X-MEN: Days Of Future Past (Casting, Rumors, Pics till release)

FOX smells blood in the water over at SONY. Not scared of TASM2 at all, can't say I blame them. First movie was mediocore, on set photos look very campy(not counting the cgi needed ones) + the sudden cutting out of MJ. The last especially gives off a weak scent. Sony staking out two release dates for sequels seems like a decoy of strength.

So then in about 7 weeks we'll have Cap2, TASM2 an DOFP....should be an interesting time at the box office.
I wouldn't hold the MJ thing against TASM2. It looks like that might be more done to avoid scheduling conflicts than anything to do with the movie or the actress.
So then in about 7 weeks we'll have Cap2, TASM2 an DOFP....should be an interesting time at the box office.
That would be quite the pileup. Surely one of them'll budge a bit? It's not as though there'll be any competition from DC to reckon with...
Hugh Jackman Going Nude For 'X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST'?

The link also talks about who will be traveling in time.

I guess this is something for the ladies? :p
I guess now he's really glad his last name is Jackman, not Jass ;)

I'm not a big comic reader, never have been, so, I'm not familiar with the source material, but, I'm really looking forward to this, so many names and characters, I just hope it's not too many for a movie format and that the story can be focused in amongst what looks like it will be a boatload of cameos.
@Turtletrekker...I wouldn't look at that Vulture report as being total confirmation just yet. No one from the production has confirmed that report yet as far as I know. I guess we'll have to wait and see for Singer's panel at SDCC this weekend. All it is right now, is a very interesting report.
Its interesting that it appears that in "the future" they appear to be celebrating 50 years since the first Sentinel. The main part of the past is in the early 70s. That would mean the alternate future is about 10 years from .
This is my most anticipated movie for next year, by far!

I was a fan of Singer's films and First Class. In general but I love the retro look and alternate history. Top it off I love time travel films!
I'm going to assume you meant Gambit...and yes I believe he will have more of a role in this than Gambit did in Origins given Bishop's interesting history.
I haven't seen the cartoon's version of DOFP but Bishop was in that. Maybe that's why he's appearing in this film.
Outside of Xavier, Magneto, Wolvy & Kitty, I really don't think you'll see or hear much of the other future characters except when they get killed by Sentinels in a cameo role. I doubt Bishop gets more than a few lines of dialog, if that. Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if the future sequence lasts only 15 minutes or so before we go back in time. We'll probably get a future sequence at the end as well which will lead us into more present day flicks.