USS Sequoia, A UFP Presidential Yacht

I've put together the interior model now, and also created a variation of the exterior with a more traditional Starfleet pennant instead of the blue stripes - not sure which one I prefer tbh! To round this ship project off, I've drawn up some diagrams. :)




:eek: Well, I don't have to tell you which one I prefer, but wow, this looks so so good!

I love what you did with the interior! How rough did you design it? Could you render an even closer look inside?
:eek: Well, I don't have to tell you which one I prefer, but wow, this looks so so good!

I love what you did with the interior! How rough did you design it? Could you render an even closer look inside?

I'm glad you like the new variant!
The interior is a bit low-poly in places, you could get a bit closer in, but probably not right up to the glass. If I needed to, there's scope to increase the resolution on the interior geometry, but I'll leave that until it's needed for a particular shot. :)

Oh wow. That interior REALLY sells the scale on this. Very nice work.
Thanks! If I remember correctly, I scaled the Sequoia to about 55 meters in length; roughly double the length of a Danube class Runabout. I hadn't considered it before, but there aren't many visual cues that indicate it's much bigger than the Danube, so I'm glad the interior communicates that.
I like both version but I am going for the blue striped one.. just that little bit more awesome.
Agreed on the interior, it is awesonemous! :D:mallory::techman: impressive little spaceboat, are you considering a more military version as well? you know, just as awesome but then with big guns, torperdo rollbars and other neat stuff to shoot at opponents? :biggrin:
I like both version but I am going for the blue striped one.. just that little bit more awesome.
Agreed on the interior, it is awesonemous! :D:mallory::techman: impressive little spaceboat, are you considering a more military version as well? you know, just as awesome but then with big guns, torperdo rollbars and other neat stuff to shoot at opponents? :biggrin:
I like the idea of a roll bar, it would make for a nice bit of continuity from the Danube class. I'm going to start putting together a scene for these ships, and I think a roll bar variant would make a lot of sense for it.
I can see less a roll bar--and more the triangular weapons array on the latter Nebula class ships--on a single pylon--it helps keep the dagger shape.

Something like this:
This is one of the reasons I like posting on this forum - lots of interesting suggestions that help push one's work further. I think that linked image is a good starting point for the pod I'd like to create. I hope it will still feel like it has some continuity with the Danube rollbar, as I like the idea that the two ships have some shared design heritage. At the moment this is all on hold though, as I'm making a scene for these ships to fly through.
Oeh! a scene.. you're good at that., loved the ones you did with Reliant and Trilobite and also "Running away to the Academy" scene was awesome. :mallory:
I like it! Though it seems the interior images are not in this thread. Are they on SciFiMeshes?
Though I think it may be too small. The President would bring like 20 people with them, that's why real life they use a 747 or whatever type it is lol.
I've put together the interior model now, and also created a variation of the exterior with a more traditional Starfleet pennant instead of the blue stripes - not sure which one I prefer tbh! To round this ship project off, I've drawn up some diagrams. :)





Any chance you could partake in Doug Drexler's Ships of the Line calendar? Then Eaglemoss would have legitimate reason to make a model of this self-propelled masterpiece. :drool:
Just discovered this through ArtStation. LOVE the design, those clean lines and dart-shaped outline. Makes total sense as a high-end executive transport. I'm a sucker for runabout alternatives that aren't so boxy and shuttle-like as the Danube-class.