what's your local weather?

So I've read this afternoon, to my shock.
This is another part of why I think in terms of "climate derangement" rather than "climate change" these days.
It was pretty cold yesterday. Rather snowy today. It's supposedly supposed to be a bit warmer, so I might try my luck with shovelling out the drive again. Tried to last night and the snow was hard as a rock. :lol:
It's a lot colder than it should be right now. Apparently it snowed early morning a few days ago but it was already gone by the time I looked outside.
Not sure about the exact temps, but rained before I got up early this morning, and then a tiny bit fell on me on my bike ride. It didn't even rain back home about 5 or 6 miles away. After that it got pretty windy, and it was actually colder at about 3 or 4 this afternoon than it was on second half of my bike ride around 10 this morning. Usually it's the other way around, our warmest part of the day is usually around 3 - 5 in the afternoon/evening.