Your latest purchases, cont.

So, I got my first royalty cheque from Oxford University Press. Thanks once again to RJDiogenes and anyone else here who bought my book.

After using a big chunk of my cheque to pay down debt, I bought a Kobo Touch e-reader.

Which means, of course, that I used the money from my book... buy a gadget for storing and reading books. :shifty:

I am NOT an addict. I can quit reading any time I want to.
Everything except razorblades.

I went to the supermarket specifically to buy razorblades but I came home with a bag full of groceries and no razorblades. Argh.
A tank of gas for my car trip tomorrow night, and cans of Campbell's chicken soup, since hubby won't eat anything else when he's sick.
So, I got my first royalty cheque from Oxford University Press.

That was quick; wasn't it only published last year? I'm curious because I'm in the process of publication too, and the way my publisher has done things is that the advance they gave me is roughly equal to what they expect to have otherwise paid out in first-year royalties i.e. unless sales exceed that first-year expectation, I'm not until expecting royalties until year two. So does your early royalty cheque mean that the book is selling very well? Congratulations! Very cool. :cool:

Haven't bought much myself recently, but had to pay various quarterly utility bills, and I see that my annual fee for a necessary professional subscription just got deducted from my account too. I really dislike having to pay that; feels like paying money out for very little good in return. The only saving grace is that at least it attracts tax relief. Small consolation though... grumble... grumble... :lol:
more coffee as i'd run out lol

hardly exciting...

i'll do better next time i go shopping for work lol

That was quick; wasn't it only published last year? I'm curious because I'm in the process of publication too, and the way my publisher has done things is that the advance they gave me is roughly equal to what they expect to have otherwise paid out in first-year royalties i.e. unless sales exceed that first-year expectation, I'm not until expecting royalties until year two. So does your early royalty cheque mean that the book is selling very well? Congratulations! Very cool. :cool:

It seems to be selling very well. In fact, by the standards of academic monographs, it seems to be a bestseller.

I didn't get an advance. OUP pays royalties twice a year, so the cheque I received covered the period from April to September 2011.

My book was published in the UK at the end of August last year. By the end of September, it had sold close to nine hundred copies.

But by the end of September last year, my book had only just been released in the USA. And according to the OUP website, it has been reprinted twice since then. So the best may be yet to come. :cool:

On the other hand--if I'd known it was going to sell this well, I would have written a better book. :(