TNG at 35!

I also remember seeing a picture of the new Enterprise-D in the paper, before the series began. Wasn't sure what to think at the time. For me, the primary Enterprise was the one in the movies.
2. I remember the extended preview that preceded the episode, giving a basic overview of the plot. It felt like a huge event.
3. The TMP theme as the credits rolled (actor names only, no character names)…totally psyched!
4. That first look at the Enterprise as she slowly descended from the top of the screen to a beautiful pan over the gorgeously detailed (and heavily windowed) saucer. I remember thinking that the model effects were motion picture quality.
2. Is that available somewhere?
3. I was wondering if people felt disappointed that a movie tune was simply reused :D
4. ILM ;)
1. I remember reading the special “close- up” article in TV Guide and mis-pronouncing Picard’s name much the same way Q does in Tapestry (my Dad corrected me and my mom was giggling)

They mispronounce his name in every episode ;) both his given and family name.
I always found that to be a particularly weird thing about TNG. They have a main character who's French but fail consistently to pronounce his name in the correct French a show where they regularly have to memorize the pronunciation of made up names...
Here's the electronic press kit sent out to all the affiliate stations so they could do stories about TNG's premier:

I had a copy of this on a VHS tape that I won at a convention. This is where I first learned that Troi was originally supposed to be the "Spock" of the show—cool, rational, and the brains. But as Sirtis said, once Troi got cleavage her brain went away. And when she lost her cleavage, her brain came back and suddenly she's the expert in Romulans!
Here's the electronic press kit sent out to all the affiliate stations so they could do stories about TNG's premier:

I had a copy of this on a VHS tape that I won at a convention. This is where I first learned that Troi was originally supposed to be the "Spock" of the show—cool, rational, and the brains. But as Sirtis said, once Troi got cleavage her brain went away. And when she lost her cleavage, her brain came back and suddenly she's the expert in Romulans!
Very cool! Thanks, Ryan! I'm fascinated that there was no feature on Spiner.
This side of the Atlantic the shows came out on video tape ever before they were broadcast on (terrestrial) tv.
So I remember volunteering to babysit my aunt’s kids (she had a VCR).Opening an account at the local video store and renting out the tapes one after the other for a couple of weeks in a row.:eek:

Yep,I’m aware of just how baffling this post will be to younger people on here.:shrug:
Very baffling. By my time, we had our own supply of blank VHS tapes and a VCR ready to tape "Voyager," and sometimes TNG, when the reruns were on.
Before TNG started here I saw a picture of the crew in a magazine and I thought Data was the captain because he wore a yellow uniform and I was only familiar with TOS.

This is the picture, I still remember them standing on the rocks:
Got my first VHS (hand me down with pop-up loader) in the early 90's, began building early TNG (and TOS) libraries from reruns, and TNG first runs starting that year onward.

Never missed new episodes of all series all the way until the last episode of ENT. Somewhere along that time I upgraded to a new VCR as they became affordable. At its peak, 6 commercial free first run episodes per tape.

Soon after, (the next year!) the Trek DVD seasons started dropping monthly (had already got a DVD player for the home video craze.) I began giving my VHS away as I got the sets.

Not enough can be said for how TNG revitalized Trek in my life.

Happy Anniversary!
Before TNG started here I saw a picture of the crew in a magazine and I thought Data was the captain because he wore a yellow uniform and I was only familiar with TOS.

This is the picture, I still remember them standing on the rocks:
Haha yeah I still don't fully understand the difference between red/gold uniforms...
Haha yeah I still don't fully understand the difference between red/gold uniforms...
Gold: Command
Red: Engineering and Security
Blue: Science and medical staff

But the distinction wasn't always clear, sometimes they'd put guest stars in uniforms of the wrong color because they looked better in them and Uhura switched from gold to red after her first filmed episode presumably for the same reason.

For TNG gold and red were switched.
Gold: Command
Red: Engineering and Security
Blue: Science and medical staff

But the distinction wasn't always clear, sometimes they'd put guest stars in uniforms of the wrong color because they looked better in them and Uhura switched from gold to red after her first filmed episode presumably for the same reason.

For TNG gold and red were switched.
Yeah I think they still got it mixed up for TNG since Wesley and some other random low level guys had the red uniforms that I think of it why does Boimler/Mariner in Lower Decks have red too...?
Watched "...Farpoint" when it premiered, then wore out the VHS tape I recorded it on over the next week waiting for the next episode.