Sylar as spock, did you buy it?

Discussion in 'Star Trek Movies: Kelvin Universe' started by ZeNd, May 9, 2009.

  1. Dale

    Dale Vice Admiral Admiral

    Mar 30, 2006
    Mt. Baldy, CA
    Absolutely 100% yes I bought it. His performance was excellent... more conflicted than any Spock we'd seen before but yet recognizably Spock... and he withstood the ultimate test... he Spocked next to Leonard Nimoy as Spock and I saw two Spocks.
  2. 24thcenstfan

    24thcenstfan Commander Red Shirt

    Jan 2, 2009
    Fortunately, I’ve never watched “Heroes”. So I was able to go in with a mostly blank slate as to what Quinto’s acting abilities were like...and without having other characters in mind.

    I thought he did a great job with the character.
  3. Gojira

    Gojira Commodore Commodore

    Oct 15, 2008
    Stompin' on Tokyo
    I bought his performance and would buy it again.
  4. Jeri

    Jeri Vice Admiral Admiral

    Feb 20, 2001
    Chicago, Illinois, USA
    I'm going to buy it twice more this weekend.
  5. Nebula1400

    Nebula1400 Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    May 9, 2009
    Starship New Jersey
    Or "Go f--- yourselves."

    I didn't think of him as Sylar at any point in the movie - and I love him as Sylar. Zachary Quinto is Spock now, and I hope he plays the role for a very long time! :vulcan:
  6. Sci

    Sci Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Mar 2, 2002
    Montgomery County, State of Maryland
    I've never really watched Heroes. I think I've seen Quinto play Sylar once. So I didn't go into this thing thinking that Zachary Quinto=Sylar, I went into it thinking, "I wonder if he'll get Spock right?"

    I think he was the perfect man to play Spock. He nailed it. There were points where his inflects were perfectly Leonard Nimoy-ish.
  7. Roberto

    Roberto Lieutenant Red Shirt

    Mar 22, 2009
    I bought Quinto as Spock...absolutley!
  8. WillsBabe

    WillsBabe Vice Admiral Admiral

    Dec 27, 2002
    I'm undecided. Oh, no, wait... :cool:
  9. kitsune

    kitsune Captain

    Jun 10, 2007
    USS Lollipop
    Nimoy's Spock was and remains my favorite TOS character.

    But if I ignore the out-of-character writing in the new film, then I much prefer Quinto's Spock to Nimoy's Spock from TOS.

    By out-of-character writing I of course am referring to:

    • Spock marooning Kirk on Delta Vega
    • Spock losing emotional control on the bridge
    • Spock wasting valuable time kissing Uhura on the transporter pad
    • Spock saying "Not this time, no" after Kirk assumes that Spock would appreciate his diplomatic gesture to Nero
  10. Minuialeth

    Minuialeth Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    May 11, 2009
    Normandy, France
    I had misgivings about Quinto as Spock because Spock is my favorite character of all Star Trek and I didn't want to not like him in the movie.
    It was also because I knew Quinto as Sylar and was afraid it would disturb me to see him as Spock.
    But I was amazed at how well he played the part. He's an even better actor than I thought. For me he nailed Spock. Sure, this is a different Spock than Prime Spock (he'll never be exactly like Prime Spock in TOS anyway since this is an alternate universe).
    To those who think that Spock shows too much emotion and that Spock Prime would have never reacted like this: Spock Prime as we knew him in TOS didn't go through loosing both his planet and his mother when he was young. I think he would have reacted just the same if he had, Kirk's trashing on the bridge included.
    There's also that scene where Kirk is so upset he's crying just after mind melding with Prime Spock and Spock apologizes, saying that a transfert of emotions always happens with the mind meld. That means that what we see on Kirk's face is what Prime Spock is feeling inside: he's completely devastated by the destruction of his planet, just as younger Spock is.

    I only have two very very small gripes :
    - His reaction to the Vulcan council, his tone of voice, reminded of Sylar for one second (esp. as the guy dubbing him in French is the same guy dubbing him as Sylar and he used the extact same tone of voice. I don't know about the original version)
    - Someone mentionned the 5 o'clock shadow and even if it doesn't seem important, I wished too he had shaved more often between scenes. It was the more obvious in the same Vulcan council scene.
    But this didn't prevent me from enjoying that "fuck off" scene!
    Somehow I have the impression that Prime Spock wouldn't have reacted that way. Young Spock doesn't like to be insulted through his human origins but I have the feeling that Prime Spock always tried to make the others forget about those origin as if he was...ashamed of them? I don't get that vibe from Quinto's Spock.
    Don't know if I'm making any sense and I'm almost OT anyway.

