Least liked character per series


Fleet Captain
TOS - Kirk - He never seemed real to me, all of the other captains had quirks that to some degree made them real. Picard liked horses and Shakespeare. Sisko was a father and liked to cook. Janeway liked coffee and was scientifically geared. Archer even had a pet dog. I never thought Kirk was developed well enough.

TNG - Crusher - she saw everything in Earth/Federation morality. If she was a non-medical officer she would never have attained a high rank, mostly likely due to this.

DS9 - Quark - I don't like the Ferengi, they're too cliche and stereotyped a species. And Quark embodied that stereotype to a tee.

Voyager - Seven of Nine - Just a walking computer, though attractive as far as computers go. :lol:
TOS - I dunno, Chekov or Sulu. Probably Chekov.
TNG - Tasha Yar.
DS9 - didn't like many of them. Quark was my favorite.
VOY - Where to start? Kim, Chakotay, the spotty critter with the mohawk...
ENT - I liked all these guys. If I had to pick one, probably Phlox...but I liked him okay.
Star Trek: Loved the main cast. Loved the supporting cast. I don't hate anybody.

TNG: Wesley Crusher an annoying little Marty Stu that let Gene Roddenberry vicariously live out his fantasies of genius, godhood and svelteness.

DS9: Like the whole damn cast.

VOY: I can't stand Captain Insaneway. A self-deluded, sociopathic, hypocritical cunt bitch from hell. Chuckles, Harry and Neelix follow close on her coattails. Chuckles was a piece of wood. Harry was annoying. Neelix was mega-annoying.

ENT: Archer: Moron. 'nuff said.
TOS - Kirk - Just. Don't. Like. The character.

TNG - Worf - Episodes on Klingon honour and customs, ::yawn:: (though he did get manageable in DS9)

DS9 - Quark - Loved all the characters, but not a huge fan of Ferengi, so he gets it by default

VOY - Seven - Borg tech solving or causing the problem every week, and all other characters ignored in favour of her breasts and seeing what catsuit they can be squeezed into this week (as I was writting this I realised she beat out Neelix for the title)

ENT - Archer - Seriously, how did he become Captain? He was sleeping with Admiral Forrest, right? It's the only he could have gotten the Enterprise that I can think of.
TOS - Uhura. Just not much of a character. Not much to like or dislike.

TNG - Wesley. Smug little jackass who had no right to be part of the bridge crew.

DS9 - Jadiza. Arrogant, self-absorbed and mean spirited character who treated men like playthings.

VOY - The Kitchen Rat. Enough said.

ENT - Travis. A truly failed attempt at a character.

VOY: I can't stand Captain Insaneway. A self-deluded, sociopathic, hypocritical cunt bitch from hell. .

Why don't you tell us how you really feel? ;)
Oooooo a nice hate thread. I'm only going to put characters I actively dislike, not the ones that were so meh as to be unnoticeable like Travis.

1. TOS-- No one. I liked them all. No one even annoyed me slightly. Sure Chekov is a little dull but he has great scenes in TWOK.

2. TNG-- Riker. I absolutely loath that smug faced swaggering fuck head. He is the only character in Trek I actually hate like that. His voice, his beard, his body language, they all repulse me.

3. VOY-- Kes. Can't stand her voice, quite dislike the character.

4. DS9-- Not that keen on Jadzia but Worf likes her so.. she gets a pass. So no one.

5. ENT-- Sometimes, god help me, it's Archer.
2. TNG-- Riker. I absolutely loath that smug faced swaggering fuck head. He is the only character in Trek I actually hate like that. His voice, his beard, his body language, they all repulse me.

Man, I'm the complete opposite. I find Riker incredibly awesome and hilarious, as he leans his way through entire episodes, all the while grinning like a loon.

As for me...

TOS: No one really comes to mind.

TNG: Troi. Interesting concept, but she's terribly written throughout most of the show.

DS9: Can't think of anyone, offhand.

