what's your local weather?

Thursday it only got up to 89F, supposed to go back to the 90s starting today through the weekend, then climbing to over 100F starting Monday next week.
I always said that fall has more spring and summer weather than summer and spring did. Many days it was cool and rainy.

Anyway currently 60 F and mostly clear.
Sunny and the temperature has been holding 102 F for about 5 hours. More of same sky conditions and hotter tomorrow. It does get down to the 60's F at night.
22:00 PDT and 82 F. I turned off the HVAC, opened some windows a few inches in a couple of rooms and turned on the Evaporative Cooler on the other side of the house in the living room.
Since Texas summers have virtually no time limit, the heat often stays around until mid-October or even early November. And when the winter does arrive, it only lasts until February or so. That's just the natural cycle around these parts.
Since Texas summers have virtually no time limit, the heat often stays around until mid-October or even early November. And when the winter does arrive, it only lasts until February or so. That's just the natural cycle around these parts.

In Houston, "winter" is usually two weeks in February.
In Houston, "winter" is usually two weeks in February.
That's pretty much how it was for me, when I lived in Dallas. The bitter temperatures would be there all through Christmas and New Year's, but if we got any snow at all it wasn't until Valentine's Day...and even then it didn't last for long.
I think we got back down below 110º again today, but I'm not positive. Every year now for the last several years we've been setting records for the number of days above 110º.