TNG fans please identify yourselves ...

Hi, newbie here.
I started to watch Star Trek since 2014 and liked it but really became a fan when I watched TNG few years later(just, too much episodes, especially for a non native speaker). And TNG stayed as my fav series even now I almost finished watching all series(haven't watched Discovery yet, but I think TNG can stay as my fav for sure) and no doubt Picard is my fav captain.
Can't tell my fav character cause it's a hard choice, I love them all. But my fav actor is between Patrick Stewart and Brent Spiner. Patrick Stewart's acting is just awesome and I love Brent Spiner as Data and being in one of my fav musicals(Sunday in the Park with George) gives him extra points in my heart lol
I started watching TNG early in the 90's and have been a fan ever since. I have seen a lot of Star Trek, but TNG remains my favorite. I like the ethics of the show, and the way it treats the future, and the way it does science. Although the science is good, it's not my favorite part of the show, as I said that would be the ethics, things like Prime Directive episodes, choices that are made by the captain and crew, etc. Imagining the diplomacy of an interplanetary Federation is something of a wonder to me.
Hi I'm Star Trek Addict. I'm in the 11-14 age range and I haven't quite finished Star Trek The Next Generation, but I love it so far. I'm on season three episode 24. This is my first time posting anything, so I'm sorry if I did it wrong. In order, my favorite characters are (in order) Captain Picard, Data, Geordi, Beverly, Riker, Worf, Troi, and Wesley. The character I hate most of all is Q. The character is annoying, but funny. I really want to meet Patrick Stewart, but so far that hasn't happened. I don't really have a favorite episode because I haven't finished.
Hi I'm Star Trek Addict. I'm in the 11-14 age range and I haven't quite finished Star Trek The Next Generation, but I love it so far. I'm on season three episode 24. This is my first time posting anything, so I'm sorry if I did it wrong. In order, my favorite characters are (in order) Captain Picard, Data, Geordi, Beverly, Riker, Worf, Troi, and Wesley. The character I hate most of all is Q. The character is annoying, but funny. I really want to meet Patrick Stewart, but so far that hasn't happened. I don't really have a favorite episode because I haven't finished.
OK, kid, if you do anything wrong, we'll all yell at you and talk at you behind your back.
Now, back to reality: Welcome to the board. This can be a great place to learn how other people perceive the show and seek to present their feelings to the members. Feel free to add to the conversations with your own ideas as they develop.
OK, kid, if you do anything wrong, we'll all yell at you and talk at you behind your back.
Now, back to reality: Welcome to the board. This can be a great place to learn how other people perceive the show and seek to present their feelings to the members. Feel free to add to the conversations with your own ideas as they develop.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. I was just worried I would somehow mess this up. I was also wondering what your favorite scene from Season three episode twenty-six part 1 is.
Hi I'm Star Trek Addict. I'm in the 11-14 age range and I haven't quite finished Star Trek The Next Generation, but I love it so far. I'm on season three episode 24.
There might be some people here that envy you if you haven't watched more than only few seasons of TNG so far, during seasons 3 and 4 it only gets better. (at least I think so)
There might be some people here that envy you if you haven't watched more than only few seasons of TNG so far, during seasons 3 and 4 it only gets better. (at least I think so)

Have you watched every season in Next Generation or no? Is there a certain season that jumps the shark that I should avoid? I'm not the best judge about anything so that's why I'm asking. You also said that some people might envy me so I wasn't sure if TNG took a bad turn.
Have you watched every season in Next Generation or no? Is there a certain season that jumps the shark that I should avoid? I'm not the best judge about anything so that's why I'm asking. You also said that some people might envy me so I wasn't sure if TNG took a bad turn.
I'm pretty sure JesterFace meant that it is rare to find someone watching the show for the first time this long after its first run. Most of us have had multiple runs through the 7 seasons. You'll get many different opinions about which seasons and individual episodes are wonderful and which are less so. Personally, I think it continues to improve seasons three through six with a slight drop off in seven but that's just one man's opinion. Don't skip anything, no matter what you may hear.
Greetings, everyone. I've just joined this forum tonight. I'm probably in the minority here in that I've only just finished watching TNG for the first time in my life (I'm 24 years old). It's the first Star Trek media I've ever watched, too. Despite it not being similar to anything else I'd previously watched and enjoyed in my life, I absolutely loved this show, to the point where I'd say it's my favourite show (if one can say that after only one watch of the series).

