What do you think about the USS Vengeance ? (spoilers, probably)

And, I don't understand why an Admiral would have a collection of models in his office. i would think this would be something you would have in a home.
I've seen a bajillion films and TV shows where Airforce generals' offices were packed with model aeroplanes. It's also very much a Star Trek tradition - Enterprise models in the TNG conference lounge, the Stargazer model (sometimes replaced with a TMP Enterprise) in Picard's ready room, the Daedalus-class ship in Sisko's office etc.
I don't see how Admiral Marcus was able to keep his pet project secret with it being in a planetary system that had already a major station - Jupiter Station - next door.

Do you realize how big Jupiter is? One of the things that I think I like about the Abramsverse is that sensors aren't all powerful.

Which is odd: how can you possibly beam from Earth to Qo'Nos without being able to tell where the planet is exactly ? :p
I don't see how Admiral Marcus was able to keep his pet project secret with it being in a planetary system that had already a major station - Jupiter Station - next door.

Do you realize how big Jupiter is? One of the things that I think I like about the Abramsverse is that sensors aren't all powerful.

Which is odd: how can you possibly beam from Earth to Qo'Nos without being able to tell where the planet is exactly ? :p

Calculate where you think it's at and pray that your not wrong! :lol:
Re: What do you think about the USS Vengeance ?

Well in the movies we've had V'Ger, the whale probe, the Borg cube, the Son'A collector, the Scimitar, the Narada and the Vengeance, all of which were huge, and in almost every mobie the Enterprise takes a beating from something, so it's a recipe that is tired but that works.

Except the Son'a ship from your list and I totally agree with you. It's getting boring. Narada was kind of interesting, as it was just a mining vessel, but from the future. But the Scimitar and the Vengeance, both totally rediculous. Like CIA has a flying Aircraft Carrier...
I have no issues with Starfleet building a Vengeance.

What with time traveling maniacs, V'Ger, Probes, the Borg and whatnot, I'm surprised Earth is not surrounded by a ring of Death Stars. THAT is the part I find unbelievable.
I don't see how Admiral Marcus was able to keep his pet project secret with it being in a planetary system that had already a major station - Jupiter Station - next door.

Do you realize how big Jupiter is? One of the things that I think I like about the Abramsverse is that sensors aren't all powerful.

Jupiter Station wasn't established in Trek Canon until Voyager.

And for all we know? That IS Jupiter Station.
Re: What do you think about the USS Vengeance ?

If it's designed to be manned by a minimal crew, why is it so big?

A lot the hull is probably dedicated to weapons, guess they haven't figured out how to miniaturize the weapon components to make a Defiant class ship. At this rate, will be interesting to see how big the Galaxy Class will be in this timeline.

The Galaxy-class will be the approximate size of the planet Jupiter, commanded by a giant version of Jean-Luc Picard!:lol:
Re: What do you think about the USS Vengeance ?

Except the Son'a ship from your list and I totally agree with you.

Why except the Son'a ship ? Thing was huge, but not a combat vessel.

Narada was kind of interesting, as it was just a mining vessel, but from the future.

With borg tech retrofitted on it.
I haven't seen a topic on this, so here it is.

When I saw the latest trailers in theatres, I thought "Woah ! Big new ship." and then I looked for some pictures on the net. My first reaction was that this was one ugly ship, but then I realised that this was a good thing.

The Vengeance looks like a dark, galactic-empire version of the Enterprise, something only Section 31 could dream up. So it's 'ugly' but awesome, all at once.

What do you guys think ?

I was very disappointed with the U.S.S. Fanwank...doubly so when the Super Fanwank guns were pointed at the Enterprise...it was a facepalm moment for me. As for the look...it's like they took a ship from STO and threw it in the movie. Some of the ships in that game are pretty grotesque. They have openings where there should be none. :lol: It was Star Treks version of a Star Destroyer I guess. At this point if they ever decide to put the Borg in one of the films, I'd imagine their ship being bigger than V'ger.
I don't mind the Vengeance. But when it showed up, someone on the Enterprise should have muttered "we're gonna need a bigger starship".
By the way, someone mentioned the "breathing sound" when the Vengeance shows up, but I paid attention the second time around and it sounds more like a siren, like "warning, evil ship !"
I don't see how Admiral Marcus was able to keep his pet project secret with it being in a planetary system that had already a major station - Jupiter Station - next door.

Do you realize how big Jupiter is? One of the things that I think I like about the Abramsverse is that sensors aren't all powerful.

Jupiter Station wasn't established in Trek Canon until Voyager.

And for all we know? That IS Jupiter Station.

Although, Enterprise established that Jupiter Station was around in the 22nd century.
The Vengeance is one of the fugliest Starfleet ships IMO. Looks like a duck in the side profile.

Profile views are tough on many Fed ships. The TOS Enterprise works well from many angles.

Excelsior works best with 3/4 views, but can look ungainly as when used on Deep Space Nine battle sequences with the Dominion.

Vengence is actually a bit better balanced than Excelsior in some respects. The JJprise bespeaks the tall ships of Hornblower, while Vengence in some respects is actually rather graceful in the nacelle supports.

It keeps a perfectly circular saucer, which to me is a must.
It presents rather well at many angles.
The more I think about it, the more I like the Vengeance. It's not pretty, but it's impressive, and it suits its purpose very well. Much better than the horrible Narada.
Not a huge fan of the design, but I did find the scene impressive when she caught up to the Enterprise in warp and started firing from behind.
I always thought of her as being unfinished, maybe the prototype or even a one-off beta version for a new line of starships.
StarFleet is far more militarized and paranoid in nuTrek, so the outside appearance of the Vengeance makes sense. However, that doesn't explain the inside appearance. The inside design should be very similar to the Enterprise, but instead it looks like something out of Mordor. Very silly.
Technically, Starfleet is still the same, focusing a little more on weapons and such but still the same.

Vengeance was built by a militaristic paranoid sumbitch.