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Why are Star Trek fans made fun of more than Star Wars fans in popular culture?

I don’t think this is universally true. SNW bugs me because of the wacky, zany MCU tone and constant quippy dialogue. I like my Trek serious with a seasoning of humour and not as some kind of comedy.

I meant the franchise as a whole takes itself too seriously. Of course things are written a bit more "quippy" now. I was more referring to the franchise always trying to be as serious as possible about the general canon ideas etc. I remember Wil Wheaton saying that he tried to hit certain points on his (obviously fake) control panel for specific orders Wesley was given when it came to flying the ship. Stuff like this is why you have Trekkies debating buttons on control panels and how exactly to fly the ship etc. The fandom takes things as seriously as the franchise itself does. I mean I remember Trek writers hiring/asking actual scientists to help with how they were approaching some things and/or looked at science to see if their ideas fit in with it somehow.

Of course Trek has comedy now, but the general idea of seriousness still stands. I mean this board has its own section for discussing Trek technology, and people do so with lots and lots of passion. (I don't mean this in a derogatory way, I've been hanging out with Trekkies for 20 years, they're - mostly - a lovely bunch.) And that's what those who like to make fun of Trek fans pick up. I mean there's a whole movie about Trekkie enthusiasm called Galaxy Quest, lol. (Although that one paints it all in a positive/nice way, of course.)
I meant the franchise as a whole takes itself too seriously. Of course things are written a bit more "quippy" now.
I mean, I don't think its any more quippy than it was before. TOS had a great amount of quips, and even full comedy episodes and eventual comedy film.

I do think that Trek takes itself very seriously, but the serious aspect takes a different focus. Star Trek often focuses on one particular aspect, be it cultural commentary, or technological development, and running with it, in each show, so it gives them a different flavor, especially now.

I think Trek was really good at highlighting some great problem solving and exploration ideas, heavy handed with social commentary, and very fun with the quips. I think the seriousness needs a slight toning down because, as an entertainment franchise, it often enters the realm of structured sacred language at times in its serious tone and discussion, rather than a pastime to enjoy.
I believe that Star Wars fans are PREDOMINANTLY just bums on seats, as opposed to Star trek fans who are PREDOMINANTLY more invested in the franchise. For example you can approach someone who has just been to the latest Star Wars movie and they'll carry on about how great it was, but can't recall characters names etc, or even watch any ofthe shows. PREDOMINANTLY Star Trek fans see the latest movie/show because they passionately love the franchise, and know every little detail, which I believe adds to the nerdy image.
I've always been much more of a Trekkie. Wars is fun entertainment but lacks depth. I find much more variety in the stories Trek tells.

Wars is more mainstream and casts a broader net. It's penetrated mainstream consciousness in a way Trek never will. Non fans might know Kirk and Spock, but probably don't know Sisko, Burnham, Pike ,etc.

I think you can be a casual Warsie, but Trek is a lifestyle. It is very difficult to jump into for a newbie, with nearly 1000 television episodes now. Perhaps this need to invest in a huge amount of content is partly why Trek is considered more 'nerdy'.

Being more niche is part of why I like Trek more. Less mainstream
I've always been much more of a Trekkie. Wars is fun entertainment but lacks depth. I find much more variety in the stories Trek tells.

Wars is more mainstream and casts a broader net. It's penetrated mainstream consciousness in a way Trek never will. Non fans might know Kirk and Spock, but probably don't know Sisko, Burnham, Pike ,etc.

I think you can be a casual Warsie, but Trek is a lifestyle. It is very difficult to jump into for a newbie, with nearly 1000 television episodes now. Perhaps this need to invest in a huge amount of content is partly why Trek is considered more 'nerdy'.

Being more niche is part of why I like Trek more. Less mainstream
Star Wars fans go as in depth as Trek fans. It presents differently, but I also attended a wedding with a lightsaber arch.
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