What ships SHOULD they have used in the Dominion War?

Given that it's literally an upscaled Starfleet runabout with a different nacelle configuration and we've seen Oberths in both Starfleet and civilian hands (indeed the Raven itself is referred to as both the USS Raven and the SS Raven at various points), I don't see any reason to assume that.

However, that's a moot point as the website specifically discusses a Starfleet variant (designated the Raven-class) of the canonical Aerie-class or Raven-type civilian vessel which sidesteps the issue IMO.

I’ll assume it when I see it being flown by actual Starfleet officers (besides officers who found a junker to use to escape.) And that website can say whatever it wants; it doesn’t change the fact that none of its information is canon.
Honestly, I was never the biggest fan of the Raven. It looked boxy and, well, cheap. Plus I wasn’t sure what to make of its coloring and tech. It looked very Starfleet…maybe it is a Socialist Utopia if they’re all using such similar tech.

But anywho, I don’t see it as the successor to the Oberth. I mean, why? Because it’s also a science vessel? The ships are nothing alike. And one of the things I like about the Oberth is its (for some) problematic configuration. I like how bizarre it looks. Adds mystery to the future. The Raven in comparison looks like a little kid’s toy. In the real world it would look very silly next to a 747 or something.
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Given that it's literally an upscaled Starfleet runabout with a different nacelle configuration and we've seen Oberths in both Starfleet and civilian hands (indeed the Raven itself is referred to as both the USS Raven and the SS Raven at various points), I don't see any reason to assume that.

However, that's a moot point as the website specifically discusses a Starfleet variant (designated the Raven-class) of the canonical Aerie-class or Raven-type civilian vessel which sidesteps the issue IMO.
The Raven-Type would make a very nice mobile home given how large it is.
It's basically a flying mini cruise ship or medium yacht in size

Star Trek's version of the Towani Family Star Cruiser from the made for TV Ewoks movies.

I never saw good art of that pre-crash.
Could they have flown one of those Dreadnought Cardassian missiles into the middle of the Dominion fleet and just bust them open?
If anything it's the 24th century successor to the Sydney-class, surely... little more than a boxy utilitarian overgrown shuttle that seems to be available to civilians.

How would the Sydney class compare to those designs (and let us add in the Kaplan F17 as well)?
Somewhere around 2-3 times the length and therefore perhaps 8-27 times the mass.

The Sydney-class is more of a light transport/cargo vessel than a scout like the Raven.
The Sydney was a big passenger ship transporting colonists. The Raven was a small survey ship.

The confusion is possibly DS9’s reuse of a flipped Jenolan model to depict Dulmer and Lucsley’s smaller ship, and the model’s origins as the Spacedock shuttle.
The Sydney was a big passenger ship transporting colonists. The Raven was a small survey ship.

The confusion is possibly DS9’s reuse of a flipped Jenolan model to depict Dulmer and Lucsley’s smaller ship, and the model’s origins as the Spacedock shuttle.

It also didn’t help that Okuda himself stated that he thought the Sydney class was an old-style runabout, and that they were actually going to use the Jenolan model as the runabouts for DS9 until the decision was made to make a new model for the runabout.
I always felt that all four FC ships were built post-BoBW for the purpose of rebuilding the fleet like what Shelby mentioned, and specifically to fight the Borg, which was exactly what they were doing in FC.
I always felt that all four FC ships were built post-BoBW for the purpose of rebuilding the fleet like what Shelby mentioned, and specifically to fight the Borg, which was exactly what they were doing in FC.

I agree, and I see the Sovereign and Intrepid as part of this family of ships, despite the fact that we see the Sovereign and Intrepid largely doing other things. I guess the Elkins and Yeager would need to included since they use Intrepid architecture for some ship components. I suppose the Voyager prototype that is sometimes given a class name from one of Okuda's charts could also be part of that era of designs.
Myself I'd have liked to see them revamp the Cheyenne and New Orleans class models, but those were deliberately damaged, and would have needed partial or total scratch builds, to be fit for the screen again.

Still, maybe not. If they were just background Dominion War ships, or being towed in 'A Time to Stand' or in battleground shots? Like Chintoka, maybe.

Plus, it would have been nice to see more Norways, and Nebulas. Sovereign too - naturally. Just once.
Myself I'd have liked to see them revamp the Cheyenne and New Orleans class models, but those were deliberately damaged, and would have needed partial or total scratch builds, to be fit for the screen again.

The thing about the kitbashes used in BoBW is that they were built by a professional model maker who wasn’t under a time constraint, for the purposes of having a larger studio model built based on them (i.e. the Nebula class.) The DS9 bashes were hastily built by whoever was on hand with no regard to scale or logic, and were just mean to be seen in the far background and intentionally battle-damaged. The amount of time needed to actually duplicate the New Orleans or the Cheyenne to make them look exactly like how they looked in BoBW would have been time-prohibitive. That’s not to say that I also wouldn’t have liked to see them again, but it just wouldn’t have been realistic.
In a Venom Geek short, the Elkins was described as a "fuel carrier." Perhaps it was a support ship spun off from the Intrepid class.