Ah yes, Firefly....the show that was greenlighted at the expense of this:
Le sigh.

Le sigh.

I don’t think this is universally true. SNW bugs me because of the wacky, zany MCU tone and constant quippy dialogue. I like my Trek serious with a seasoning of humour and not as some kind of comedy.
I mean, I don't think its any more quippy than it was before. TOS had a great amount of quips, and even full comedy episodes and eventual comedy film.I meant the franchise as a whole takes itself too seriously. Of course things are written a bit more "quippy" now.
Star Wars fans go as in depth as Trek fans. It presents differently, but I also attended a wedding with a lightsaber arch.I've always been much more of a Trekkie. Wars is fun entertainment but lacks depth. I find much more variety in the stories Trek tells.
Wars is more mainstream and casts a broader net. It's penetrated mainstream consciousness in a way Trek never will. Non fans might know Kirk and Spock, but probably don't know Sisko, Burnham, Pike ,etc.
I think you can be a casual Warsie, but Trek is a lifestyle. It is very difficult to jump into for a newbie, with nearly 1000 television episodes now. Perhaps this need to invest in a huge amount of content is partly why Trek is considered more 'nerdy'.
Being more niche is part of why I like Trek more. Less mainstream