CBS/Paramount sues to stop Axanar 2 - Electric Boogaloo-Fanboys gone WILD-too many hyphens

Discussion in 'Fan Productions' started by jespah, May 10, 2018.


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  1. Professor Zoom

    Professor Zoom Admiral Admiral

    Sep 16, 2004
    Just checking. But, then, who, or what, do you feel here is making AxaMonitor the bad guy?
    Potemkin_Prod likes this.
  2. Admiral2

    Admiral2 Admiral Admiral

    Sep 14, 2004
    "Scoring" doesn't become "scored" until no haters are working against him at all, and your own description of him implies he's going for "scored."

    :rolleyes: It's just jargon. It means either stopping completely or stopping effectively. Contrary to your preconceived notion, neither automatically involves anybody's death, metaphorical or otherwise.
    I already gave my answer to this to Maurice. Read up the thread.
    See above.

    Frankly, as Carlos is the one putting in the work, it's up to him to define victory. He is not however, obligated to spell out that definition to you or any of us. If you think there's nothing more to be gained by talking about Alec Peters, feel free to stop. Carlos can make his own decision about whether or not he should continue. I would prefer he continue, but it's not up to me either.
  3. Professor Zoom

    Professor Zoom Admiral Admiral

    Sep 16, 2004
    Of course he’s not under any obligation to spell it out. But, I’m also free to ask the question as you are free to ignore it. We all know the movie won’t get made, we all know fools will continue to give, we all know Peters won’t admit wrong doing. So, I think it’s a fair question: what’s the goal if there’s no end? What’s the point of the hole just keeps getting deeper and deeper?

    Edited to add: of course I know it’s jargon, but the choice of words is certainly revealing. Ultimately, the information about Peters is out there—much of it to Carlos’s credit—who are we to save every fool from freely giving up their money? Aren’t they free to make bad decisions? They’ve been warned.
    SITZKRIEG! and Potemkin_Prod like this.
  4. mirrormatt86

    mirrormatt86 Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Jan 3, 2012
    Prelude's director and co-writer Christian Gossett is on Trekzone this week. I put some of the more quoteable quotes from the Lane and Peters Axanar Confidential to him and also hypothesised about what could've been if Alec hadn't have made the studio the end game.

    Christian doesn't hold back saying the only problem with getting Axanar made was Alec Peters - and more.

    That'll be up at the usual time 10.30pm GMT Thursday.
  5. carlosp

    carlosp Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Dec 28, 2003
    I appreciate hearing all your points of view about AxaMonitor's continuing coverage. Let me assure you that I'm not just trying to tilt at windmills here. I have no interest in "beating" Alec Peters. I have no realistic expectation that I'll change any minds among the Axa-faithful; they are not my audience.

    I write for the people who have heard little of the CBS lawsuit, or of fan films, whose only real knowledge of Alec Peters is the still very impressive Prelude to Axanar, which continues to be his best marketing tool, and the linchpin of the attempted rehabilitation of his public image. I would love to believe that all the people who might have considered handing over more money to Alec Peters have read everything there is to know about Axanar, and the million dollars lost, and the commercial studio, and the lies and the damage done to the fan film community. Truly. I wish my work had that kind of reach.

    The reality is that he continues to have a much broader reach out in the world than AxaMonitor does. He has 75,000 subscribers on YouTube (why else do you think he suddenly decided to pay attention to his long-neglected channel?) and growing. Since he started his livecasts he has added nearly 10,000 new subscribers to his channel. Hundreds of thousands of new views of Prelude. He has 70K followers on Twitter. He has tens of thousands of followers across a number of Axanar-related Facebook groups. Closed Facebook groups. Echo chambers that don't hear much about li'l ol' AxaMonitor, and what they do hear isn't very nice.

    He has multiple popular blogs, newspapers, YouTubers, websites, etc. eager to publicize any tidbit of news about Axanar. Witness the headlines we saw after Axacon when photos of the admittedly impressive "finished" bridge started making the rounds. Suddenly, "Axanar is back in production," we read, when that is not true. At all. Axanar is no closer to production today than it was the day before Axacon.

    He has undertaken a number of efforts to rehabilitate his public image, working to associate himself with people who continue to command respect and credibility in the fan film community. Some of them are on this forum. Some of them are (or were, alas) friends of mine. When they appear in public alongside him, he is the one reaping the benefits from that association, not them.

    I apologize for the long post, so I'll bring this to a close with the following. Here's my endgame: My agenda has never been to personally denounce Alec Peters or his unmade feature film. It has been to provide information allowing people to judge for themselves Axanar’s viability and truthfulness. About a year ago, I wrote about why I do this, and you may be interested in reading that.

    If, with full knowledge of Peters' track record for mismanaging fans' money and working to obfuscate that record, fans want to pony up another quarter-million dollars to keep his warehouse open and to make Axanar Lite™ then so be it. And if the short films finally get made (I have never said they wouldn't, for the record) then so be it. My job will be done. But we're not very close to that possible eventuality. Thousands of people continue to flock to Axanar's banner.

    The silver lining to that cloud is that he has, since the lawsuit, failed to make a strong value proposition to the people from whom he has sought money for his ridiculous, non-productive "studios" in California and Georgia. Only a few hundred of the tens of thousands who had supported Axanar (the film) in the past have converted into diehards who will hand him money for whatever he pitches as a good idea. He continues to make the same mistake, prioritizing having a studio over actually making the movie. He does way more damage to that effort than AxaMonitor has ever done. And yet… others who have just discovered Prelude continue to come, full of hope.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2019
  6. Sgt_G

    Sgt_G Commodore Commodore

    Jul 5, 2013
    From everything I've read, it doesn't sound like he's any closer today than he was the day he was served with the lawsuit.
    No need to apologize, in my opinion. That all had to be said. And it was well said, Carlos.

