Your latest purchases, cont.

^ Oh yes... :(

If I have learned anything from this little adventure, it's this: Don't fall for product hype from companies you've never heard of.

Eero markets itself as something that will get rid of WiFi dead spots in your home. I failed to consider that I hadn't actually HAD any WiFi dead spots (that I'm aware of)!

Now don't mistake my meaning, I'm not necessarily saying that Eero is a bad product. Who knows, maybe I just got a bad batch. Or perhaps my house has obstructions that interfered with it. It's just that...don't get rid of the old thing until you're sure the new thing works! :scream: :lol:

Oh and this also proves how right I was, to be brand loyal to Apple. :techman: :)
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Some Transformers G1 cars. From eBay. The Throttlebots still suck!
Bought a couple Christmas/Hanukkah gifts. Ghostbusters (new one) on blu-ray for my sister. And Lil Bub socks for my girlfriend.

For myself, got the soundtrack to Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Most gorgeous film soundtrack ever, imho. Gotta love payday!
Picked up Christmas Crackers at Pier One, along with a few little ornaments--two for me and three for my nieces' Christmas stockings.
I got a really good deal on a bunch of 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray, so today I got Independence Day, The Revenant, The Life of Pi, Exodus, Kingsman and The Maze Runner.
A book for myself, a book for my former husband, and a book for us both to read and then send to a mutual friend.
a little toy drone for the boy. I'm sure it'll make me crazy. I'm also sure at some point dad will abscond with it and play.
Bought Jean-Michel Jarre's Oxygene 3 (pt 14-20)

It's a dificult album, you need to listen to it quite a few times, it progresses from dark through cheerful and then softer and reflective, I know every work of Jarre, of course the first Oxygene and Oxygene 7-13, Oxygene 3 isn't a definitive Oxygene, its not a closure, nor does it try to glue the two previous parts together, its merely the answer of Jarre questioning about how Oxygene had turned out of it had been made in 2016 and not in 1976, in that light it absolutely works.