When did Discovery JUMP the Shark?

Discussion in 'Star Trek: Discovery' started by TerryTrek, Apr 1, 2024.

  1. Lord Garth

    Lord Garth Admiral Admiral

    May 7, 2011
    Aug 10, 1999
    I've dealt with trolls, actual trolls, and I've been here 25 years, so I know the real deal when I see it...

    TerryTrekker isn't a troll. He's just someone I disagree with about DSC.
  2. Cr0sis21

    Cr0sis21 Captain Captain

    Oct 20, 2022

    Agreed. Not a troll. Strongly opinionated, sure, but I know too many Trek fans in real life with similar views on Disco.
    BillJ and Richard S. Ta like this.
  3. Richard S. Ta

    Richard S. Ta Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Mar 10, 2021
    … report it.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2024
    fireproof78 likes this.
  4. gweeps

    gweeps Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Jan 30, 2022
    Ontario, Canada
    Whenever the writers of Season 1 decided Burnham needed to be the center of all action.
    Elaise likes this.
  5. Quantum21

    Quantum21 Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Feb 14, 2023
    Sorry guys, I don't know everyone here that well but objectively, everything about the OP fits the profile of Trolling. I stick by it. There is no other objective than to bash the show.

    The troll alert stands
  6. Mr J

    Mr J Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Mar 24, 2001
    The very first post in this thread seems to take a perverse joy in reiterating the word "cancelled" as often as possible. The toxicity is real, and was there from before the show even premiered amongst a subset of fans. That was the real moment of danger this show faced - and it faced it before it even started. Trolling? No. Intentionally provocative? Yes. How dare 5 seasons in this day and age be considered anything but a flop if we didn't personally like it... I wonder if when inevitably SNW is cancelled at the end of S5 (or even, quite possibly, before then, which would be a bitter pill) the poster will just as happily slap the "cancelled" label on it repeatedly just to annoy fans of the show.. I have a feeling not (even if it does end up cancelled before S5 and doesn't run as long as DISCO has - magically it will be chalked up as a massive success whereas DISCO is a failure..)

    To try and make this post have any discussion value though, my view would be that the 32nd Century jump should have been the making of the show, yet for whatever reason wasn't for me. I think they missed the opportunity to really flesh out the time period and make it truly different to the previous eras we've seen. It could have been what the 24th Century was to the 23rd in terms of new era-building, but we've barely had a scrap of what the major powers have gotten up to (whats with the Klingons these days? Cardassians?).

    Appreciating the jump is a lot further ahead than TNG was to TOS, and overall we've had far less screen time to establish the 32nd century than we had across the shows in the 24th century, but the 32nd century feels more like an Apple-slick design aesthetic version of the 24th/25th Centuries at the moment, and some of the more interesting era-building elements (e.g. seeing the long-gestating but now established reunification of Vulcan and Romulus) feel like background pieces to the overall stories.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2024
    fireproof78 likes this.
  7. Campe

    Campe Vice Admiral Admiral

    Apr 27, 2001
    As with anything, there are ups and downs...

    I just rewatched season 1 and found it quite entertaining. But there are some sticky points for sure. And turning Lorca from a fascinating anti-hero to a moustache twirling villain was a mistake.
    Season 2 is my favorite for the Pike of it all but probably could have been a little tighter. You can definitely tell there were some issues behind the scenes on this one as the show shifts very suddenly.
    Season 3 is slow and plodding, not quite my jam. Its an interesting idea pushing Disco to the far future but the execution here was a little lacking.
    Season 4 is better and definitely has Trek at its very core but also probably could have stood to be shorter.
    I had fun with the feel of the first two episodes of Season 5. Also, not really my thing, but those who love callbacks and canon would actually get a lot of enjoyment out of what we've seen so far.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2024
    JRob94 and HotRod like this.
  8. cultcross

    cultcross The Slay of the Doctor Moderator

    Jul 27, 2001
    Very well, as I have already asked you to stop doing this, infraction for trolling and a reply ban to the thread. Comments to PM.
  9. NickolasDay

    NickolasDay Ensign Newbie

    Apr 2, 2024
    Some still find a lot of positives in the series, but they can't help but notice that audience interest in it has peaked. This becomes especially obvious in light of its cancellation. It seems like most fans don't have much interest in future seasons. The first seasons received some positive response, especially the second with Pike, who gave the series new life. However, the third season proved to be a turning point. Many believe that this is where Discovery lost its way.
    Elaise likes this.
  10. Mr Awe

    Mr Awe Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jan 15, 2002
    As much as it pains me, I agree with the OP. Discovery was a good show up until the end of the 2nd season. I didn't care for the new Klingons but overall enjoyed the first season. The 2nd season was by far the best. Before SNW premiered, I rewatched not the entire season but parts of including the spectacular finale.