    And from a purely fangirlish POV: I didn't think anyone could make Spock sexier than he already was as played by Nimoy but boy, Quinto took the sexiness to new levels and not just because the romantic scenes with Uhura.
  11. TheMasterOfOrion

    TheMasterOfOrion Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Dec 28, 2006
    Everyone of the actors sold me, Sylar was Spock. NewSpock hasn't had the years of experience Prime had so of course he's going to lose some of his emotional control. Especially now that his people are almost extinct.
    So yes to answer your question Sylar was 100% Spock.
    I had a little trouble with Chris Pine not because of his acting ability but the way he was wrote. Kirk is supposed to boot everyone's butt, even the silly Generations got that right. Remember that movie? Soran beats the hell out of Picard and then a really old retired James T comes back and Soran RUNS FOR HIS LIFE :rommie: Lmao
    NewKirk is not really Kirk, he has a lot of the spirit and attitude right but he spent the entire movie as nothing but a punchbag. Kino, I think that's German/Russian for 'film' but IMO it could also stand for Kirk-in-name-only. Nah he wasn't that bad, I just would have liked to have seen him wrote a little better.
  12. urbandk

    urbandk Commodore Commodore

    Aug 20, 2008
    DFW, Texas
  13. Trekker4747

    Trekker4747 Boldly going... Premium Member

    Jul 16, 2001
    One complaint about Quinto's Spock,

    His balls needed to drop.

    Seriously, why was Spock's voice so whispy and soft?

    Couldn't Qunito have put some gruff in his voice to SOUND a bit more like Spock?
    Last edited: May 14, 2009
  14. iguana_tonante

    iguana_tonante Admiral Admiral

    Sep 15, 2006
    Italy, EU
    Re: One complaint about Quinto's Spock,

    I actually agree with this. Quinto and Nimoy obviously look very much alike, probably as much as you could get without cloning, but their voices are quite different. A big part of Spock character was his Nimoy's deep voice. I hope Quinto will drop an octave for the next installment.
  15. indranee

    indranee Vice Admiral Admiral

    Nov 20, 2003
    Re: One complaint about Quinto's Spock,

    he's still young. give him time.

    (and some cigars and a shot of whisky)
  16. NumberOne

    NumberOne Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Jul 22, 2005
    Cincinnati, OH
    Re: One complaint about Quinto's Spock,

    They're two different actors and their voices aren't the same. I would rather have Quinto's real not-as-deep-as-leonard-nimoy voice than a fake and forced deep gravelly voice. The Dark Knight comes to mind.
  17. Admiral Buzzkill

    Admiral Buzzkill Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Mar 8, 2001
    Re: One complaint about Quinto's Spock,

    Didn't notice.
  18. RobertScorpio

    RobertScorpio Pariah

    Jan 25, 2008
    San Diego
    why THIS spock works

    I keep reading over and over and over how this Spock wasn't Spock because of some of his reactions (emotional)..

    This is very simple. They do not have 40 years for the character to grow.

    Spock, Nimoy Spock, hasn't acted the same since the events with Vgr in TMP, and mcCoy in Search for Spock. That is why OldSpock is so at ease with who he is..we all know this. Plus the effect of Kirk on him (goes both ways)

    But this movie series, from a prodcuers point of view, doesn't have 79 episodes and six movies to show "spock's" growth...

    oh but then I hear this crazy line of thought;

    "Oh, but when Nimoy gave that mean look at the science academy baffoon, and when he told Kirk that he didn't favor saving Nero at the end, it totally undermined spock because Idic tells us that..." BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH

    When you say that kind of stuff, it just makes the TREK Nerdom go UP UP UP UP...this is not oldTREk. And yes, Baio, this is nuTREK. If this movie becomes the big hit it seems to be headed for, and the next two are just as good, or if not better, this nuSpock may actually become far more popular because far more people will actually know who the character is. It angers some of you, but its reality staring you right in the face. If you haven't gotten the hint then listen "PARAMOUNT DOESN'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK. THEY WANT TO MAKE MONEY"...and I like it. I like the nuSpock. I like the fact he stood up for his mom and he had the balls to tell kirk "No, not this time".

    JJ has just done TREK a favor and has saved it from the boring, meandering, Soap-box, losing franchise it had become.

    And he brought back the FUN aspect of TREK that has been missing for quite some time....STAR TREK is hip again. And so, thank God, is Spock.

  19. Scarpad

    Scarpad Lieutenant Commander

    Jul 11, 2001
    Western Mass
    Re: why THIS spock works

    Do you get off on making these threads just to get people to argue with you. Have a little respect will ya?
  20. gilmour1899

    gilmour1899 Ensign Red Shirt

    May 13, 2009
    Re: why THIS spock works

    Don't get so hysterical. People can like or dislike anything they choose.