Spoilers TNG: Collateral Damage by David Mack Review Thread

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Good Day Everyone!

Just a quick question on reading order. My favorite blog chart hasn’f been updated in a while.

Would this line up work:
Prey (trilogy)
Hearts and Minds
Headlong Flight
Available Light
Collateral Damage
If you haven't read Disavowed and Sight Unseen yet, I'd read those before Prey.
Then I'd go:
Headlong Flights
Hearts and Minds (this is the third book in Dayton's MJ12 series, so if you haven't read the first two, TOS: From History's Shadow and TOS: Elusive Salvation, I'd read them first)
Section 31: Control
Fortune of War (I haven't read this one, but I did someone refer it tying into Collateral Damage)
Available Light
Collateral Damage
Was a pretty good book. I had hoped it would have involved the Bashir story as well, give him some closure on the Section 31 story. I liked the Worf story a lot. The Picard story ended the way I thought it would, I like that he's become the 24th century Kirk in his punishment, I know it's not completely the same, but I have always felt he would never leave being a Captain after his experience with Kirk in Generations. This story helped me remember what I love about the litverse. I really want more. I want DS9 to get some focus and get better because this was good stuff.

I'm eager to see what it is.
I can't tell you except to say that it involves way more Dean Stockwell than you would have originally thought.
I was pleasantly surprised by this book. I had this dread about a third in that it was going to serve as a finale and everyone would die. But instead the Enterprise plot epitomised all that is good about TNG and espoused its ideals very well. It felt like a proper TNG novel, though the first person narratives were confusing at the start.
I enjoyed it far more than the last few TNG novels.
Enjoyed it much more than I expected from some of the early posts in this thread. Was happy to see Riker featured in some way since there isn't a Titan novel this year. It does feel like the TNG relaunch is nearing it's end with some of the developments here. I just hope this isn't the last Destiny timeline novel we see.
since the price increase on Trek books
If the Amazon.co.uk listing for Picard, Last Best Hope is accurate, then things are going to get worse as it's a whopping £16.99 RRP.

Everyone has a price that they won't go beyond when buying something, but the combination of a big jump a couple of years back and then, perhaps, another one, plus a sort-of-or-maybe-not relaunch = potential jumping off point.
If the Amazon.co.uk listing for Picard, Last Best Hope is accurate, then things are going to get worse as it's a whopping £16.99 RRP.

Everyone has a price that they won't go beyond when buying something, but the combination of a big jump a couple of years back and then, perhaps, another one, plus a sort-of-or-maybe-not relaunch = potential jumping off point.
It's a hardcover, thus the higher price point.

Not that it changes your point; that may be your jumping-off point. I don't have room for any more dead-tree books, so I'm past my jumping-off point. But I still get the audios and e-books.
They are also likely thinking that casual fans are more likely to buy it - the price will drop over time as they always do.
I can't remember the last time I devoured a Trek book so fast. If this is the last outing we see from the Enterprise in the novelverse timeline, I'm pretty happy with it. Thanks, Mr. Mack.

(And thank you for putting the image of Star Trek versions of Brooklyn-99 characters in my head. I was highly amused by the mental image. My favorite Easter Egg in ages.)
I’m 260 pages in and I’m enjoying it a lot. I did notice that Picard did lie in his testimony which is naughty of him. He was not in command of the Enterprise when it was destroyed. He was prisoner on the planet at the time. How could he forget that? :)

The Naomi Wildman stuff is confusing. She should be 14 years old at this but she’s already a lieutenant in Starfleet and that she she’s at a faster rate but that simply doesn’t give her enough time to achieve that rank. Maybe the Voyager novels explain that.

I didn’t know this Okona guy at first. I thought he was simply a character from a previous novel I haven’t read but the more I got into the book, the more a image appeared in my head of the guy until I thought, “is this the guy who flirted with Teri Hatcher?” I looked him up and I was right. Talk about an obscure character to bring back.

Should be finished in the next day or two. I really hope this isn’t the last book in this continuity. There is a short chapter on the Titan which seems to reset that series in a way which would be fun to read. Plus I would love to read the novel verse version of Countdown; giving more depth in the Hobus incident and Nero.