Least liked character per series

TNG - Crusher - she saw everything in Earth/Federation morality. If she was a non-medical officer she would never have attained a high rank, mostly likely due to this.

Is Crusher really any worse than the rest of the crew for this? The whole show's moral compass is built that way - Picard perhaps most of all. I don't remember Beverly being particularly worse than the rest of them. Ready to be proven wrong though - what eps are you thinking of?

I love all the TNG cast, and can't choose. I have a love-hate relationship with Data. But part of that's less to do with the character, and more to do with the later 'Brent Spiner hams his way through 65 different characters' effect.

Justice, Ethics, I, Borg, The High Ground. In all of these episodes, she never was able to acknowledge the alien standpoint. Picard I always thought was willing to accept the cultural norms of other species.
TOS- Chekov: Just vallpaper and poorly executed Russian stereotypes. Vhatewere vere they thinking, making a character modeled after the Monkees? Also, nuclear wessel.
DS9- Jake Sisko: Poorly utilized
VOY- The Doctor, followed closely by Neelix and Kes, ooh, and I forgot about Janeway and Tuvok. I'll say that the only characters I actually liked were Tom Paris, a little bit of B'Elnna as well as Kim and Chakotay. I actually like Kim and Chakotay because they did nothing, rather than simply do annoying things.
ENT- T'Pol
TOS - Kirk. I don't always find William Shatner's acting believable, and Kirk was too much of a womanizer to be respectable.

TNG - Troi, but for a different reason than most. I am more like Troi than any other character, so in a way she is my favorite. But I think she was initially there for eye candy and wasn't well utilized until later seasons. I see her as the character with the most missed opportunities.

DS9 - Ezri. A very strong cast overall, but I never got over losing Jadzia.

VOY - I didn't like very many of them, but the doctor and 7 of 9 were so overused it got old.

ENT - T'Pol. I love Vulcans, but she wasn't a believable Vulcan past the first few episodes.
TOS - Kirk
TNG - Data
DS9 - Jadzia Dax
VOY - too difficult to choose, disliked many of them
ENT - same as VOY
"Star Trek" - I pretty much like all of them. People call some of the main cast underdeveloped and too cliche, but they were all good enough for me.

The one character I'd describe that way, to the point where it rubbed me the wrong way, was the Nurse. She wasn't much of a character and didn't do much, but I found her crush on Spock a bit corny. She didn't seem like a very useful character, existing only to give the actress a role and add some unnecessary (and unconvincing) melodrama to some Spock crises.

"Star Trek: The Next Generation" - Troi, Tasha, Pulaski, Wesley, Lwaxanna Troi, and Geordi. Some of those have their moments, though. I liked a few episodes centered around Wes and Geordi. Pulaski was cool in "Peak Performance", Tasha was great in "Yesterday's Enterprise", and I enjoyed Troi's big scene in "Star Trek: First Contact".

"Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" - I hated Kira for about three seasons and kept wishing she'd be killed off, but she got better later.

I hated Odo for awhile, too. His gravelly voice and constant bullying of Quark irritated me, but when I really despised him was when he let the female Changeling manipulate him into having a superiority complex over humans, to the point where he stood idly by while his friends' lives were in danger. I know he was torn between his friends and family, but I had no sympathy for his identity crisis. Once he and Kira were together, I liked them both more.

I generally like the main cast here, but some of the recurring characters got on my nerves, particularly Ferengi and Bajorans. Kai Winn and Opaka were both insufferably preachy. Vedek Bariel and Shakaar were unbelievably dull (until Odo, Kira's boyfriends were even more bland and grating than she was).

The only Bajorans I always liked were Leeta and the one that killed herself in protest. I liked most of the Ferengi characters, but Rom, Zek, and Ishka had the most shrill, agonizingly unfunny 'wacky' voices that made me cringe every time they spoke. Rom had some admirable bravery and smarts, but his body language and voice made him unbearable to watch. Zek and Ishka were just lame in every way.

"Star Trek: Voyager" - I hate pretty much all of them except Janeway because I find her attractive and Tuvok because he reminds me of Spock.

