TOS in the 29th century...

I'm thinking of giving the nacelles a bit more heft by enlargening them overall while keeping the proportions. That will be easy enough to do when I model it in 3D. Things look different in 3D.
Well, now that Warped9 has become quite skilled with Sketchup (a veritable modeling maniac!), he can readily model his concept and thus depict it from every conceivable angle.

Aww, bugger! I see I just got "ninja'd by you, Warped9.


For the moment I'm thinking about the structure atop the saucer. Either how to shape it as is or modifying the shape into something else. That structure is about 2-3 decks thick with the bridge near the centre of it, but not quite at the very top.
Might not look like a big difference, but I've enlargened the nacelles about five percent overall (while keeping the exact same shape and proportions) to give them a bit more heft. I tried making them ten persent larger and while it's only marginally larger I felt they started looking too heavy. Seen head on these nacelles would be rather ovod in shape. The secondary hull is also ovoid as seen head on, but it's not nearly as noticeable. As seen from above or below the secondary hull will be somewhat reminiscent of the Starfleet delta.

I think that gives it much better balance now. Yes. :)

What do you intend to do for the fore end of the stardrive section?
Anyway a bit more detail before I start modelling. Note the front view of the secondary hull and nacelles: they are not cylibders in the usual sense, but a bit more ovoid, or rather spherical on the sides and a bit flattened on top and bottom. Note, too, how the support pylons will attach to the nacelles---as seen from front (or back) they will have some suggestion of something wing like. Something like the gull wing of an Vought F4U Corsair but inverted.

Hmm. I think I might widen the nacelles a wee bit more.
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Anyway a bit more detail before I start modelling. Note the front view of the secondary hull and nacelles: they are not cylibders in the usual sense, but a bit more ovoid, or rather spherical on the sides and a bit flattened on top and bottom. Note, too, how the support pylons will attach to the nacelles---as seen from front (or back) they will have some suggestion of something wing like. Something like the gull wing of an Vought F4U Corsair but inverted.

Hmm. I think I might widen the nacelles a wee bit more.

I get what you're going for. But I think it looks more "out-of-balance" than the Abramsverse version at this stage.
When I initially designed this I "pushed" the ideas in Matt Jefferies' original design with some nods to the TMP refit as well. I also did lots of perspective sketches to get a handle of the shapes and proportions before I did a schematic. So when I start modelling this I've already got a fair idea of how it will look and I shouldn't have to tweak it too much in overall shape and proportions.

As far as the JJtrek design we'll have to agree to disagree.

My original inspiration for this was an odd looking ship I saw in a Japanese Manga comic many years ago. There was something in its shape that struck a chord and it got me thinking about how I could modify MJ's ideas. I was also thinking in terms of some things I've seen on the covers of SF novels, or more secifically the aesthtics of the designs on those covers. Initially I thought of this as a possible post TNG design, but now I envision it as something not set in that continuity and thus allows me more freedom while still retaining a measure of familiarity.
Warped9's design remind me a lot of the NX-1701-A design.

Ah, sorry.

Your ship has it's own style that doesn't appeal to me, but I'm sure I've posted some designs that don't appeal to others as well. So no biggy.
I've been thinking about certain details regarding how the secondary drive will look like as well as the different design of the deflector system.
Here we have a first look at my emerging design. I find it interesting to see in 3D. I have to say that when making computer models like this the individual parts sometimes don't look as you envisioned them in your mind. Sometimes they don't look right until they're connected with other parts and some light and shadow starts to make it all come together. That said this is looking pretty close to how I initially envisioned it. Of course, there will be modifications as I progress and there will be more detail added than I originally drew.

While I'm working this on the model (I'm near having the hangar section done) in the back of my mind I'm beginning to toy with two concepts. They would reflect the aesthetic approach I took with the Enterprise, but now I'm pondering design concepts for a Starfleet shuttlecraft and a Rihannsu (Romulan) Warburd.

This design for the Enterprise was greatly inspired by the work of some SF artists, particularly John Berkey and Vincent DiFate, but there were others as well such as Syd Mead. Since this was a reset/rebooted vision I jettisoned perhaps most of what had been done on Star Trek and sci-fi in film and television.

What I wanted to keep from the original:
- a clean, streamlined aesthetic with just the right balance of additional detail for a well integrated look.
- the essential saucer, secondary hull and nacelles concept.
- some basically familiar shapes to evoke the original MJ design yet still manage its own integrated look.

The main saucer hull is basically the MJ design but made somewhat more husky, almost as if it had been over-inflated. I eliminated the familiar bridge dome and B/C deck section for something different (which I'm currently working out). The dorsal made heftier overall in relation to the saucer resulting in a sizeable amount of room in that section. The support pylons are variations of those from the TMP refit, but again they are heftier in relation to the secondary hull. The hangar section is (like the saucer and dorsal) conceptually similar to the MJ original and the fantail is exaggerated.

The nacelles and the secondary hull are the biggest departure from MJ's original design. When I began sketching I tried some quite extreme shapes which were mostly an exercise in eliminating things I wouldn't use. But this approach can lead to interesting results as you find yourself considering things you mightn't have envisioned before. It pushes your comfort level. The lines of this design in profile suggests speed and something of leaping forward. When I considered using a different setup for the navigational deflector it allowed me more flexibility. And I deliberately tried lines and shapes that struck me as odd at first.

The nacelles might seem small (in profile) in relation to the ship given we are accustomed to a design with proportionately larger nacelles. But I wanted to think of advanced science and technology where size wasn't always an indicator of power. I wanted the nacelles to look integrated with the rest of the ship. Structurally they look well supported by the swept style pylons.

In terms of colour I envision it in varying tones of light grey or silver. The red and yellow of the Starfleet signage will remain although I will tweak the style. The font style will be different.

I toyed with different registries.

In the end I lean to keeping 1701 because it still works. If this were to be a farther future Enterprise set something after TNG then I would lean to 17001 or 71001. I was never of a fan of a suffix added to a registry.

In terms of sister ships I was initially considering the following: Enterprise, Excalibur, Valiant, Intrepid, Kongo, Challenger, ShiKahr and T'saio.
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I was about to say "Looks kind of John Berkey-ish in that 3/4 shot", but then I scrolled down, heh. So far it looks pretty pleasing to the eye - I'm interested to see how it looks with the engines roughed in place.
Today I completed the aft section with the fantail and hangar area. Presently I'm working on the dorsal. In the original drawing it was just a shape on the aft edge of the dorsal, but now I'm detailing that. I'll try to post something tomorrow.