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Roland Orzabal, "Hey Andy!"

Although Orzabal technically released two earlier solo albums while still using the Tears For Fears moniker, Tomcats Screaming Outside was the first album released under his own name. A more techno-ambient outing, the album had the bad luck to be released in the United States on September 11, 2001, where it came and went without much notice...
That came across my feed as well. Do you like that band more or less without Melissa?

Here's one from a few weeks earlier.

I like Rage Of Light just the same, both Melissa and Martyna are great vocalists both harsh and clean, Martyna does have a very distinct tone in her cleans which I like. :mallory:

Martyna's previous band:
Ascend The Hollow - Polaris
Turn up the volume and bass for this!!

Wish I was in my 20s and young and firm and limber so I could dance and wiggle... of course, being older and pudgier, but at least I can still jiggle... just not the parts I want to have jiggled, though...

ON EDIT: OMGz, they say live versions of songs suck...

Not always true - dayum, this is amazing...
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