"Star Trek: Enterprise" - I like all of them, although Doctor Phlox's manner (i.e. the way he talks) can be annoying at times.
TOS--I guess I'll say Checkov? I liked him okay though and he got better in the movies.
TNG--Wesley...why couldnt he just have been a regular kid who eventually becomes a regular officer? If it wasn't for him solving so many big problems that the adults couldn't then I might've liked the character.
DS9--Hm....I love ds9 and all the characters but I guess if I have to choose then I'll say Bashir.
VOY--Neelix, without a doubt. I very rarely liked him. Harry Kim is a very very close second.
ENT--Travis. Worst Trek actor ever.
TOS - I guess Chapel. She was annoying and all she had was her crush on Spock, so limiting.

TNG - Troi. I just feel they never figured out what to do with her.

DS9 - Not sure. Maybe Sisko. He's ok, but I'm just kinda lukewarm on him.

VOY - Kim. Gads he was a failure from the start, he never had a chance. The premise of a green ensign just didn't work for me and he never amounted to much.

ENT - Not sure on this one either.
^ you're right about Kim....realistically why would Starfleet allow an ensign to be in any kind of management position (he was supposed to be the operations manager right?)

You'd think they'd have the more experienced officers running things on the bridge.
TOS: Kirk. Never liked the character at all.

TNG: Liked all of 'em. Even Wesley. :p Worf became increasingly boring, though, and was annoying, pompous and dull on DS9.

DS9: It would be quicker to name who I did like. :lol: However, I consider Quark to be the most loathsome character in all Trek.

Voyager: Chuckles. The only character on Voy that I cannot stand.

Enterprise: Didn't like any of them. Well, the dog was okay.
TOS - Uhara - not interesting
TNG - Crusher(s) - very annoying
DS9 - Berile (not sure on spelling) - annoying and in boring episodes
VOY - Tuvok - not interesting, episodes about him are all bad
ENT - Trip - just blah
TOS: Uhura. I don't hate her i just think she's underused
TNG: Wesley 'I'll pop up at the end of the episode and solve a problem that eludes the crew' Crusher!
DS9: Bashir. He's pompous and stresses words weirdly
VOY: Tuvok. Just a bit bland
Star Trek - Chekov. Unnecessary, uninteresting addition.
The Next Generation - Geordi LaForge. Cannot think of a more underdeveloped character in all of the series.
Deep Space Nine - Kira Nerys. I want to kill puppies everytime I hear her voice.
Voyager - Harry Kim. The universes whiniest ensign.
Enterprise - Malcolm Reed. Is 'Dull' his middle name?
TOS-Chekov. Not really a valuable crewman, always starting fights or getting injured.

TNG- Wesley! Cocky, annoying.

DS9-Everybody. I hated the series, but if i had to pick ONE, itd be Bashir. Acted like a 14 year old boy around women for the first time.

VOY- Seven of Nine. Sorry, intergalactic barbies who monotone soul-crushing lines aren't Trek.

ENT- Mayweather. I had really hoped him getting killed in Twilight wasn't a dream. Hes annoying and Montgomery couldnt act his way out of a paper bag.
TOS--I guess I'll say Checkov? I liked him okay though and he got better in the movies.
TNG--Wesley...why couldnt he just have been a regular kid who eventually becomes a regular officer? If it wasn't for him solving so many big problems that the adults couldn't then I might've liked the character.
DS9--Hm....I love ds9 and all the characters but I guess if I have to choose then I'll say Bashir.
VOY--Neelix, without a doubt. I very rarely liked him. Harry Kim is a very very close second.
ENT--Travis. Worst Trek actor ever.

I thought Chekov particularly shined in IV.
TOS - Hard to choose, actually. I like all of them. From the movies, as I haven't seen enough of TOS to judge, I think Spock. I like him, but all the others have quirks which I love more.

TNG - To easy to say Wesley, and I rather like him anyway :alienblush:, so Deanna Troi. Annoying and not used properly most of the time.

DS9 - From a huge cast, again I'm finding it hard. I'll have to go with Worf. Most boring Klingon on the cast. I liked him a bit more on TNG.

VOY - Neelix and Chakotay had their moments, so I'm going to go with Janeway. On the show, she was so prim and annoying and patronising and... :klingon:

ENT - Trip. Such a boring character, kind of a clone of Archer but without any personality. Bear in mind I've only watched the first *counts* 5 episodes, though.
DS9: Bashir. He's pompous and stresses words weirdly

For the longest time, I've been trying to figure out how to describe why Garak irritates me immensely sometimes. This is the best description of I've ever read. :cool:

As the series went on, I came to appreciate him more (particularly in the episode "In the Pale Moonlight"), but his manner still annoyed me now and then. Thank you for articulating how it did so well. :p Also, I love Bashir. :D
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