CBS/Paramount sues to stop Axanar

Discussion in 'Fan Productions' started by Richard Baker, Dec 30, 2015.

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  1. SuperSpaceMan

    SuperSpaceMan Captain Captain

    Dec 28, 2011
    On Terra in the Sol System
  2. Jedman67

    Jedman67 Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 18, 2015
    If he was smart, he'd lock down all public communication regarding the lawsuit, and have his lawyers work out a settlement.
    What he's doing now is what my high school english teacher inelegantly put it: "diarrhea of the mouth"
  3. Campe

    Campe Vice Admiral Admiral

    Apr 27, 2001
    Well, I mean... Consider the source. Peters wouldn't understand good publicity if it came and handed him a $2k donation... er, bit him on the ass. He is taking the idea of "any publicity is good publicity" a little too far.
  4. Amaris

    Amaris Guest

    That page, those comments, wow. Paramount/CBS is afraid because Axanar apparently does it better.

    That is some strong shit people are smoking. :lol:
    jespah likes this.
  5. SeerSGB

    SeerSGB Admiral Admiral

    Oct 13, 2003
    RIP Leonard Nimoy
    Didn't the Save Enterprise folks try something like that? Can't recall. OR was it some sextant...they sent something.

    So maybe I need to go use "#IStandWithCBS" just to piss with these guys.

    Damn, Burnett burning all the bridges today

  6. Karzak

    Karzak Commodore Commodore

    Aug 1, 2014
    Hollywood, CA
    ^ Yeah, he's like Peters was here. Just a having a big, crying temper tantrum because he's not going to get what he wants.

    Dollars to donuts he'll delete all or most of those tweets before tomorrow morning.
  7. Jedman67

    Jedman67 Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 18, 2015
    My 2 cents was that he should have tried to raise money for a for-profit studio FIRST, and then combine self-finance and kickstarter to produce Axanar.
  8. Tom

    Tom Vice Admiral Admiral

    Nov 10, 2003
    In your Mind!
    Nah.. it was just postcards back then ;) Although fans of Jericho sent Nuts to CBS and got a second season.
  9. SeerSGB

    SeerSGB Admiral Admiral

    Oct 13, 2003
    RIP Leonard Nimoy
    Well you get strong shit when you grow you...uh...medicine with light from the warp core
  10. OpenMaw

    OpenMaw Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    May 26, 2013
    Everett, Washington
    That's really now. It sounds. Those CBS guys are total Herberts, man.
  11. SeerSGB

    SeerSGB Admiral Admiral

    Oct 13, 2003
    RIP Leonard Nimoy totally reach man. Let me tune my bike-wheel and lets jam
  12. BigJake

    BigJake Vice Admiral Admiral

    Sep 27, 2013
    No matter where you go, there you are.
    Guess that's all she wrote. Too bad, I was interested to see what they would've come up with.

    Hopefully Team Axanar comes to terms with the lawyers showing up sooner rather than later, they're just going to make it harder on themselves with all the hashtag shit.
  13. Campe

    Campe Vice Admiral Admiral

    Apr 27, 2001
    jespah likes this.
  14. Tom

    Tom Vice Admiral Admiral

    Nov 10, 2003
    In your Mind!
    Well Axanar is pretty much dead now. I feel bad for not just the fans and donors but for many of the crew who have put in a bunch work and were excited about shooting next month. There was a lot of potential there, they just asked for to much money and used much of it for a studio business.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2016
  15. Titan Designer

    Titan Designer Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Oct 7, 2005
    Colorado Springs, CO
    He does add this.


    They pay cast and crew, but MOST of use don't get paid anything for all the time we put in. It is a labor of love that we want to see Trek done right.
  16. lurok

    lurok Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Mar 15, 2011
    Lost in the EU expanse with a nice cup of tea
    I've always been curious about the payments element. When I produced my first short film a few years back, I was adamant everyone - even the 'volunteers' (mostly film undergrads) - got paid, even if just expenses and a free meal. Myself and director didn't take a penny, and even the cast and pro crew worked for less-than-scale.

    But I guess some productions work on an Animal Farm basis :D
  17. JWPlatt

    JWPlatt Commodore Commodore

    Nov 13, 2008
    CBS might look like better guys on the 50th anniversary "for the fans" if they allow Axanar to go forward under restrictions serving the interests of CBS, however CBS defines it, because it is their property - assuming Axanar doesn't go batshit crazy. Make Axanar sign over all contracts, materials and properties, including the commercial studio built with Axanar funds, touched by the Axanar project to CBS and let Axanar volunteers work for free to complete it for CBS. Not quite nuke it from orbit. Put it on CBS All Access as a fan special as the first in a series of exclusive fan specials. Kind of like how Oracle enjoys managing its not-really-"open source" projects. If it really was not for profit or income, that shouldn't change the motivations of anyone at Axanar.

    Or we can continue to say CBS only wants what CBS wants fans to get and not what fans want to get. Whatever that means. Best for CBS to avoid that spin in 2016.
  18. Serveaux

    Serveaux Fleet Admiral Premium Member

    Dec 30, 2013
    Among the sellers.
    Sorry, makes no difference at all to CBS's prospects.
  19. Karzak

    Karzak Commodore Commodore

    Aug 1, 2014
    Hollywood, CA
    :lol: Too late.

    It means CBS can do whatever the hell it wants to with the property it owns and there's not really anything we, as fans, can do about it.
  20. Tom

    Tom Vice Admiral Admiral

    Nov 10, 2003
    In your Mind!
    So CBS told the Hollywood Report this after there intial article:

    What I read from that is they don't like Axanar pitching themselves as a "fully professional independent Star Trek film", which CBS feels is a line that incites a direct competition with them. Basically, my film is just as good, if not better, then anything CBS can put out, etc..
    jespah likes this.
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