What are your controversial Star Trek opinions?

Specifics? Comparisons?
Hehe, you want specifics.

Ok, how about... S03 E06 · Booby Trap.
Picture this, An ancient PRICELESS battle cruiser in amazing condition that has been drifting in space for 1,000 years. Guy blunders his way into a minefield, nearly gets destroyed by ancient tech, survives the situation he put himself and his crew in by an absolute miracle moon shot, is safe... now, he could put up beacons warning about the area and get Star Fleet to send in some engineers to disable the minefield.
F that! LOL! Pew. pew. Blow that shiz up! Blammo! :alienblush:

S07 E15 · Lower Decks.
Big brain Picard couldn't simply give Star Fleet intelligence a call to source literally ANY ship for that Cardassian agent?

Worse still, Picard used his powers of weird psychological manipulation to send a promising officer to her death completely unnecessarily. Even worse, she was BJORAN, he sent an inexperienced officer with the amazing backstory that she's a terrorist of all things into what's effectively Nazi Germany. Wowzers.

Plus many many more.

Also, the way he demeans Worf on the regular... :klingon:
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I'll add that the only reason he needs James Kirk to come out of the Nexus is because with all of time and space to choose from he decided to leave the Nexus at the same moment he just had his butt handed to him because for some reason he's in a real hurry to get into a fist fight with an armed man.

(Off camera) Data: I hate this! It is revolting!
Picard: I'm looking for Doctor Soran...
(Off camera) Picard 2: HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!
(Camera swings to show ANOTHER PICARD)
Picard 2: Clap that man in irons! I'll explain everything in a moment!

(He doesn't know that the Enterprise has just been whacked. So saving the ship would have been a happy accident.)

OTOH, out of seven seasons, four movies, and whatever Picard was, that's not a terrible record.
I don’t really understand why it makes the ship appear to roll like that (and then jump “up” offscreen).

It's basic science.


Don't know if this has been said already, but I accept that First Contact changed history, leading to the Enterprise timeline, which we've been following ever since (aside from the Kelvinverse), hence explaining the "visual reboot" of Discovery/SNW, and why the holographic Discoprise is on display in Picard.
Don't know if this has been said already, but I accept that First Contact changed history, leading to the Enterprise timeline, which we've been following ever since (aside from the Kelvinverse), hence explaining the "visual reboot" of Discovery/SNW, and why the holographic Discoprise is on display in Picard.
But now
the USS New Jersey looks out of place.
But now
the USS New Jersey looks out of place.
A relic of the former pre-ENT continuity that somehow jumped over from that timeline to now? Sounds like an interesting reason to have a TOS style ship at the museum.

Much easier for me to explain away an outlier than it is for me to believe the Discoprise will one day be retrofitted EXACTLY into the TOS 60's style.
Meh. Curt Swan Superman. José-Luis Garcia-Lopez Superman. Dan Jurgens Superman. George Perez Superman. Jim Lee Superman. Tim Sale Superman. etc. All look different-same Superman (within whatever respective continuities they appear--but visual appearance is not the determining factor). I see Trek in the same way--artistic licence with fictional stories.
Don't know if this has been said already, but I accept that First Contact changed history, leading to the Enterprise timeline, which we've been following ever since (aside from the Kelvinverse), hence explaining the "visual reboot" of Discovery/SNW, and why the holographic Discoprise is on display in Picard.
Along with the anachronistic Treknology in ENT.

Also, to correct myself, this would have affected the Kelvinverse too, as Archer is mentioned.

I loved the premise of ENT, but its execution was bland. Enterprise done in NuTrek style though? That would be cool.
The only real Trek is TOS and I don't mean the movies either. A couple of the animated series may be okay. And there are a few moments in the TOS movies that are okay. But Star Trek, to me, is TOS. Only TOS.
The only real Trek is TOS and I don't mean the movies either. A couple of the animated series may be okay. And there are a few moments in the TOS movies that are okay. But Star Trek, to me, is TOS. Only TOS.
I can get on board though I personally see no reason why other shows can't be enjoyed as Trek. Just multiple interpretations of the world.
Don't get me wrong, I agree. But with all the outrage regarding NuTrek's diversion from canon, why the controversy when retcons are built into the rules of the lore?
Some of my controversial opinions:

TMP is the best Trek film.
TOS is the best Trek series.
TAS is the third best series, after TNG.
90% of DS9 blows.
95% of ENT blows.
99% of DISCO blows.
I side with Janeway in "Tuvix."

No money means no money, not just no hard currency. As a human, or even as a guest alien, you can live comfortably on Earth without an money at all, you will never want for food, a place to live, free transportation around Earth, medical care, and a host of other things. But you will not be entitled to things that cost money, such as things sold by aliens on Earth, transportation to places not covered by your New World Economy entitlements. The economic relationship between Earth and the Federation is codified in its UFP membership. It involves trade and taxation of a fraction of Terran economic product measured according to terms specified there. A significant portion of Earth's economic output is labor. There are little known, seldom used conditions of New World citizenship, such as obligations to serve that have never been broadly invoked as far as we know, that form the backstop for the economic strength of Earth; post-atomic horror humanity has never become so leisurely despite wanting for nothing/little that pressed service has ever been necessary, except in special cases involving people who have already volunteered to serve in Federation organizations. ;)
There were "credits" in TOS. People bought things. Space stations vendors charged credits. Vulcan traders and Harry Mudd made a living buying and selling things. Human miners worked hard in lonely environments. So the whole "no money" thing in post TOS series to me is just ridiculous.