Spoilers Two big characters return for anniversary.

Not really a big surprise to be honest, and i would have been more suprised if we were not getting a multi doctor anni special at this point, seeing as they have only been doing them since 1973, with some bumps on the way. :p
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The 50th Anniversary Special was neither the start of a season, the debut of a new Doctor, or the start of a new Showrunner's tenure.

Simple question only a Yes or No answer required. Do you think making Ncuti share his first episode with one or more past Doctors would be a good idea?
Is it ideal to have Ncuti share his first episode with another Doctor: No.
Is it ideal to bring in lots of previous characters in the first episode of a new era: No.
Is it ideal to have multiple Doctors in the 60th anniversary special: Yes.
Simple question only a Yes or No answer required. Do you think making Ncuti share his first episode with one or more past Doctors would be a good idea?

I don't think there's a simple answer to that question because the issue I have isn't with the idea of the 60th Anniversary Special being a story featuring previous Doctors and/or Companions. My issue is specifically with David Tennant and Catherine Tate being present in the special because of their popularity as actors.

I would also, for the record, have the same issue were the show to be bringing back Tom Baker for the 60th Anniversary Special either as the Fourth Doctor or the Curator.
Great, I guess?

Sorry, not trying to be a downer. I love both Tennant and Tate, and will naturally be thrilled to see them back again. But regardless if we're getting one 60th anniversary special or a bunch of specials to celebrate the anniversary, we're not going to see Tennant and Tate on screen any earlier than fall 2023, right?

I'll get excited then.
This is awesome. More Donna makes me happy.

Is it wrong that I'm hoping this is a short similar to what they did with Eight for the 50th? And that we might get a short series of them?

What I would do: A Ten and Donna, an Eleven and Amy, a Twelve and Bill, a Thirteen and Yaz each doing a 8-10 minute bit with the same bad guy across each pair. Then that same bad guy as the first enemy for Fourteen.

I'm sure it won't be any of that, if only because getting half of them back seems really unlikely. But I'm very much looking forward to whatever this does end up being.
I feel bad for Jodie Whittaker right now. Everyone just wants her last episode out the way so we can get to 14 and the return of 10.
Possibly some more news due today as Russell replied to someone on Instagram saying Announcement Sundays were great with And Mondays...
Wasn't there that rumour that Tennant and Tate would return, but not as the Doctor and Donna? Something about the 14th Doctor finding himself in a world where Doctor Who was a tv show? Will Tennant and Tate actually just be playing comedic version of themselves playing Ten and Donna? Tennant does have form for playing himself after all? ;)

I think at the time I suggested an idea whereby a newly regenerated Doctor finds himself coming across ordinary people who just happen to resemble previous incarnations of himself and people he's met over the centuries. It certainly gets around the "but they look older" complaints.

Will people be more or less excited if Tennant and Tate aren't playing the Doctor and Donna? (although RTD does specifically say The Doctor and Donna, but RTD, like Moffat, lies- and we love them for it)
I feel bad for Jodie Whittaker right now. Everyone just wants her last episode out the way so we can get to 14 and the return of 10.

If anything, new Doctor actors are announced before the current incarnation's final story airs, but given all of the news items coming in and the (ugh) "memberberries" of our favorite past Doctor and Donna returning and are asking just where and how Donna fits due to her finale (assuming this is in direct chronological continuation after her finale)...

I feel bad for Jodie too. (Never mind how Chibnall's final episode is hyping up and focusing far more on a handful of monsters and older companions...)

The only real surprise was the return of RTD as opposed to a new showrunner, where it would otherwise be impossible for anyone to guess they'll do a retread to appease fans so tightly wound to Tennant's era. The fact that, since then, older RTD-era elements are being paraded only confirms the show really is slipping backwards. Then again, we all saw this before when Rose was expositioned out of the show for a soppy good cry, fans balked, she comes back (with hardly any explanation - but at least more articles came out to discuss the latest top-10 moments that (modern) Doctor Who got viewers to cry. Would be stronger if in-story plot logic was given more than token lipservice, when said drama would be far stronger.)

Ncuti has his work cut out for him. I think he has the charisma and RTD is good at casting, but there is a common belief being observed that the show might be just a redo of his first era. It'll be great when the episodes show he can do more than cookie cutter maudlin melodrama.

Never knew that the show almost got axed when RTD intended to leave... but I never knew he had been providing advice to his successors since "leaving" either... it depends on which set of rumors people are going to believe. But as with Chibnall, RTD said he was done with the show, so expect Chibnall to be writing again by 2035.
RTD, like Moffat, lies- and we love them for it)

People like being lied to? (If they're writing a TV series or movie and don't want viewers to guess which butler did it too early on, sure. Anything beyond that, maybe not so much. Is there a consensus on what people like and don't like regarding that?)
I know it's a distant shot but damn he doesn't look any older!!!

I was about to say that if it wasn't for the face masks you'd think it was an old photo.

Interestingly in this photo you can see he's using Jodie's TARDIS.


Now either they're hoping people won't notice or there's something strange going on...
I was about to say that if it wasn't for the face masks you'd think it was an old photo.

Interestingly in this photo you can see he's using Jodie's TARDIS.
Now either they're hoping people won't notice or there's something strange going on...

I had the exact same thought re the masks.

I guess they might be assuming most people won't notice, but the wrong Tardis with a different overcoat? Either alt universe Doctor, alt universe David Tennant playing the Doctor on tv, or 14th Doctor is hallucinating and remembering things wrong?