foundation as TOS did that was then built on by the next three series. Just one example, if DS9 made you a Klingon fan or you love B'Elanna especially then TNG will help you appreciate the culture and the politics all the more. They took a race of bully boys from TOS and developed them into an old and noble culture with it's own history and religion, and DS9 and B'Elanna's stories continued that. Then we get ENT who goes back and answers, quite magnificently, an age old mystery that even Worf refused to reveal the answer to.

    All the series are woven together and though they have different appeals they each contribute hugely to the Star Trek world, its races and its history.
  14. Sexy Human

    Sexy Human Lieutenant

    Aug 22, 2012
    Ok Im watching Carbon Creek right now and I must say I enjoyed the scene where "tpols great grandmother" changes clothes. Great shot of her :drool:
  15. Sexy Human

    Sexy Human Lieutenant

    Aug 22, 2012
    Whoa... wait a minute

    I thought Vulcans couldnt lie?
  16. teacake

    teacake Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jan 20, 2007
    inside teacake
    Spock lied when he said that.
  17. M'Sharak

    M'Sharak Definitely Herbert. Maybe. Moderator

    Aug 22, 2002
    Terra Inlandia
  18. Sexy Human

    Sexy Human Lieutenant

    Aug 22, 2012
    Jolene Blalock is hot
  19. Sexy Human

    Sexy Human Lieutenant

    Aug 22, 2012
    Carbon Creek is a pretty good episode.

    Why does the Vulcan enjoy kissing Maggie? "It was very pleasant". They are supposed to be emotionless.
  20. I am Surak

    I am Surak Captain Captain

    Aug 8, 2010
    Yet we see them all the time battling with the teachings of Surak.

    In Carbon Creek all Vulcans show emotion.
    One doesn't like to be compared to a stooge
    One shows empathy for a boy's plight
    One enjoys a kiss
    They all show empathy for the miners
    They all respect Mestral's wish and lie for him.

    Plus T'Pol gets all tipsy and enjoys being the center of attraction by telling a story.

    I should have put more guilt and fear into my teachings.........