I've found that I do hold quite a few unpopular opinions when it comes to TNG compared to more long-time fans - maybe that's because I'm watching it decades later, with no pre-set expectations from TOS (which I haven't watched). For example, I thoroughly enjoyed the first two seasons and find season 1 to be very entertaining in its own way - the dated, awkward nature of it is endearing in a way. I'd say without hesitation that I find season 1 to be more enjoyable and memorable than season 7, that's for sure.
Have you watched every season in Next Generation or no? Is there a certain season that jumps the shark that I should avoid? I'm not the best judge about anything so that's why I'm asking. You also said that some people might envy me so I wasn't sure if TNG took a bad turn.

Yes, I have watched through TNG several times.
I don't think there's anyone who should start telling others what to watch and where Fonzie or some shark comes along. Go through the entire series and you can decide what you like.

I'm pretty sure JesterFace meant that it is rare to find someone watching the show for the first time this long after its first run. Most of us have had multiple runs through the 7 seasons. You'll get many different opinions about which seasons and individual episodes are wonderful and which are less so. Personally, I think it continues to improve seasons three through six with a slight drop off in seven but that's just one man's opinion. Don't skip anything, no matter what you may hear.
This. It's interesting to notice that there are people who are completely new to Star Trek. At the same time I start noticing I started watching this series when some people here might have not even been born.
Okay, thanks to everyone who answered! Also, is Counselor Troi hated as much or more than Wesley Crusher? I have talked with some people and seen on other forums that some people hate Counselor Troi and I was just wondering why.
Okay, thanks to everyone who answered! Also, is Counselor Troi hated as much or more than Wesley Crusher? I have talked with some people and seen on other forums that some people hate Counselor Troi and I was just wondering why.

I dislike Troi more than I do Wesley. Not only are her episodes usually orders of magnitude worse (with the exception of Face of the Enemy, one of my favourite episodes), but as a character she's just a wet blanket in terms of personality. At least Wesley often had an energetic and proactive attitude; Troi is just so dull to listen to. Despite being a counsellor, she isn't a particularly good "people person", in terms of actually being enjoyable to be around, unlike her mother. Every time she talks about psychological problems, she sounds like she's mindlessly quoting entry-level text-book phrases without much deeper thought.

A dull, uninteresting and poorly acted character. By far the worst female regular on TNG, and a poor choice to be the most prominent female character.
Wow. No one has had that many bad things to say about her. Not trying to be rude or mean. Thank you for answering. I was very confused on why she wasn't liked very much. This sums up what the majority of the Troi dislikers said. Again, not trying to offend or be rude. Thank you again for answering. :)
Greetings! TNG is my favorite show, although I used to dismiss it because how terrible the first two seasons were, thinking that the whole series was like that. After season 3 when they started making more character-driven stories, it became really great. Comparing with early TNG, it's like watching two completely different shows which happens to use the same sets and actors.

The ensemble style casting provided greater opportunity to develop the characters more, unlike TOS that felt very restrained in this aspect. Every character have their own episode, including characters we've never seen before neither we wanted to, like... the Outrageous Okona! :lol: Probably the worst example though, but you get it. There's so many great episodes on the series that it's difficult to choose a favorite. It's easier to call out underrated ones like "Rascals" and "The Survivors".

I like Counselor Troi but her place in the show is very weird. The writers clearly didn't know how to write a counselor character. She's an empath yet either she says the most obvious things or they have to come up with excuses like the "person's mind is too closed" when the plot requires suspense. So what's the point in having an empath character then? Even worse is her mother, probably the most irritating character in the whole franchise. At least not as annoying as Vic Fontaine.
Yes, I have watched through TNG several times.
I don't think there's anyone who should start telling others what to watch and where Fonzie or some shark comes along. Go through the entire series and you can decide what you like.

This. It's interesting to notice that there are people who are completely new to Star Trek. At the same time I start noticing I started watching this series when some people here might have not even been born.

As one of many who resembles that remark, I wholly agree with you. Perspectives from individual reception is fun to write and read about, getting through the entire series - regardless of order - is still best, whether it's chronological, best to least, via random number generator that selects one from 178 then repeats, etc... :D Because that's where the reading of others' takes on the episodes comes in best. :angel:
The thing about the Next Generation for me was Picards character and how the crew worked together to solve problems. Picard was just so iconic. All the other captains could not hold a candle to him in my opinion. Tasha Yar said it best, the heart of an explorer and the soul of a poet. The other Treks simply were not intense enough. Archer for example, just awful. Sisko was pretty good but still nowhere near Picard.
Okay. That leads into my next question. Who is your favorite captains (from least to greatest) and why? I can't really answer this question because I haven't watched all of the series.
That's a hard question for me to answer. My favorite captain is usually the captain of the series I'm currently watching. I love all of the them.

Welcome to the boards!