Mass Effect 3

The figures are as follows:
* 4,000 (base destroyed or saved)
** Destroy the Reapers
** Anderson "lives"
** Shepard lives

* 5,000 (base destroyed or saved)
** Destroy the Reapers
** Anderson dies
** Shepard lives

The footage of Shepard is being used by some people who believe that what happened on the station is a hallucination as a kind of proof.

For myself, I am beginning to agree with them. There are things that don't make sense if they are considered more carefully. For instance, the next time you play the game, after you wake up, after being knocked unconscious by Harbinger's beam, before you walk to the conduit, look behind you. You may see something surprising, and out-of-place.

If this is a hallucination, then we don't know how Shepard defeated the Reapers. We just know that he did.
My current understanding is that you need a minimum of 4000 Effective Military Strength for what is commonly considered the "best" ending. If your Galactic Readiness and Total War Assets combined can match that, then you should be good.
Oh, in that case, I should be fine. I've got way more than that. :lol:

For myself, I am beginning to agree with them. There are things that don't make sense if they are considered more carefully. For instance, the next time you play the game, after you wake up, after being knocked unconscious by Harbinger's beam, before you walk to the conduit, look behind you. You may see something surprising, and out-of-place.

I can't be arsed to go through that mission again. Anyone want to describe or post a video showing this surprising and out-of-place thing?
I can't be arsed to go through that mission again. Anyone want to describe or post a video showing this surprising and out-of-place thing?
You shouldn't have to go through the entire mission - your Shepard's Restart Mission checkpoint should be right at that part.
I can't be arsed to go through that mission again. Anyone want to describe or post a video showing this surprising and out-of-place thing?
You shouldn't have to go through the entire mission - your Shepard's Restart Mission checkpoint should be right at that part.

Ah. So it is. Not seeing anything that jumps out at me without a liberal dose of imagination, though.

Using a liberal dose of imagination, all I see is a cloud that looks like the Bat-signal. Which is crazy because Batman isn't based out of London.
I can't be arsed to go through that mission again. Anyone want to describe or post a video showing this surprising and out-of-place thing?
I've read two thoughts on different websites regarding this.
1) Some people have experienced what is likely a bug, wherein your two squad members are standing behind you.

2) Some people claim that the three trees behind you are from the dream sequences and weren't there when you were rushing for the beam, but I've seen other people claim that the trees were there the entire time.)
Oh it's definitely possible that some things are bug riddled, still...

I think some individuals received word that a lot of the ending scenes, dialogue and animations were cut due to time constraints.
Note, this is unconfirmed, but, they apparently found some audio clips or other data that were supposed to be a part of the ending - like the Normandy being engaged in a fight with Harbinger and having to jump to FTL or through a mass relay out of necessity (which explains why it was at FTL in the first place).
Shepard was supposed to end up back on Earth somehow before the explosion (which explains the short breath clip).

Though, as I said, I cannot confirm this, and we won't know anything until we receive word word from Bioware on the ending and if any of the DLC's will address it's inconsistencies and lack of completeness.

On another note, it would be interesting to have Bioware come out with a DLC that finishes the game the way it deserves and explaining that this was in fact an indoctrination/hallucination attempt - I mean the kid alone is a dead giveaway that something is not right.
Plus they can always say that EA (or whatever) pressured them for a timely release which resulted in an 'incomplete' ending.

Oh well, we won't know until we get some word (if there's any word on it).
But it definitely seems as if the end was structured to present a hallucination/dream instead of actual events.
Ugh, I really got screwed when the 360 I played ME2 on died. Apparently I was supposed to meet
Jack at the Grissom Academy but it was some random cadet instead. At the start of the game the only choice I got to make was my backstory (war hero, lone survivor) and who I let die Ashley/Kaiden/Various. I picked Kaiden. So why is Jack not there????
^You might be able to recreate your old save by going here and picking the closest match. You can then use the modified version of Gibbed's ME2 Save Editor to change the name, gender, alignment and ME1 plot flags to whatever you like. Not perfect, but it might be a start.
That looks way too complicated but thanks ;)

So what happens if you scan too much and the Reapers actually catch you? I keep running away I'm-a scared :p
The Reapers catching you just means a critical mission failure screen.

Doesn't automatically happen when the Reaper alertness bar fills, though. You'll have a chance to escape them.
I liked to scan all over the place until I uncovered all of the assets in a system, and if I didn't have time to retrieve them all, I'd fly out of the system to avoid the Reapers, then fly right back into the system, make a beeline for the asset, then scan it/pick it up before the Reapers got to me, then make a beeline right back out of the system again. :D
Done that a few times myself. Right now, involved in Quarian/Geth affairs, have gotten the mercenary companies on my side and settled the Turian/Krogan issue.

I LOVE going hand to hand. HATE the glitch that occasionally occurs in combat that does not allow me to switch weapons.