Your latest purchases, cont.

Thanks to a very generous and patient man on Facebook Marketplace, I was able to secure a replacement office chair today. It was beyond time, too - the old one was broken in multiple ways and having to always sit 100% upright was killing my back. I now have a much softer seat, and I can finally stretch again without hurting myself or risk falling into the floor. Here's a picture - it was a nightmare to assemble, but now its over and I'm grateful to have it.

Reloaded my Ventra card for my upcoming Chicago trip.

(God, how I love it when I can reload my cards online and don't have to fuck around with those bloody-be-damned vending machines.)
I bought a 4K Blu-Ray player on Friday, but I'm taking it back tomorrow since it turned out the specs don't fully match my TV's capabilities. Hopefully, I can find a better one without shelling out a ton more money.
I finally jumped on the 4K bandwagon, but since the player alone was almost $200 and my budget is fairly strict, I couldn't go crazy with my choices right away. So, I spent just over $60 in total on these, which I think is pretty respectable.

Thanks to a very generous and patient man on Facebook Marketplace, I was able to secure a replacement office chair today. It was beyond time, too - the old one was broken in multiple ways and having to always sit 100% upright was killing my back. I now have a much softer seat, and I can finally stretch again without hurting myself or risk falling into the floor. Here's a picture - it was a nightmare to assemble, but now its over and I'm grateful to have it.


That looks neat, almost like a chair on a starship
I went to a talk by an archaeologist at our local museum. It was about the recent work locating and excavating sites where they think the "lost colony of Roanoke" ended up relocating to. I bought the book but didn't have him sign it. Also bought a few things from the museum gift shop for my granddaughters.
Something silly....... I don't normally do ebay or auction type things but on a whim and I was in a funny mood that day I bid on a Sony Betacam BVW 70 vcr and thought nothing of it till I get an email saying I won the bid. Now waiting for the delivery and why is this thing 32kg?

Anyone here work in TV or video why are those machines so heavy?