I'm pretty far removed from the Star Trek book scene these days, do they still publish Star trek books that aren't just tie ins to the current shows? I thought that they had specifically killed off the non-tie in Trek book line with that Coda nonsense, and were mostly focusing on those IDW comics for spin off material of the older shows..
They are absolutely still publishing Trek books based on the earlier series. A new TNG novel by Dayton Ward came out just last week, and I have a new TOS novel coming out next month.
This is the misunderstanding I was just speaking of: "Coda" only wrapped up one particular string of Trek novels; it did absolutely did not mean that there would no more TOS novels, no more TNG novels, no more DS9 novels, etc. We're still writing those, just like we did before the linked post-Nemesis "Litverse" and just like we're still doing afterwards.
In a very real way, we've just gone back to writing the books the same way we did before the TNG-era TV shows ended, allowing the 24th-century novels to become more serialized since the TV versions were no longer a going concern.
And for those of us who mostly write standalone TOS novels, nothing has changed at all: before, during, or after.