Spoilers Who is the mastermind in Season 3 of Picard?

Hi everybody!

Hi, Dr. Nick!

I don't know how to do spoiler tags (assuming they're even necessary at this stage of the thread), but I'm gonna try!

Does anyone know if we actually see the Queen in the last episode, and what she might look like? Krige did her usual awesome work as a creepy, threatening and yet, quasi-seductive voice of the Collective.

Some have suggested she'll wear the face of Beverly. I hope not. We're all in now; all of the chips are ready to be cashed in. I adored Annie but I would be thrilled to at least see Krige's Queen's face one more time.

I have lots more, but that's enough for a first post :)
Hi everybody!

Hi, Dr. Nick!

I don't know how to do spoiler tags (assuming they're even necessary at this stage of the thread), but I'm gonna try!

Does anyone know if we actually see the Queen in the last episode, and what she might look like? Krige did her usual awesome work as a creepy, threatening and yet, quasi-seductive voice of the Collective.

Some have suggested she'll wear the face of Beverly. I hope not. We're all in now; all of the chips are ready to be cashed in. I adored Annie but I would be thrilled to at least see Krige's Queen's face one more time.

I have lots more, but that's enough for a first post :)
From the back she looks like a twisted mound of flesh and metal, and possibly immobile.
From a certain point of view the mastermind would be
Q. Yes, I saw this week's episode. But think about it. If Q hadn't pulled off his All Good Things antics, Picard would've been a lonely senile old geezer in his vineyard with his Borg DNA forever dormant (other than giving him irumodic syndrome). Even after full marriage with Beverly he obviously never had a kid. He was in no shape to be romancing anyone or having any kids in the AGT future. The Frontier Day massacre would never have happened. Which also goes to show that this idea that the Borg Queen planned Jack and Frontier Day "all along" is nonsensical.

By erasing the AGT future by giving Picard knowledge to avoid that timeline, all Q did was cause Picard to start the events that would lead to Frontier Day. Even worse, Q seemingly didn't let Picard retain any other useful info from the AGT timeline (for example Picard did not warn Starfleet about the imminent Dominion War, something that almost definitely also happened in the AGT timeline)
From a certain point of view the mastermind would be
Q. Yes, I saw this week's episode. But think about it. If Q hadn't pulled off his All Good Things antics, Picard would've been a lonely senile old geezer in his vineyard with his Borg DNA forever dormant. Even after full marriage with Beverly he obviously never had a kid. He was in no shape to be romancing anyone or having any kids in the AGT future. The Frontier Day massacre would never have happened. Which also goes to show that this idea that the Borg Queen planned Jack and Frontier Day "all along" is nonsensical.

By erasing the AGT future by giving Picard knowledge to avoid that timeline, all Q did was cause Picard to start the events that would lead to Frontier Day. Even worse, Q seemingly didn't let Picard retain any other useful info from the AGT timeline (for example Picard did not warn Starfleet about the imminent Dominion War, something that almost definitely also happened in the AGT timeline)
Interesting way of looking at things, although I don't recall the Dominion being mentioned in AGT.
Interesting way of looking at things, although I don't recall the Dominion being mentioned in AGT.
I literally said that Q obviously did not allow Picard to retain any memory of the Dominion from AGT, otherwise he would've said something. (Obviously it wasn't mentioned in AGT itself)
I literally said that Q obviously did not allow Picard to retain any memory of the Dominion from AGT, otherwise he would've said something. (Obviously it wasn't mentioned in AGT itself)
How do you know the events pertaining to the arrival of the Dominion on DS9 actually happened in this future?
How do you know the events pertaining to the arrival of the Dominion on DS9 actually happened in this future?
I don't, but it's very, very hard to see how they would have been avoided. Sisko and the setup to meet the Dominion in DS9 had already been set in motion before the AGT divergence point.
I don't, but it's very, very hard to see how they would have been avoided. Sisko and the setup to meet the Dominion in DS9 had already been set in motion before the AGT divergence point.
Yeah, but the "AGT Future" could be a self-contained bubble timeline like what happened in Tapestry, where Picard got to screw up his own professional career, then later fix it, and also sleep with his lady friend with no changes to the timeline.
Yeah, but the "AGT Future" could be a self-contained bubble timeline like what happened in Tapestry, where Picard got to screw up his own professional career, then later fix it, and also sleep with his lady friend with no changes to the timeline.
For the time paradox to have worked and created an anomaly that threatened humanity (as Shaw confirms in Picard), the AGT future had to have been a legit future in its own right.
For the time paradox to have worked and created an anomaly that threatened humanity (as Shaw confirms in Picard), the AGT future had to have been a legit future in its own right.
Maybe, but it always seemed to me that most "alternate futures" on the 90s shows seemed to center around the lives of the main cast, almost to the exclusion of things happening on the other shows.
The make artists said he was designed to look like a corpse.

He also didn't look like any of the assimilated crewmen in Vox. They still had skin tone.

And how did Tuvok-2 know Riker was even a prisoner? Or what he looked like? Why did Picard even ask? Boy these changelings are coordinated!!