Your Favorite Federation Ships ("Ent" To "TNG Relaunch")

HOLY, CRAP IN A HAT!!! ''hellsgate'' wherd you find this ship!? it looks SHOCKINGLY similer to one of my OWN designs for a proposed ENT-F!
I believe its one of Alpha Fleet's kitbashes. I stumbled over it by accident on Google.

Credit: Loknar II-Class by Lt. Kevin Riley


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For the sake of simplicity I'll only concentrate on my favorite ship design: The classic NCC-1701. Here are my favorite shots of that beauty.

Watch out! Some serious starship porn to follow. ;)
Well, my favorite is sorta the same. :techman:

My favorites are as follows:

- Nebula Class
- Galaxy Class
- Excelsior Class


- TOS Surya Class (FASA)
- TOS Larson Class (FASA)
- TOS Loknar Class (FASA)

And try as it might, the Phobos will NEVER be the Loknar, and should never ever be confused for it. It is not a Loknar, nor is it a Loknar refit... it is the Phobos.
What are your favorite starship images? (canon and fanon, alike.) From independant / bravo fleet simms, fan fiction and fan productions to TV and Movies.

Credit: Image By Unknown.


Just curious hellsgate, what class meshship is that? Never seen it before.

Hellsgate as usual snagged the design from somewhere and forgot to write down the credits. It should read:
CREDIT: Pat Weber

It was his kitbash proposal for the Titan back before they released the specification requirements that had the Luna-class much smaller than was expected. It is now known as the Hyperion-class, and Hellsgate lifted it from the now-defunct Star Trek: Miranda website. The specific ship is the USS Arizona.

Miraclefan, the resemblance is likely coincidental; Pat created this ship not very long after Nemesis came out.
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1) Refit Connie (I've stared at my TMP & TSFS posters of her endlessly)
2) Connie (My addiction to Star Trek began with her)
3) Miranda (Khan!!!!)
4) Defiant
5) Excelsior
I don't think I like the Hyperion-class much since it has the damn impulse engines aimed straight at the nacelles and pylons. :p
Most of the ST Miranda ships are nothing but oversized ubership kitbashes. I don't really think any of them are in any way graceful or sleek.
My favorite ships are the Pathfinder class (USS Miranda B)
Excalibur class (USS Voyager A)
Hyperion class (USS Atlantis A)
Jupiter class (USS Montana A)
all Patrick Weber Creations, So bad luck Bolian Admiral.
My favorite ships are the Pathfinder class (USS Miranda B)
Excalibur class (USS Voyager A)
Hyperion class (USS Atlantis A)
Jupiter class (USS Montana A)
all Patrick Weber Creations, So bad luck Bolian Admiral.

Well, seeing as how I don't have any vested interest in what you may like or dislike whatsoever, I fail to see how that is meant to hurt me, or whatever. You like what you like, I like what I like.

So, free choice is a bitch, too bad for you. :D