VOY: This is actually tough because the whole cast is so damn bland, no one stands out as particularly bad. :lol: I guess I'll go with Chakotay, as Neelix never annoyed me that much.

ENT: Travis. Poor guy got nothing to do.
TNG - Crusher - she saw everything in Earth/Federation morality. If she was a non-medical officer she would never have attained a high rank, mostly likely due to this.

Is Crusher really any worse than the rest of the crew for this? The whole show's moral compass is built that way - Picard perhaps most of all. I don't remember Beverly being particularly worse than the rest of them. Ready to be proven wrong though - what eps are you thinking of?

I love all the TNG cast, and can't choose. I have a love-hate relationship with Data. But part of that's less to do with the character, and more to do with the later 'Brent Spiner hams his way through 65 different characters' effect.
Shame on all of you that hate Seven Of Nine. :angryrazz:

TOS: No one...I don' have anything against anyone from TOS.
TNG: Wesley Crusher. Nuff said.
DS9: Kira Nerys...something about her just rubbed me the wrong way.
VOY: Harry Kim...totally useless.
ENT: T'Pol...she is just...BLAH! :lol:
TOS- Uhura, purely because she's so underdeveloped (not Nichelle's fault - she's great)
TNG- Wesley, obviously.
DS9- Leeta
VOY- Neelix, again, obviously.
ENT- Travis Mayweather, who's not only underdeveloped, but the actor really seemed utterly utterly bland and my attention always just slid off him
TOS: None.
TNG: Crusher. Too vanilla.
DS9: Worf. Had my fill of him on TNG and in the TNG movies.
VOY: Neelix. My least favorite Trek character evah!
ENT: None.
TOS: Chekov I guess?
TNG: Beverly Crusher. I'm a Pulaski guy.
DS9: Sisko. Too hot tempered and I wasn't a fan of the actor. Kira gets runner up.
VOY: Everybody. If I had to choose one, probably Neelix. Or Janeway.
ENT: The asian chick. I forgot her name but she was really immature. Very annoying at times.
TOS: McCoy. He acted racist (or speciest?) towards Spock, I hated that. I get that he and Spock were supposed to be the little logical and emotional voices on Kirk's shoulder, but McCoy attacked Spock on a personal level, he always had an "F*** you and your logic, you green-blooded heartless alien!" attitude. It wasn't an unrealistic portrayal, but it made me uncomfortable.

TNG: Riker. What a self-entitled, pompous ass! He turned down command after command because he wanted the Enterprise, he seemed to be waiting for Picard to croak and assumed that Starfleet would just hand him the keys to the flagship because ... uhm ... because the captain's chair was already used to his ass? Seriously, what was his reason for thinking he would even be considered for the job?

DS9: Jadzia. She was quite boring, she never bothered me, but I didn't care for her either.

Voy: Neelix, Chakotay, Kim, Tuvok. Hated all of them and wish they had dumped these four instead of Kes. The cast was too big anyway, reducing them to Janeway, Paris, Torres, Doctor, Kes and Seven would have been better and would have allowed to add another interesting male character.

Ent: Archer. He was incompetent, I drove me crazy when he wouldn't listen to T'Pol (or common sense!) and do something stupid episode after episode.

I haven't seen Enterprise in years, but that's how I remember season 1:
Archer: What do we know about the Blorp?
T'Pol: They hate outsiders and almost killed the last vulcan crew that tried to make contact, they have no ressources or knowledge that are of any interest to us right now, we are also supposed to arrive at the colony thetabeta VI to deliver food for starving orphans in 6 hours.
Archer: You know, when I was little my father told me stories ... blablabla ... dreams ... humans can do anything ... blablabla. I say we land right in front of the king's palace and say Hi, they probably just hate stupid vulcans, humans are fun!
*6 hours and 3 dead crewmen later Enterprise arrives at thetabeta VI with plasma leaking out of its port nacelle*
Archer: Well, that was close, but we made it, no orphan will starve today! And we learned an important lesson, the Blorp don't like us very much.
T'Pol: I tried to warn you ...
Archer: Next time, warn me harder! It's all your fault because I thought you were just trying to stop humanity from reaching its full potential. *pouts*
This seems mean writing this, but here we go:

Original series: I'm with Takeru with the McCoy thing. He did seem hostile towards Spock. He was always so angry too. But then he grew on me in the films and his hostility ultimately was based in love!