    Anyone who dares reply "too long / didn't read" needs to take the time and read it all.
    wtriker1701, Admiral2 and Jedi_Master like this.
  7. Professor Zoom

    Professor Zoom Admiral Admiral

    Sep 16, 2004
    Thanks for the well thought out answer.
  8. Jedi_Master

    Jedi_Master Admiral Admiral

    May 25, 2011
    Hurricane Alley
    Carlos summed up his personal motivations rather nicely and he has endured a great deal to make sure that the facts of the Axanar/Alec Peters debacle are out in the open for all to see.
    The simple truth is - Alec Peters has never taken responsibility for his mismanagement of donated funds, his detrimental effects on the fan film community or his more egregious and deliberate attacks on the reputation, character, and personal well being of those who have criticized or in some cases simply questioned his actions/public commentary. He has driven away almost every working professional who once was happy to contribute to his vision. Yet, he still openly and actively raises funds, while courting the attention and love of the WORST of the Star Trek fan community.
    That behavior, while it continues, must be exposed. If that offends a few members of this board who wish it all to "go away" so they can indulge in the fantastical mindset that the Trek fan film community is one big happy family, so be it.
    Frankly, there is still work to be done, and I am happy to contribute in my limited way.

    On a side note - I am absolutely astonished when posters can write a long, detailed post questioning the motives of blog that states its intents and purposes clearly throughout it's website, and who's creator regularly posts the justification for his material, while never bothering to ask such critical questions of the focus of said blog. Where is the questions regarding Alec's motivations? I wonder.
    wtriker1701, Admiral2 and feek61 like this.
  9. BeatleJWOL

    BeatleJWOL Commodore Commodore

    Feb 21, 2012
    Winston-Salem, NC
    Remember that Alec Peters has repeatedly characterized the "haters" as being worthless, never done anything in their entire life, no accomplishments of value, compared to him who has done...less than 25 minutes of Star Trek fan film and $1.5 million wasted?

    Fuck him. Aim the spotlight squarely in his face until he ponies up the truth for once in his life or dries up and blows away.

    If that mission was costing Carlos anything more than spare time in his personal life, I'm sure he would redirect his focus; but it's not.
  10. Professor Zoom

    Professor Zoom Admiral Admiral

    Sep 16, 2004
    Who is questioning Carlos’s motives?

    There is another truth regarding Peters: he never ever will accept responsibility. Peters’s motivations seem quite clear, greed and ego.
  11. CorporalCaptain

    CorporalCaptain Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Feb 12, 2011
    astral plane
    @Potemkin_Prod literally questioned @carlosp's motives upthread, yesterday.

    Last edited: Feb 19, 2019
    Jedi_Master and Potemkin_Prod like this.
  12. Richard Baker

    Richard Baker Commodore Commodore

    Nov 11, 2008
    Warrior, AL
  13. Maurice

    Maurice Snagglepussed Admiral

    Oct 17, 2005
    Real Gone
    In business The Buck Stops Here with the person in charge. Peters is that person and in the years since Prelude came out he's never been able to execute. Motivations and personal failings aside, he's proven himself incapable of delivering on his promises. He can finger point all he wants but his track record is a big zero from the first post-Prelude fundraiser on. That's what I always stress to people new to the story, and it's simply a case of saying "do you want to throw good support/money after bad?"
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2019
    jespah, Jedi_Master and feek61 like this.
  14. Matthew Raymond

    Matthew Raymond Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Oct 24, 2016
    Hey @Potemkin_Prod, how's it looking under that bus? Does it need a new transmission?
    RedForman likes this.
  15. CorporalCaptain

    CorporalCaptain Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Feb 12, 2011
    astral plane
    Excuse me. No one's throwing anyone under the bus. @Professor Zoom asked the question, and I answered it.
    Jedi_Master likes this.
  16. Professor Zoom

    Professor Zoom Admiral Admiral

    Sep 16, 2004
    I look at those questions not as to motive, but as to goals. Which are different things.

    I could have the goal of exposing corruption at city hall, but my motivation for doing so could be for the greater good or because I simply don’t like the people in city hall and I want them gone.
    SITZKRIEG! likes this.
  17. CorporalCaptain

    CorporalCaptain Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Feb 12, 2011
    astral plane
    Hair splitting, especially since the questions seemed rhetorical.
    RedForman and Jedi_Master like this.
  18. Professor Zoom

    Professor Zoom Admiral Admiral

    Sep 16, 2004
    Nope. It really isn’t. Maybe I feel that way because I had similar questions about the end game, ie, goal of axamonitor at this point, but I have never questioned Carlos’s good intentions. But goals and motivations are two distinct things.
  19. Maurice

    Maurice Snagglepussed Admiral

    Oct 17, 2005
    Real Gone
    Um, did you mean to quote Jedi-Master without commenting?
  20. CorporalCaptain

    CorporalCaptain Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Feb 12, 2011
    astral plane
    Oh, well, when I see the accusation that the thread has become a "self-perpetuating cycle of hate," I get a different vibe.
    Jedi_Master likes this.