Your annual vacation/holidays


Vice Admiral
Where do you spend your vacation/your holidays this year?

How long do you plan to travel or stay at your chosen location?

I'm planning to travel to Austria to spend some wellness days there. I need some time to relax, but nothing has been arranged yet.
I haven't decided yet, but there are three possibilities.

Mexican Cruise - Date TBD; San Francisco to the Mexican Riviera, 10 days
New Orleans, LA - One week in June or July
Montreal, Canada - One week in August or September
It’s gonna be Cornwall in August for us. We’ll stay for a week, and it’s about 9-10 hours drive.
I get five weeks a year. Here's how I'm divvying it up in '18:

2 weeks in Canada (Montréal and Toronto), May

1 week in Chicago, June

1 week in New York City, August

1 week in Germany (OKTOBERFEST, baby! :beer: ), September
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I will be travelling to Niagara Falls (Canada) for a while to visit my parents and brother. Later I will spend some time in Atlanta, Georgia to visit my grandmother.

Always the same places, to visit family. But I don't get to see them often.

I will take weekend trips to Chicago (for shopping) and Pittsburgh (for work).
We don't go anywhere except for occasional weekend visits to my Mom in Austin.

I have no benefits at all from job and Hubby gets about 8-10 days around Christmas. We haven't been out of Texas in years.
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I'm blessed with a great deal of seniority and a truly magnanimous boss, with the result that I have four weeks of paid vacation leave, to do with as I please.

I don't take summer vacations: why should I go someplace hot, crowded, and miserable, when I can spend the summer in a nice office, where we might even turn on the air conditioner, if it's hot enough, and then take my vacations in the spring and the fall (typically 16-17 days each), when the weather is nicer, and the crowds are thinner.

With only one exception in recent memory, I take my spring vacation going up the West Coast, at least as far as Northern Calfornia, by rail, typically spending at least the better part of a week in San Francisco, and at least a weekend in Sacramento. This year will begin with a weekend in San Jose, followed by almost a week in San Francisco, then a few days in Yosemite, and finally a weekend in Sacramento. From Los Angeles to San Jose, and coming home from Sacramento, I'll be taking Amtrak's Coast Starlight. From San Jose to San Francisco, Caltrain. From San Francisco to Merced, and from Merced to Sacramento, Amtrak's San Joaquins. And between Merced and Yosemite, a YARTS bus.

Last year, my fall vacation was a quick trip up the West Coast, with brief stops in San Francisco, Portland, and Seattle, on the Starlight, before catching a bus to Vancouver, BC, and spending a week crossing Western Canada from there to Toronto, with a 2-day stop in Winnipeg, on VIA Rail Canada. This year's fall vacation plan is to fly to Chicago, and from there to Toronto, and then tour Eastern Canada primarily on VIA Rail Canada, before flying home, with a full day layover in Boston.

And of course vacations are good for productivity. The whole reason for paid vacation leave is to give your employees a change of scenery and a break from the routine. Just as the whole point of paid sick leave is to avoid having sick employees on the job, doing impaired work and infecting other employees.
Well, our family has been going to Disneyworld every November for about 25 years now, and that's cool.
But I finally convinced them that it is simply no longer worth the cost. Not just in cash, but
the simple mayhem that is those parks these days...

My biggest complaint concerns strollers. They are just evil in that place. And I can't understand
WHY anyone would take an infant or toddler into there....

So this year, we've decided to staycation, and spend the money on our backlog of bills.

I HATE those damn strollers!

I have never . . . .
Not once . . .
Never taken a vacation that was just Walt Disney World.
(Nor, the year I took a cruise from Vancouver to Seward, did I take a vacation that was just a cruise: there was a full week spent going up the West Coast from Los Angeles to Seattle, with stops in San Francisco and Seattle, before I caught the bus to the cruise ship dock in Vancouver, and there was a full day in Seward, an evening train to Anchorage, and a full day there, before it was all over.)

My first trip to Hawaii was three islands in a week. My second was a bit more relaxed: four islands in two weeks, visiting a dozen museums (varying in size from multi-building complexes down to an unattended exhibit hall in a shopping mall), two zoos, two aquariums, and two agricultural exhibits, riding two excursion trains on two different islands, and seeing the underwater scenery off Lahaina from the comfort of a nice, air-conditioned, submarine. All without setting foot on a single beach.

When I visit Walt Disney World, I usually take at least one day-trip to Kennedy Space Center, and I also visit New Orleans, and/or Colonial Williamsburg.

As you might gather from this and from post #11 of this thread, I like my vacations complicated. Life is too short (and vacations are too short) to spend a vacation lying around on some beach, like a stranded cetacean.
WOW dude that's great! Very happy for you! Are you going on a tour or with friends or just parachuting into the beer tents..

I’m going with my dad. He’s been there before, I haven’t. And I'm trying to discover my German heritage.

Plus, even though my dad and I have a great relationship and we have dinner together often, we haven't really partied together...I figure the beer tents would be the best way to do that. :beer:
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Hubby doesn't get much vacation but they allow personal days and unused sick days to be used. I have no benefits so any time off is unpaid.
We were for YEARS talking about a trip to Wales but now, suddenly, he announces he wants to go to Ireland. We haven't been anywhere in years and I have been dreaming of our Bucket List trip to Wales but now he only talks about going to Ireland. He even dug out his passport to get it renewed and told all his friends we were going to Ireland in the next couple of years.

We don't drink, we're atheists, he has no interest in history, architecture, hates to shop and doesn't like trying new foods. He has no idea about what he wants to see or even where to go. He also won't get an international license so renting a car is out of the question.

The mere idea of a trip Ireland used to sound thrilling but now it nearly brings me to tears. I'll never get to go on my dream trip and traveling with hubby will be a nightmare. I can only hope he eventually gives up on the idea.
We’re going to Las Vegas in May to see U2.

And we’re going to Los Angeles in July for the Dodgers/Angels series.
Hubby doesn't get much vacation but they allow personal days and unused sick days to be used. I have no benefits so any time off is unpaid.
We were for YEARS talking about a trip to Wales but now, suddenly, he announces he wants to go to Ireland. We haven't been anywhere in years and I have been dreaming of our Bucket List trip to Wales but now he only talks about going to Ireland. He even dug out his passport to get it renewed and told all his friends we were going to Ireland in the next couple of years.

We don't drink, we're atheists, he has no interest in history, architecture, hates to shop and doesn't like trying new foods. He has no idea about what he wants to see or even where to go. He also won't get an international license so renting a car is out of the question.

The mere idea of a trip Ireland used to sound thrilling but now it nearly brings me to tears. I'll never get to go on my dream trip and traveling with hubby will be a nightmare. I can only hope he eventually gives up on the idea.

I blame The Last Jedi.