TNG: Pulaski - Don't feel mean about stating that! She was mean to Data a lot. Quite narrow minded too.

DS9 - Odo. His affection for Kira makes me kringe.

Voy - Neelix and Kes, so annoying!

Ent - Malcolm Reed - That episode where they spend considerable starfleet resources to determine what sort of Birthday cake he should have!!??
TOS - I hate to say it, since I liked him, but Chekov. He seemed a little too annoying at times.
TNG - Dr. Crusher. So full of herself. It would have been Wesley, but at least when he left the show he stayed gone.
DS9 - Ezri. She was no Jadzia.
VOY - Kes. Never missed her. Not for a second.
ENT - T'Pol. A female Moe Howard. Boring.
I always chalked up anything McCoy ever said about Spock on TOS as a means of trying to get a rise out of him and show his human side. McCoy resented Spock's logical side more than anything, so it always struck me that he was just trying to catch Spock in a human reaction by going below the belt.

That's just me.

TOS - Chekov (I liked him A LOT more in the movies)
TNG - Troi (she grew on me in later seasons and the movies though) or Wesley.
DS9 - Ezri.
VOY - Neelix.
ENT - T'Pol.
I always chalked up anything McCoy ever said about Spock on TOS as a means of trying to get a rise out of him and show his human side. McCoy resented Spock's logical side more than anything, so it always struck me that he was just trying to catch Spock in a human reaction by going below the belt.

That's just me.
You're not alone.
Shame on all of you that hate Seven Of Nine. :angryrazz:


Original series: I'm with Takeru with the McCoy thing. He did seem hostile towards Spock. He was always so angry too. But then he grew on me in the films and his hostility ultimately was based in love!

Slashy love?

I haven't seen Enterprise in years, but that's how I remember season 1:
Archer: What do we know about the Blorp?
T'Pol: They hate outsiders and almost killed the last vulcan crew that tried to make contact, they have no ressources or knowledge that are of any interest to us right now, we are also supposed to arrive at the colony thetabeta VI to deliver food for starving orphans in 6 hours.
Archer: You know, when I was little my father told me stories ... blablabla ... dreams ... humans can do anything ... blablabla. I say we land right in front of the king's palace and say Hi, they probably just hate stupid vulcans, humans are fun!
*6 hours and 3 dead crewmen later Enterprise arrives at thetabeta VI with plasma leaking out of its port nacelle*
Archer: Well, that was close, but we made it, no orphan will starve today! And we learned an important lesson, the Blorp don't like us very much.
T'Pol: I tried to warn you ...
Archer: Next time, warn me harder! It's all your fault because I thought you were just trying to stop humanity from reaching its full potential. *pouts*

:guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw:
TOS - Chekov. Roddenberry maintained he was there to redress the lack of a Russian character, yet most of the production staff believed he was to their to appeal to teenagers.

TNG - Crusher. Probably due to Gates McFadden, who seriously underplayed the character.

DS9 - Probably Zek. I thought Quark, Rom, Nog, Brunt, Gaila, Ishka etc were excellent, but the character could be pretty irritating. Wallace Shawn portrayed him excellently though.

VOY: Janeway. Again, the portrayal by the actress killed this character for me. Lets also not discount Mulgrew's voice.

ENT: Tucker - The good ol' boy/George W. Bush likeness put me off this character.
TOS - Chekov. Terrible acting, terrible accent, silly ethnic stereotype.
TNG - Wesley
DS9 - Zek, followed by Rom (the idiot shtick was too much) and Leeta
VOY - in the beginning Neelix, but later he became more tolerable so I'll go with Chakotay and Kim
ENT - Travis. Barely a character.