What are you watching???

I binged Station Eleven with Mackenzie Davis, about a traveling Shakespeare troupe twenty years after a superflu wipes out most of the world's population. You see things from different points in time, pre-flu and in the future. It kept me guessing and it is actually funnier and full of pop culture references than you would expect :)
stuff I'm watching this weekend starting right now

Paranormal Activity 3 which Im watching right now
Blake Edwards a Fine Mess which is on Tubi
pilot episode of Eureka Season 1
either Rocky 1 or Snakes on a Plane
watch some of Real World Season 12 on Netflix. noticed they just added another season on there recently.
Tommy Chong as a deadly serious version of Abraham Van Heilsing, hunting a Vampire played by Danny Masterton.

What is this 1998 pure gem of Horror schlock called?


No one gave Kari Wurere weapons training. She looks like a fool when she picks up a rifle.