Your Favorite Federation Ships ("Ent" To "TNG Relaunch")


What are your favorite starship images? (canon and fanon, alike.) From independant / bravo fleet simms, fan fiction and fan productions to TV and Movies.

Credit: Image By Unknown.

Constitution Class (pre-refit)
Excelsior Class (pre-refit)
Ambassador Class
Galaxy Class.
If I had to say a top 10 (in no particular order)

NX Class (I thought the layout made more sense in Pre-TOS than the Akira)
Constitution Class (both pre and post refit, I have a new appreciation for the design)
JJ's Constitution Class (A marvelous ship, if you put aside Star Trek and just look)
The Workbee (I want one in my driveway)
Poseidon Class (from Legacy, it's closer to what the NX should have been)
Minuteman Class (can you tell I like ENT era ships?)
Excelsior Refit (Well, the refit's body, pre-refit saucer)
Galaxy Class
Soveriegn Class (she feels more in kin with the Constitution than most TNG ships)
Daedulus Class (Aethernaut's design)

Ok... too hard to pick 10, lets make it 15
Ascendence Class (JJExcelsior)
Perception Class (one of the few TNG ships I like)
Whatever class the Kelvin is.
Delta Flyer
The Argo

-Ambassador (Sternbach)
-Delta Flyer


-Constitution (Deg3d)
-Constitution (Vektor)
-Sexed-Up Vincennes-Class (Icy_Penguino)
-Sultana (Forbin)
-Victory-Class (DJCurtis)
-Ambassador (Probert)
-Hayden (Borgman)
-Spirit (Clawhammer)
-Legacy (GKDesigns)
-Valiant (DJCurtis)
-Val'walo (Forbin)
-Gryphon-Class Runabout (GKDesigns)

Out of my own designs:


Overall, I like stuff that's nice and clean, and I have a big soft spot for the TMP, Lost Era/Ambassador (Which doesn't seem to get a ton of fan attention) and Late VOY design asthetics.

I could do without designs that are supposedly more advanced, but go chunkier and add mile-deep trenches and circuit pattern etchings while making the aztek pattern uber-contrasty (those who know me know that I refer to this as "campbell's chunky hull plating")
Excelsior Refit (Well, the refit's body, pre-refit saucer)
Excelsior post-refit saucer with pre-refit secondary hull. :) I think the post-refit secondary hull fairings detract from the elegant curves. But the pre-refit impulse engines were so tiny they surely couldn't do better than 1/8 impulse. ;)
ambassador would be my favorite canon ship with my own Stella shield being the favorite non canon
Since the OP asked for images and not just class names, I'll point to the second image on this entry on John Eaves' blog:

I find this particular NX concept design more aesthetically appealing than Andrew Probert's refit Constitution and Ryan Church's "composite" Constitution for the new film.

I also like Eaves' "Pufferfish", the second image on this entry on his blog:

With the addition of a few windows, I think it would make an awesome replacement for the Oberth class.
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Lets see, here are a few.

Constitution class/refit/Degs/Vektor ( I HATE HATE HATE the rebootprise:klingon: )
Sydney class
Oberth class
Forbins SS Reeses
Forbins Belisarius
Gouf's USS York
Gouf's Ireland class
Excelsior class not the refitted version though.
Forbins Artemis
Ambassador class both Sternbach and Probert versions
Vektor's Grandeur
Gep Malakai's Bozeman
Forbins Val'Walo
Galaxy class
Nebula class
Intrepid class
For the sake of simplicity I'll only concentrate on my favorite ship design: The classic NCC-1701. Here are my favorite shots of that beauty.

Watch out! Some serious starship porn to follow. ;)







The refit used to be my favorite ship, but the JJPrise has eclipsed her entirely. The new 'Big E' looks fantastic and dynamic in motion, capturing the sensibility of the original while still looking fresh and modern.

After the JJPrise and the refit, I think the Defiant rounds out the top three. I really dug the stark and functional look of the exterior. Too bad the interior was more of the same TNG-style, but what can you do?
What are your favorite starship images? (canon and fanon, alike.) From independant / bravo fleet simms, fan fiction and fan productions to TV and Movies.

Credit: Image By Unknown.


Just curious hellsgate, what class meshship is that? Never seen it before.
Constitution class (Classic TOS)
Constitution class - Refit (TMP)
Sovereign class
ST 11 Enterprise (JJ Abrams Retro-Constitution class)
Gabe Koerner's Enterprise
NX class
My current favs, all in one image:

Excelsior Refit (Well, the refit's body, pre-refit saucer)
Excelsior post-refit saucer with pre-refit secondary hull. :) I think the post-refit secondary hull fairings detract from the elegant curves. But the pre-refit impulse engines were so tiny they surely couldn't do better than 1/8 impulse. ;)

Something like this?

No clue where I got it from, it's been sitting around a thumbdrive for a while now.

Yum yum Connie Refit tastiness.


Atolm's awesome Chariot design.


Some shiny Galaxyness.


Not Federation, but- the image is just too awesome.
Excelsior post-refit saucer with pre-refit secondary hull. :) I think the post-refit secondary hull fairings detract from the elegant curves. But the pre-refit impulse engines were so tiny they surely couldn't do better than 1/8 impulse. ;)

Something like this?

No clue where I got it from, it's been sitting around a thumbdrive for a while now.
Yes, exactly. :)
I'd say the Original, the Refit, the Excelsior, and the Sovereign are my favorites

BTW: I personally think an Excelsior with the Enterprise-B's nacelles or even an Enterprise-B with the saucer of the Excelsior would have totally rocked
The refit used to be my favorite ship, but the JJPrise has eclipsed her entirely. The new 'Big E' looks fantastic and dynamic in motion, capturing the sensibility of the original while still looking fresh and modern.

After the JJPrise and the refit, I think the Defiant rounds out the top three. I really dug the stark and functional look of the exterior. Too bad the interior was more of the same TNG-style, but what can you do?
You have to be kidding, JJprise over the refit no way! Well if thats your opinion!
HOLY, CRAP IN A HAT!!! ''hellsgate'' wherd you find this ship!? it looks SHOCKINGLY similer to one of my OWN designs for a proposed ENT-F!