    Unfortunately, it seemed to plummet. 3rd season was the worst. The cause of the burn was utterly laughable. The 4th season was a slight improvement. It was a very Star Trek story. But unfortunately they didn't have enough story to fill the episodes.

    So far, I'm enjoying the 5th season but we're only two episodes in.
  11. NCC-73515

    NCC-73515 Vice Admiral Admiral

    Apr 18, 2019

    Elaise likes this.
  12. dinzy

    dinzy Captain Captain

    Nov 5, 2015
    Drinking Jippers on a beach somewhere in MD
    I still watch it, but man it is pretty bad. The dialog and even the plot in some ways are just so unbelievable. Take this week for example, while the time bug led to a cool plot, it is utterly unbelievable. A device that causes people to travel in time just to stop/trap them. Huh? The bug could have worked for its purpose if it did everything except for the time traveling. It could have leeched on to power, protected itself. The time traveling part of it was both extremely unneeded and also its weakness. Nobody would ever add such a huge capability to something that the mission would never need.
    Daddy Todd and Elaise like this.
  13. Tommy knocker

    Tommy knocker Cadet Newbie

    Apr 21, 2024
    Does anyone actually watch it? Stopped after first season. Woke trek
  14. fireproof78

    fireproof78 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 11, 2014
    Journeying onwards
  15. Mutai Sho-Rin

    Mutai Sho-Rin Crusty Old Bastard Moderator

    Jul 31, 2001
    Orange, CA USA
    Real Trek if you're not a bigot.
    Daddy Todd, Markonian, Finn and 8 others like this.
  16. BillJ

    BillJ The King of Kings Premium Member

    Jan 30, 2001
    America, Fuck Yeah!!!
    Trek has been "woke" since its inception. I say this as someone who isn't a fan of Discovery, and haven't watched since midway through season three (been a fan since 1975).
    Daddy Todd, Jadeb, Nyotarules and 6 others like this.
  17. JirinPanthosa

    JirinPanthosa Admiral Admiral

    Nov 20, 2012
    Season 1 started in the shark tank and season 2 dragged it out.

    I agree they haven’t made the 32nd century that interesting yet but I chalk that up to the serialized format and episode count leaving out the filler episodes that did a lot Bermantrek’s world building.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2024
  18. JirinPanthosa

    JirinPanthosa Admiral Admiral

    Nov 20, 2012
    Do the people who call everything “Woke” have any idea how tedious they are? They’re barely even hiding that they mean “I don’t like that you normalize LGBT identity and gender nonconformity but I’m calling it something else for bigotry deniability”.

    Say specifically what you don’t like. Maybe at some points they are putting identity themes before deeper character development. At least then we could debate.
  19. Farscape One

    Farscape One Vice Admiral Admiral

    Mar 2, 2017
    Farscape One
    I think you nailed the problem of the 32nd century right there... not enough world building due to low episode count that doesn't allow 'side quests', as my wife calls them. (Episodes that help make the world feel real and lived in.)

    It's hard to care about an era when you have spent barely a Berman era season's worth of episodes in it with virtually no look at that era outside of 'we need to save the galaxy'.
    JRob94 and BillJ like this.
  20. Lord Garth

    Lord Garth Admiral Admiral

    May 7, 2011
    Aug 10, 1999
    I'm just not bothering with them anymore. There's no point. We're in the final season, six episodes left. After this, they'll just move on to the next big thing to hate.

    They'll forget about this show and, 10 years from now, they'll forget they even hated it. Just like they forget they hated Star Trek during the B&B Era.
    JRob94, nightwind1 and BillJ like this.