What Are You Eating/Drinking (Any Time)?

Re: What Are You Eating/Drinking Right Now?

Pasta(Actually mac & ground beef with 4 cheese sauce) and ginger ale.
Re: What Are You Eating/Drinking Right Now?

a 1976 Stronachie Single Malt. It was, of course, a gift...
Re: What Are You Eating/Drinking Right Now?

One of my freshly baked, warm, soft and chewy homemade brownies. :D

Re: What Are You Eating/Drinking Right Now?

A strange mixture of cold chilli beans, baguette, cherrys, apple joghurt with chocolate and bananamilk.

Re: What Are You Eating/Drinking Right Now?

Fried potatoes, sausage & cheese.

Drinkin' diet Mt. Lightening.