Everything looks nice, but I'm not keen on the saucer separation. It leaves a fairly large and noticeable seam on the neck that really shouldn't be there.
Those are the seams located elsewhere on the model such as the saucer section edges. There is no fixing the neck seams since it needs to physically seperate.They said they were going to make the seems less noticable than the prototype. We shall see.
Those are the seams located elsewhere on the model such as the saucer section edges. There is no fixing the neck seams since it needs to physically seperate.
With the continued backer drops, I think they will, maybe with another 30 day extension.They should accept what they have gotten by the end date, and start production.
My wife's gonna kill me when that thing shows up.
Tomy is not eaglemoss. Eaglemoss is not even Eaglemoss..Some are still moving on this despite what happened with Eaglemoss? Good luck!
My charge went through. After the fiasco that was the build the E-D, I'm looking forward to a professionally done Enterprise (lights and all!).
Some are still moving on this despite what happened with Eaglemoss? Good luck!
Ah dang. Backer numbers are now going backwards. Went from 150% down to 130%. Backers are falling off. My account shows no contribution now. I also got an email from tomy and said i have 5 days to use a different credit card. My card is perfectly fine. I did get a text alert from my credit union on a possible fraud alert with the card with the Tomy purchase and if I wanted to continue with purchase.
As I posted above, Tomy is a major Japanese toy company, unlike Eaglemoss, they know what they’re doing.
I had the same thing happen, I bet the random $600 charge from a foreign country set off a lot of fraud alerts, which is why the numbers dropped. Presumably they’ll come back up once everyone gets their charges sorted.
Glad they're going ahead with this. I'm very much looking forward to what they come up with for the final production version of the model. Specifically the operation of the shuttle bay doors and how they're going to refine the saucer separation seam. If reviews of this one are generally positive and Tomy comes up with a TMP refit version I may just have to get one!